I know that Darkfall has been due to hit beta for a few years as well as due to release for a few years. Alot of people are saying that it will be crummy when it comes out because they went to quickly on it. But inessence they're probably taking longer because there are certain things to work out in the game and they plan to get them right. Personally I'd rather they take a long time to produce a good game instead of a short time to produce a shotty game.
it's already long, and I'm sure it's good
Well unfortunately alot of the times when people deliver a game to quickly it ends up being sub par to what people were expecting. So basically if you were to rush production you'd get a crappy product. This has happened with more then just MMOGs one such example of it happened when Final fantasy 7 was released in japan to early, because of this there were a bunch of holes and such in it and they ended up with an unfinished product.... they did finish it when they released it here in america but most of the time an MMOG doesn't have such a luxory. In the end I'd have t say "good things come to those who wait" and wait for Darkfall.
Yeah it is sort of a no-brainer.
Zelda: The Ocarina of Time wouldn't have been the game it was if it wasn't delayed so much.
He was talking about games in general, not for DFO specifically.
As long as it has to take.
Why would you ever want a crappy game?