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Hey folks. Will this be a game that someone will regret not buying early? Will land run out? I know a lot of people thinking about playing Eve Online for the first time tend to ask this question about how much of a disadvantage will they have versus people who have played for years. Obviously they are at a disadvantage in some aspects, for for the most part in can be competitive in a short time.
How will that work in this game? I've learned to not buy MMO"s at release, let them iron out the bugs and get a general 'trusted' review from players before deciding to buy. But, I dont' want to regret not buying it at release if you know what I mean.
Hopes this makes sense. Thanks
-Unconstitutional laws aren't laws.-
There is a real advantage to starting day one when a server comes up.
This game has been out years there is a ton of content and there is a learning curve too.
I would suggest buying it, starting at the four day headstart, then when they release new servers four or five days in move to one of those. I know in Russia they were adding servers two weeks in still. You will be playing with people that have not been playing for months and also going through the initial rush of the head start you will have a better idea what to do.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
ask yourself this question, do you plan on sub this game for ever ? because only sub player can buy and own land, and only way to keep the house is to keep sub ( 15 dollar a month ) to keep the house.
another thing, down the road peoples will get tired and stop sub, and more land will open up.
so dont worried about house or space.
Theres no reason to wait for them to iron out the bugs.
For the most part they were ironed out a long time ago. The game isn't buggy at all.
There will be a huge land rush at game launch, that's guaranteed.
However, after the usual 2 to 3 months, half the population will leave and then a ton of land will be up for grabs again.
There is no need to worry about "launch month bugs" or anything like that, seeing as the game code has already been running in Korea for about 2 years.
[mod edit]
Yea, I hope this one is better, but ive never been a big fan of the 'land grab' functionality in these games... so I may just give it a pass:)
We are the Founding Fathers in this virtual world in which we create. As such it seems we must do what our Founding Fathers had to do.. in order to let our fellow gamers have a fair shake.
Doesnt matter when i start playing because i dont participate in any "race", and if i do i will lose.
I only play 3, 4h a day so doesnt matter if i get headstart or not, when i get my big farm there will be alot of 50s allready and alot of farms and houses place everywhere, so no need to rush for me.
Now, if when i need to place a big farm and look for a place during entire week for example and cant find any spot thats not going to be good for the game imo, and doesnt matter if its 2nd week or 3th month or a year after release.
Open more servers, increase the available land for building, limit 1 farm per char or any other solution will be need it imo.
I will start playing without any rush, will see how things going and how Trion handle the servers capacity, level my char to 50 without worry with farms and houses if not available spots, if at 2nd or 3th month still no solution and dont see nothing from Trion to help the solution then the game its extremely bad managed imo.
Spot selling to farms should not be allowed to keep things more balance in-game. Ppl might claim its like real world demanding, but AA is not like real world, its a game with alot of rules like limit building spaces.
Anyway, i will be there having fun in some way, cant farm? i will be a fisherman