-good graphics -this actually has a storyline unlike other MMOs -a lot of different armor and weapons you can get for your charecter -you can get 2 classes (i cant post anymore i g2g hehe)
Bad points:
-there are some really long missions and some really hard ones -the highest lvl is 20
hmmm....maybe we should all just play wow since its the BEST GAME EVER.
Get real people. You really can not compare GW to all the rest of the mmos. It really eben isn't one (arenanet claims this) and personally I dont care. There is a major social aspect to the game and it has a tons of people.....dont have to say much more.
Originally posted by knightknife hmmm....maybe we should all just play wow since its the BEST GAME EVER. Get real people. You really can not compare GW to all the rest of the mmos. It really eben isn't one (arenanet claims this) and personally I dont care. There is a major social aspect to the game and it has a tons of people.....dont have to say much more.
GW owns WoW cause WoW gets soooo old but with guild wars it has an occuping STORY LINE WoW might have a storyline but i can bet its not as good as GW's WoW is a good game but i think GW is a little better because all u basicly do is hunt and there are bosses in WoW right? well same as guild wars but they dont just give a mission saying.... "go beat the crap out of the dragon in butt hole cave" in guild wars it might say that but it is a challenge to get there cause there is a path and u cant go around enemys as easily so it makes u fight them and use some team work its not just fight ur own monster win then get aggroed all you do in WoW is fight alone or with a group and either win soooo easily or just die in the beggining and with GW you dont need a group when u have henchmen, but when its a hard mission i wouldnt suggest it and how long are WoW missions?!?!?! GW misssions can keep u sitting in ur chair twitching at the computer screen for hours! AND U CAN GO BACK TO MISSIONS which will help with guildies and friends, is this enough to say guild wars is better?
Originally posted by Kazanukari Originally posted by knightknife hmmm....maybe we should all just play wow since its the BEST GAME EVER. Get real people. You really can not compare GW to all the rest of the mmos. It really eben isn't one (arenanet claims this) and personally I dont care. There is a major social aspect to the game and it has a tons of people.....dont have to say much more.
GW owns WoW cause WoW gets soooo old but with guild wars it has an occuping STORY LINE WoW might have a storyline but i can bet its not as good as GW's WoW is a good game but i think GW is a little better because all u basicly do is hunt and there are bosses in WoW right? well same as guild wars but they dont just give a mission saying.... "go beat the crap out of the dragon in butt hole cave" in guild wars it might say that but it is a challenge to get there cause there is a path and u cant go around enemys as easily so it makes u fight them and use some team work its not just fight ur own monster win then get aggroed all you do in WoW is fight alone or with a group and either win soooo easily or just die in the beggining and with GW you dont need a group when u have henchmen, but when its a hard mission i wouldnt suggest it and how long are WoW missions?!?!?! GW misssions can keep u sitting in ur chair twitching at the computer screen for hours! AND U CAN GO BACK TO MISSIONS which will help with guildies and friends, is this enough to say guild wars is better?
You can't say: MMOa is better than MMOb, it's just a matter of taste.
i think guild wars and wow are joint first as the best mmorpgs in the world i just dont get board with either of them i enjoy comeing home from rugby and going on them guild wars has the advantage over wow because its a free mmo and it isnt a game that u have to play all the time to get your moneys worth out of it!
wow Aydrian, you do not make that much sense. All I said was that you cant compare the 2 BECAUSE OF GAME TYPES and that Guild Wars does have a social aspect (some people were claiming it was single player). Its useless posts like yours that start arguements like this (there are like 1000 of them now--gw vr wow that is-- anyways i dont see how you can even.....oh nvm
Originally posted by knightknife wow Aydrian, you do not make that much sense. All I said was that you cant compare the 2 BECAUSE OF GAME TYPES and that Guild Wars does have a social aspect (some people were claiming it was single player). Its useless posts like yours that start arguements like this (there are like 1000 of them now--gw vr wow that is-- anyways i dont see how you can even.....oh nvm
Easily. WoW IS NOT THE BEST GAME EVER. If it was, then everyone would love it. That's your opinion and I won't insult that, but saying everyone should play it just because you think it's better then everything else doesn't make too much sense. It only proves that your opinion of GW is biased because you like it's top competitor a lot more. If GW wasn't the top competitor for WoW, it wouldn't recieve so much crap, but because it is, the WoW lovers constantly come to this forum to trash the game.
The sad thing is that more then 70% of the people who insult this game are five kinds of people:
1) People who've never played it. 2) People who didn't get past the Pre-Searing. (training area) 3) People who joined the game expecting it to suck. Let's face it people, if you loved WoW and joined the game expecting to hate it, then you probably will. 4) People who don't like changes in there online games. 5) People who didn't bother doing their homework on the game and just saw it at that store and said "OMG! NO MONTHLY FEES! AWESOME!!" And bought it right away with hardly looking at the damned box.
And I have come to despise anyone who fits under that list. Which one do you fit under?
aydrian, i think u misunderstood me, I was being sarcastic when i said wow was the best game ever. I do not even play wow anymore. I was just trying to say that it is useless to compare Wow and GW because they are really different kinds of games.
You obtain skills all through the game from missions and natural progression of the storylines. As you level your hp and power pools will increase, you get points to put into different areas of skills (e.g. for an elementalist - fire or earth, etc) allowing different players to specialise to some degree in the power groups of their choice. You can lvl to 20 fast and you wont feel as though you've ground your way there, the story line in this game is excellent and it's implementation is well thought out.
Judging from your question however your primarily concerned regarding the PvP side of things. To which I agree with those already posted once your 20 it's largely about the skill of your group with a little bit of luck thrown in for good measure but played time has the advatage of experience so I wouldn't say it was irrelavent.
If I had a complaint it would not be the instancing (although I'm not a fan of it, instancing works perfectly for this game) it would be the linear style of the missions sometimes. I understand the reasons for path restrictions in missions but I dont have to lie it
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
This game is awesome, the graphics are amazing and there are millions of ppl to play with. The PVP plus PvE is great and u get instance zones so u can get all the monsters u want, or u can bring a friend.
Everquest 2: Spellman Wolfrunner, 22nd Warden. Everquest 1: Spellmen Wolfrunner 43rd Druid. Planetside: Shotmeister of the Terran Republic
I like Gw because it has the best graphics of all the MMORPG games,but with some reasons i don't like Gw.As you know,you can't see other ppl when you are outside of cities. ( although you can see if in a party ) Other thing is that you can not go over someplaces,can't jump,no horse in game...and like all the other games as known MMORPG you're gonna be bored in the end.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is something that you can't ignore,a simple thing worth fighting for...
Silvera Elenin [ The Blue Flames ] - Guild Wars Silvera [ Miracle Knights ] - World of Warcraft
I like the environmental graphics they are pretty nice but the characters all look the same even if they are wearing better gear in town. The game has a very lonely feeling to it. People are just running to each new quest. This is instanced to the max in a bad way. You should be given a choice if you want to go into your own instance or if you want to experience the world with many other players and deal with the associated lag.
Its funny when I hear people complaining about lvl 20 being the cap, it brings me to think that they are the type of people (not all of them though) that like to go around being a higher level then everyone else fealling good about themselfs. There is a reason lvl 20 is the cap, becuase what happens in a game when you have people in a guild that are way above the level of most people, thats the only reason the guild becomes good, but in Guild Wars, a guild that started two day ago and has a decent amount of players, can beat a guild that been around since the beginning. Its about skill, its about how you can apply different profession tactics in battle, and its about how you utilize your skills for the situations. Now just to be clear I dont even play Guild Wars that much, but so far its about one of the only games out there thats worth the price you pay.
I love GW, offcourse it's nice there is no monthly fee, i think no game could ever be interesting enough to have to pay every month to be ALLOWED to play it, you buy the game u get to play thats that!
I personally like the instanced system more then i hate it, i miss the lack of "random" players wandering around helping you out or just chatting, but i don't miss the kill stealing by those same "random" players, or the loot stealing, or the horrible lagg because of over camped dungeons and alike.
I LOVE the graphics, one of the many cool things was when i saw a really big statue in the distance (and i'm talking distance) after quiet a while of walking and fighting i was actually standing at the base of this huge statue, it's not all just a distant texture in GW, it's there, and you can go there if u want.
The other side is, those invisible boundries, u can't walk anywhere u want, in some areas u can pretty much go where u want following natures logic (not up a straight clif etc etc), but sometimes u see a phat looking ruine or something, and u just can't reach it.
I like the fact u don't need too spend a lot of time or effort getting from location to location, i hate public transport in real life, and really dislike having to actually "travel" to locations if been to allready. GW eliminates this, travelling to places you've been to is just a keystroke and a mouseclick away.
Immature community, well i'd have to say, if u just look at the general chat when u first start the game, then yes it's very disscouraging, but if u take the time to kind of filter out the idiots from the friendlies (like in every game) then you'll find the community is thriving and pretty damn friendly.
guild wars is a good game although of a certain type. to me its not really an mmo as it is completly instanced so does not allow for the type of game play associated with mmorpg's.
in response to the last poster about the lvl cap, many people may complain due to the fact you reach lvl 20 way before the end of the game (unless u miss out alot) because of this apart from the aquiring of skill points the rest of the can campaign seem a bit dull. Also some people will believe that there should be some sort of challenge to reaching to higher lvls (and no i am not talking about pure grinding) it seems to easy to get there.
(do not get me wrong in this post, i played all through guild wars and enjoyed it, however it did have its draw backs)
Oh, forgot, here's a handy tip if you've completed the game so far and are getting bored farming and such. Try helping out the people in the low lvl areas, it's great fun, you stil get to feel "like the big man on campus" cause of yer lvl and experience, and at the same time u help others progress in the game, cause come on, it's fun too bash that chars' skull in even if u get 0 Xp (it is to me any way, but hey i'm a helpfull person )
Ive enjoyed my play in guild wars. The best part is the no monthly fee. you can play when you feel like it. I stopped playing for about three months and when i decided to play again i pm'ed some old friends and the hooked me up with a guild so now im where i was 3 months ago. i dont get passed up just because i dont play for awhile.
The mistake people make is that they try to play this game like wow. The pve component is not the main point of the game. If you want endless level grinding and moving from spawn to spawn as you level up then dont play this game.
This game is about aquiring skills and getting a group of people together for pvp. You level up fast and can have a character that is viable in the toughest of competiton much more quickly than in any other mmorpg.
The pvp is where the toughest challenge and countless hours of play are found. To be successful you need a good team, a lot of preparation, and a very in-depth knowledge of the skills and templates. Levels and equipment hardly matter since everyone essentially is equally powerful. In this respect you can play your character for thousands of hours but you won't become any stronger after a certain point.
People who complain about the lvl 20 cap are missing the point of the game. Its supposed to be low because it makes it possible for far more people to get into the really in-depth pvp, which in turn makes it far more intense and competitive. Secondly, aquiring all the skills is far more important and challenging than getting to lvl 20. The elite skills really only start to become available at lvl 20.
You character really is at its strongest when it has all the skills unlocked because it can play a variety of roles within the party. Every class can have skill sets that fill many different roles under the general class archetype. There are thousands and thousands of options, which makes the game far more dynamic than most other games.
GW is for people who don't care about boring and endless pve battles while they slowly etch their cookie cutter character up the lvl chain where the only reward is uninspired pvp where only the people who have played for 10 000 hrs can truly compete.
To answer the origional poster, player and team skill in terms of planning, knowledge of the skills and builds is what determines the winner. Time played, equipment and levels make virtually no difference because getting to the top level and obtaining the best equipment is much faster and easier than in other games. To make it even faster, you can make pvp characters already are at the top lvl and can have the best equipment quite quickly by unlocking runes and components with a minimal amount of faction points or IDing drops in pve.
The only real complaint that holds ground with GW is that the game is essentially entirely instanced. Personally I believe the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Its very easy to find people to play with and get a group together. A lot of people just seem to want to see others running around while they adventure. I think the system works very well the way it is.
Nevertheless, if you are a pvp player then GW is by far the best fantasy based rpg you can find if you want real skill based meaningful competition.
Originally posted by AmatsuKaiser Its funny when I hear people complaining about lvl 20 being the cap, it brings me to think that they are the type of people (not all of them though) that like to go around being a higher level then everyone else fealling good about themselfs. There is a reason lvl 20 is the cap, becuase what happens in a game when you have people in a guild that are way above the level of most people, thats the only reason the guild becomes good, but in Guild Wars, a guild that started two day ago and has a decent amount of players, can beat a guild that been around since the beginning. Its about skill, its about how you can apply different profession tactics in battle, and its about how you utilize your skills for the situations. Now just to be clear I dont even play Guild Wars that much, but so far its about one of the only games out there thats worth the price you pay.
i like this game a lot
Good Points:
-good graphics
-this actually has a storyline unlike other MMOs
-a lot of different armor and weapons you can get for your charecter
-you can get 2 classes
(i cant post anymore i g2g hehe)
Bad points:
-there are some really long missions and some really hard ones
-the highest lvl is 20
cant post anymore
party system sucks, gameplay sucks, graph nice.
hmmm....maybe we should all just play wow since its the BEST GAME EVER.
Get real people. You really can not compare GW to all the rest of the mmos. It really eben isn't one (arenanet claims this) and personally I dont care. There is a major social aspect to the game and it has a tons of people.....dont have to say much more.
GW owns WoW cause WoW gets soooo old but with guild wars it has an occuping STORY LINE WoW might have a storyline but i can bet its not as good as GW's WoW is a good game but i think GW is a little better because all u basicly do is hunt and there are bosses in WoW right? well same as guild wars but they dont just give a mission saying.... "go beat the crap out of the dragon in butt hole cave" in guild wars it might say that but it is a challenge to get there cause there is a path and u cant go around enemys as easily so it makes u fight them and use some team work its not just fight ur own monster win then get aggroed all you do in WoW is fight alone or with a group and either win soooo easily or just die in the beggining and with GW you dont need a group when u have henchmen, but when its a hard mission i wouldnt suggest it and how long are WoW missions?!?!?! GW misssions can keep u sitting in ur chair twitching at the computer screen for hours! AND U CAN GO BACK TO MISSIONS which will help with guildies and friends, is this enough to say guild wars is better?
GW owns WoW cause WoW gets soooo old but with guild wars it has an occuping STORY LINE WoW might have a storyline but i can bet its not as good as GW's WoW is a good game but i think GW is a little better because all u basicly do is hunt and there are bosses in WoW right? well same as guild wars but they dont just give a mission saying.... "go beat the crap out of the dragon in butt hole cave" in guild wars it might say that but it is a challenge to get there cause there is a path and u cant go around enemys as easily so it makes u fight them and use some team work its not just fight ur own monster win then get aggroed all you do in WoW is fight alone or with a group and either win soooo easily or just die in the beggining and with GW you dont need a group when u have henchmen, but when its a hard mission i wouldnt suggest it and how long are WoW missions?!?!?! GW misssions can keep u sitting in ur chair twitching at the computer screen for hours! AND U CAN GO BACK TO MISSIONS which will help with guildies and friends, is this enough to say guild wars is better?
You can't say: MMOa is better than MMOb, it's just a matter of taste.
And WoW stays fun if you play RP.
I Am Special K.
Easily. WoW IS NOT THE BEST GAME EVER. If it was, then everyone would love it. That's your opinion and I won't insult that, but saying everyone should play it just because you think it's better then everything else doesn't make too much sense. It only proves that your opinion of GW is biased because you like it's top competitor a lot more. If GW wasn't the top competitor for WoW, it wouldn't recieve so much crap, but because it is, the WoW lovers constantly come to this forum to trash the game.
The sad thing is that more then 70% of the people who insult this game are five kinds of people:
1) People who've never played it.
2) People who didn't get past the Pre-Searing. (training area)
3) People who joined the game expecting it to suck. Let's face it people, if you loved WoW and joined the game expecting to hate it, then you probably will.
4) People who don't like changes in there online games.
5) People who didn't bother doing their homework on the game and just saw it at that store and said "OMG! NO MONTHLY FEES! AWESOME!!" And bought it right away with hardly looking at the damned box.
And I have come to despise anyone who fits under that list. Which one do you fit under?
You obtain skills all through the game from missions and natural progression of the storylines. As you level your hp and power pools will increase, you get points to put into different areas of skills (e.g. for an elementalist - fire or earth, etc) allowing different players to specialise to some degree in the power groups of their choice. You can lvl to 20 fast and you wont feel as though you've ground your way there, the story line in this game is excellent and it's implementation is well thought out.
Judging from your question however your primarily concerned regarding the PvP side of things. To which I agree with those already posted once your 20 it's largely about the skill of your group with a little bit of luck thrown in for good measure but played time has the advatage of experience so I wouldn't say it was irrelavent.
If I had a complaint it would not be the instancing (although I'm not a fan of it, instancing works perfectly for this game) it would be the linear style of the missions sometimes. I understand the reasons for path restrictions in missions but I dont have to lie it![image](http://www.mmorpg.com/images/emoticons/emt_tongue2.gif)
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
This game is awesome, the graphics are amazing and there are millions of ppl to play with. The PVP plus PvE is great and u get instance zones so u can get all the monsters u want, or u can bring a friend.
Everquest 2: Spellman Wolfrunner, 22nd Warden. Everquest 1: Spellmen Wolfrunner 43rd Druid. Planetside: Shotmeister of the Terran Republic
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is something that you can't ignore,a simple thing worth fighting for...
Silvera Elenin [ The Blue Flames ] - Guild Wars
Silvera [ Miracle Knights ] - World of Warcraft
Its funny when I hear people complaining about lvl 20 being the cap, it brings me to think that they are the type of people (not all of them though) that like to go around being a higher level then everyone else fealling good about themselfs. There is a reason lvl 20 is the cap, becuase what happens in a game when you have people in a guild that are way above the level of most people, thats the only reason the guild becomes good, but in Guild Wars, a guild that started two day ago and has a decent amount of players, can beat a guild that been around since the beginning. Its about skill, its about how you can apply different profession tactics in battle, and its about how you utilize your skills for the situations. Now just to be clear I dont even play Guild Wars that much, but so far its about one of the only games out there thats worth the price you pay.![::::23::](/images/emoticons/emt_devil.gif)
I love GW, offcourse it's nice there is no monthly fee, i think no game could ever be interesting enough to have to pay every month to be ALLOWED to play it, you buy the game u get to play thats that!
I personally like the instanced system more then i hate it, i miss the lack of "random" players wandering around helping you out or just chatting, but i don't miss the kill stealing by those same "random" players, or the loot stealing, or the horrible lagg because of over camped dungeons and alike.
I LOVE the graphics, one of the many cool things was when i saw a really big statue in the distance (and i'm talking distance) after quiet a while of walking and fighting i was actually standing at the base of this huge statue, it's not all just a distant texture in GW, it's there, and you can go there if u want.
The other side is, those invisible boundries, u can't walk anywhere u want, in some areas u can pretty much go where u want following natures logic (not up a straight clif etc etc), but sometimes u see a phat looking ruine or something, and u just can't reach it.
I like the fact u don't need too spend a lot of time or effort getting from location to location, i hate public transport in real life, and really dislike having to actually "travel" to locations if been to allready. GW eliminates this, travelling to places you've been to is just a keystroke and a mouseclick away.
Immature community, well i'd have to say, if u just look at the general chat when u first start the game, then yes it's very disscouraging, but if u take the time to kind of filter out the idiots from the friendlies (like in every game) then you'll find the community is thriving and pretty damn friendly.
guild wars is a good game although of a certain type. to me its not really an mmo as it is completly instanced so does not allow for the type of game play associated with mmorpg's.
in response to the last poster about the lvl cap, many people may complain due to the fact you reach lvl 20 way before the end of the game (unless u miss out alot) because of this apart from the aquiring of skill points the rest of the can campaign seem a bit dull. Also some people will believe that there should be some sort of challenge to reaching to higher lvls (and no i am not talking about pure grinding) it seems to easy to get there.
(do not get me wrong in this post, i played all through guild wars and enjoyed it, however it did have its draw backs)
The mistake people make is that they try to play this game like wow. The pve component is not the main point of the game. If you want endless level grinding and moving from spawn to spawn as you level up then dont play this game.
This game is about aquiring skills and getting a group of people together for pvp. You level up fast and can have a character that is viable in the toughest of competiton much more quickly than in any other mmorpg.
The pvp is where the toughest challenge and countless hours of play are found. To be successful you need a good team, a lot of preparation, and a very in-depth knowledge of the skills and templates. Levels and equipment hardly matter since everyone essentially is equally powerful. In this respect you can play your character for thousands of hours but you won't become any stronger after a certain point.
People who complain about the lvl 20 cap are missing the point of the game. Its supposed to be low because it makes it possible for far more people to get into the really in-depth pvp, which in turn makes it far more intense and competitive. Secondly, aquiring all the skills is far more important and challenging than getting to lvl 20. The elite skills really only start to become available at lvl 20.
You character really is at its strongest when it has all the skills unlocked because it can play a variety of roles within the party. Every class can have skill sets that fill many different roles under the general class archetype. There are thousands and thousands of options, which makes the game far more dynamic than most other games.
GW is for people who don't care about boring and endless pve battles while they slowly etch their cookie cutter character up the lvl chain where the only reward is uninspired pvp where only the people who have played for 10 000 hrs can truly compete.
To answer the origional poster, player and team skill in terms of planning, knowledge of the skills and builds is what determines the winner. Time played, equipment and levels make virtually no difference because getting to the top level and obtaining the best equipment is much faster and easier than in other games. To make it even faster, you can make pvp characters already are at the top lvl and can have the best equipment quite quickly by unlocking runes and components with a minimal amount of faction points or IDing drops in pve.
The only real complaint that holds ground with GW is that the game is essentially entirely instanced. Personally I believe the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Its very easy to find people to play with and get a group together. A lot of people just seem to want to see others running around while they adventure. I think the system works very well the way it is.
Nevertheless, if you are a pvp player then GW is by far the best fantasy based rpg you can find if you want real skill based meaningful competition.
1) graphics
2) lag-free gameplay
3) no monthly fee's
4) henchmen
1) The gameplay in general was fairly dull. Nothing challenging to keep you interested really.
2) Instances, they remove almost all the social elements. Feels like a single player game for the most part.
3) PVP... they give the pvpers the option of making instant characters. It cheapens the game imo.
4) PVE nerfs... I never understood since GW just hands out to the PVP characters for free. Yet they persistantly nerfed every farming area/build.
5) Armor and/or equipment models and the lack of them in general.