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Fans of Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm who will be attending this year's PAX Prime will be able to get in on some firsthand action as the game will be taking center stage at the convention. The team will be bringing along a brand new build for Heroes and will also have an opportunity to find out what's new with Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, Diablo III, and Starcraft as well.
As an attendee, here’s a taste of what you can expect at this year’s Blizzard booth:
Play a brand-new demo for Heroes of the Storm, and be among the first to try out three exciting new heroes! New to the game or eager for some clutch tips? The Heroes Community Team will be on-hand to help get you up to speed and ready to brawl!
Get hands-on with the live beta of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, featuring updated character models and the intro experience for the upcoming expansion.
Find out what’s in the cards for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, and experience all of the fun of epic card-slinging duels on the PC.
Blizzard developers will also be on-hand to chat about your favorite games.
And did we mention there will be giveaways, prizes, and more? If not . . . there will be giveaways, prizes, and more! For instance, if you play the Heroes of the Storm demo, you'll also receive an exclusive PAX 2014 Pinny Arcade ETC pin while supplies last. Rock on!
Read more on the Heroes of the Storm site.
Personally, I found it to be a rather lack luster Moba. The objective system is cool, but the reliance on a team with an almost non-existant skill cap really makes gameplay feel very stale very quickly. Unless doing 5s, the game quickly got dull and frusterating.
That said it is early alpha stages, so hopefully they do stuff to make it an interesting game. The objective focus is cool, but it really needs to stop with blizzards "casual loving' attitude and realize that some depth makes games far better. Even the most casual player doesn't mind learning some things of a game (otherwise they just dip out anyways quickly) to give some sense of learning and progression of becoming better.
I don't like mobas but I'm glad to see blizzard going to pax. Pax has been getting kind of lame over the last few years so getting big names back into it is a good thing.
LOL normally does a big event there so I wonder if they'll be battling it out for attention.
Hots really needs more hype.
In my opinion the game is being hurt by the dragged alpha test.
The world seems less interested in Hots than they were with hearthstone? hearthstone is always in the top 3 streamed games on Twitch (even when in closed beta) yet Hots struggles to stay in the top 20. Could it be that Blizzard jsut hasn't invited enough people or are people just not all that interested?
I wish they put all the man hours and money they've spent on Hots and put it into Starcraft 2. the fudge is the 3rd expansion?
Uhh... what?