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I’ve always been a big fan of racing games. I’m terrible at them, but I love them. They allow me to play against other people competitively while not having to worry about disappointing super competitive, hardcore players who might be my teammates. So when I first heard about World of Speed I was quite excited. Unfortunately as I learned at Gamescom when I played it, you are part of a team and you can let them down.
Read more of Shannon Doyle's World of Speed: Get Ready for a High Speed Ride.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
I like to know how they will penalise squeakers and other players who have nothing better to do but ram you off the road. Some punishment system or system in place to promote clean racing similar to iRacing licencing and rating system would go along way to make sure people stay on the track and also racing in the same direction.
Of course from time to time people will make mistakes we all do.
This have been a good conversation
Ooooo Gran Turismo Online.
It just seems racing games make very limited MMOs.
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