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Last week’s list of The Top 5 Worst Types of MMO Players was so successful, we decided to listen to you guys and put together another list of the other worst types of MMO players. We took some tips from the comments and have five more for everyone to read about and, more importantly, try to correct in games. With the impending launch of ArcheAge so close on the horizon now, an influx of new players and elite players alike will surely shape that community quickly.
Read more of David Jagneaux's The List: 5 More of the Worst Types of MMO Players.
My least favorite is the 'Entitled', the ones that play a F2P title and demand that they have access to everything possibly available for no cost 'because the game is free'.
I see this so much now.
Also since they are automated, you can't harass them because no one's going to read it anyway.
I actually blame the developers for this.
And I agree with DMKano about the gold spammers being the worst. Criminals.
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Basically why F2P exists, these players usually have an unlimited cash resource (be it from their own wealth or their unsuspecting mom's credit card). Companies roll out the red carpet for these gamers and rightfully so, unfortunately as a result it trivializes most other gamers.
Pretty much the opposite of the whale... They contribute nothing to the game, yet expect everything for free and leave it up to the whales to fund their game play. Once they have exhausted as much free content as they possibly can, they move on looking for a new host... Perhaps virus would be a better term to describe these players.
We all know these guys and gals, they join a game with no clear intention on staying, most of the time it is just to "try it out" only to later complain about the game on forums or whatnot. Once a trial is up (or free month or whatever) they spend more time out of the game then they did playing it talking about how bad it is. It is pretty much their goal to try out everything just to say "yeah I played that" yet commit to nothing.
What are your other Hobbies?
Gaming is Dirt Cheap compared to this...
Legitimate gold spammers, and I say that as loosely as possible to describe ones that are not on stolen accounts.. do provide a certain something to a games economy. When mass bans occur I think many of us have noticed an increase in prices and a serious drop in supply of farmed goods that real players want nothing to do with.
I think gold spammers are fairly well placed at number 4.
But where are hackers?!
min/max players who care only about efficiency in numbers are the worst
when you get to that point you should just quit gaming IMO (or just play cookie clicker). all the fun and glamour is dead, all that's left is cold mathematics
Personally, I like to use the term newb and noob. Noob is pretty much what you detail a useless noob as. Newb to me is just a new person that doesn't know the game completely but tries. There are plenty of people who are terrible at start but actually try to get good at the game and not just drag other people down and waste their time.
I totally agree with this. They want the rewards, but won't get off their ass to work for it.
I actually feel bad for gold farmers when you think it's probably some kid in a 3rd world country playing the game as a shitty job for like 50 cents an hour. The people who actually run those gold selling sites can go to hell though.
Well the problem comes from "free to play" often being a deliberately somewhat deceptive marketing term [yes you can play the game for free but we're not actually going to make it fun for you unless you pay.] . Should just call these games "microtransaction supported" or something but then not as many suckers would download it.
Nobody ever seems to go after the gold buyers, they're the reason virtual gold farming industries can exist. If you could make some profit off of lazy dumb americans who have fun with their hobby by buying shortcuts, why wouldn't you?
Absolutely, spot on.
I think the criminals (goldseller hackers) are the worst but the ones that just bug me are the beggars. I tend to be pretty generous in the games I play but I honestly have little to no patience for the player begging for gold/plat/whatever at level 2 in the trade channel. That players actually send this character whatever they are begging for really gets my back up.
Guess I'm more of a "teach a man to fish..." kinda person.
Where's the link to the original list, because this one was uber-douchey.
And gold-spammers aren't players, they're bots. Sounds like you needed a fifth to fill out what should have been a list of four.
This is just a negative article about others being negative and ultimately serves no purpose.
These are the worst types of any gamer, not just MMOs (except Gold spammers), which you could replace with cheater/hacker just as easy for other types of games.
They exist and there is little you can do about it except to continue not being any of these.
Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile
Originally posted by laokoko
"if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
What? Work their what? are you saying that I can have EXACTLY the same gear, potions, buffs, mounts, scrolls, and whatnot that someone who PAYS just WORKING for it? OMG... I believe the worst of the worst (before gold spammers) are those who think are better than the rest because they paid for what they have instead of breaking their asses, you would be dead if the genre wasn't so easy right now with all the cash shop and item mall... luckily I still have my FF XIV account and i'm actually breaking my ass to get what i want there.
Yeah no doubt they are annoying but in the end they are just trying to make a living.... what purpose does fanboys has in their constant spamming of general chat?
I'm pretty sure the person who actually pays to play a game actually "breaks his ass" harder then a gamer...who just plays.. I've never broken a sweat playing an MMO, I dunno about you..