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Been a member of these forums for 10 yrs or so I've seen my fair share of hate threads. For some reason Wildstar seems to have more than its fair share but why?
Ive played every major MMO since EverQuest in 97 and honestly Wildstar is among the better of them. Is it perfect? Far from it. It is better than anything released in the last few years hands down.
Everquest: First and foremost great game for its time.
DAOC: Great RvR overall solid game.
WoW: Great in the early years til they dumbed it down.
Aion: Bot infested waste of space.
WaR: Fun game was sad to see it go.
AoC: Fun game but no longevity.
GW2: Nice graphics but a fail game.
FFXIV: Great graphics, fun game but lacking Endgame.
AA: Solid Game if you like PvP. A little light on PvE.
Wildstar: Cartoony Graphics, Great combat system and a lot of Endgame.
Honestly in my opinion I think what hurt Wildstar the most was WoW. Not in the way you think. WoW hurt the entire MMO genre because it made players lazy. You could face roll any and all content in WoW, so when Wildstar came out it was a challenge players couldn't master.
I see it on a daily basis. If you pug any dungeons in Wildstar there are always fail players who stand in telegraphs, miss interrupts and just are overall bad players. If you ask most of them, they will tell you how epic they were in WoW.
Wildstar is a challenge. That is the main problem with the population now. People are lazy and don't want to put in the effort to do mechanics. They want to spend 20 minutes face rolling a dungeon and get their Epic Lootz.
People are going to post behind me and talk about bugs and bots and exploits as to why the game is bad. If you've been following the game at all, Carbine has all but eliminated the Bots, Fixes bugs on a weekly basis and same with exploits.
So when you talk about how bad Wildstar is, maybe you should look at yourself and see if maybe your skills just weren't up to par to handle the game. Its easy to find fault with a game you cant master. So at the end of the day will Wildstar survive? Who knows, I hope it does. Im having a blast playing it. Working through GA atm and its as challenging a Lich King Heroic was. Gotta love a challenge.
It's quite obvious really... ArcheAge beta is offline until Thursday, so they have nothing better to do with their time. Come launch they will be preoccupied with that... only 2 more days to wait.
I think there is more to it.
The hate has been going on for a while now.
Lets see your Battle Stations /r/battlestations
Battle Station
Yes. They made a lot of design choices that did not appeal to me, I could list them here but they have been listed extensively by many people in the numerous threads on this subject.
The answer you seek in your title post is in your opinion of these other games. The hate for Wildstar is simply the opinion of others who just see wildstar like the rest of those games you listed which in my opinion every one of those games you listed including wildstar were not very good games to me. (except for WoW i did enjoy WoW in vanilla before the burning crusade for a time) I don't really understand if you like a game why you care though if people have the opinion which can't be wrong or right that the game you enjoy is crap. Live and let live but any answer you get is just going to cause arguments over taste a lot like whether you like alfredo or steak better
Sorry, TESO gets the award for most hate in recorded gaming history.
A lot of people are being really silly about WS though. Carbine was pretty forthright about the direction they were going with the game from the start. Anyone who is now acting like they are displeased with the large scale hardcore raid model is basically an idiot. Nothing more to it than that. That's what they said it was going to be, that's what it is.
indifference for me.
Besides its hard for me to say anything about this game because all I can think of when I see it is saturday morning cartoons and that enrages the player base so I try to leave it alone.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
I lost interest with attunements back in 2003 with EQ1 with the Planes of Power expansion.
I grew tired of the 40-man raid platform back in 2005 in Vanilla WoW.
I grew completely tired of all instanced raiding in WoW in MoP.
Wildstar made it crystal clear that endgame was going to be focused on raiding, with a 40-man platform and an emphasis on attunements. So I wasn't even interested enough to try it out. I'm sure I would have enjoyed whatever leveling story they had put in the game but they lost a box purchase from me (and a few months of sub time) by focusing endgame heavily on raiding.
Different strokes for different folks. You may consider GW2 "a fail game", but I'm enjoying it immensely. It is almost everything that I've been looking for in a game for quite a few years now. My only regret is that I fell for the negativity about the game when it first launched and put off trying it out.
You start a thread asking why there isnt more people playing Wildstar, a game where you are having fun.
Then you end saying that those who didnt like it or quit for any reason its because they lack of "skill" to play the game.
Well, i dont thing WS is having alot of hate around compare to for example ESO a few months ago, in fact i thing is in more ignore stage.
If it wasnt called ESO I would have just ignored it as another uninteresting MMO.
Willdstar I just cant stop thinking of cartoons everytime the topic comes up.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Now if they could only fix the horrid headache-inducing cartoony graphics, raid-centric content, and theme park progression system, we'd be good to go.
It's not hate. I've seen vitriol towards some games. I would use Darkfall and Star Wars as an example of games that have had hate. If it was deserved or not is another matter.
WildStar is struggling to get noticed in a already crowded marketplace. It's selling point is hardcore raiding. The problem is that hardcore raiding is only done by a small number of people and the rest of the game isn't good enough or different enough to pull people away from their current MMO. I don't think its a bad game, some nice art direction, it has soul and is fun to play for the most part. But it's just more of the same and most people are fed up with this type of game. I don't think the carbine have mislead us, they told us exactly what type of game this was, but people are dissapointed how similar this game is to other titles, but no more than that.
It would only be about skill if those who quit made it far enough to start doing said activities. WHen numbers are falling off only two months in, which even the devs acknowledge, I doubt that is the case.
Challenge is great but it's not exactly a selling point, it also means little if the themes, design and implementation aren't capturing people as well as engaging them into the world, story, or other elements of a game.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Have you ever gone to a fast food drive through, ordered your food, and pay for it?
you wait and you wait...
finally you receive something you didn't order, in any way shape or form.. in some cases, much less value then what you payed for?
Actually, I never said why aren't there more people playing Wildstar. I asked why all the Hatred for it.
As for the skill part, you are correct. Ive known several people in my guild who couldnt cut it and left. So that part is more of an observation.
Lets see your Battle Stations /r/battlestations
Battle Station
I've seen many "Why all the <Game X> hate?" over the years and in all sincerity, it isn't conducive to any sharing of ideas. Usually the opposite, trying to justify liking/disliking a game.
Try something, or don't. Play it or don't. These choices will ultimately help players live happier lives.
I think there were a large number of players who were on attunement process and it was to challenging. Honestly, its not an easy task unless you have a good guild to roll with.
When they couldn't get the attunement done in a short time, they got frustrated and left.
Lets see your Battle Stations /r/battlestations
Battle Station
Honestly, the hate on this game is completely ridiculous and totally uncalled for. I myself no longer play but not because the game is bad just because of what the game is. I think the real problem with W* is that the devs developed a small niche game, whether purposely of not.
Think about what W* is, how they marketed it, etc. Let's take the setting, a space futuristic, sci-fi, western, right there you are making a game that will appeal to a much smaller crowd, compound that with the fact that the space sci-fi market has a Star Wars MMO already out there. So a good portion of people that like space sci-fi are also Star Wars fans, so they can choose to play a generic space sci-fi game or the flagship game.
Next lets look at the graphics. Many people, including myself, prefer more detailed and realistic graphics. Cartoony graphics were fine back when WoW released because of the limitations of hardware etc, but in 2014 not so much. This is something will also cause the game to appeal to a much smaller playerbase.
Next up is the in your face, over the top, delivery of the game. This is actually something I enjoyed but I can see how it could turn people off, further decreasing the playerbase that would be attracted to this game.
We also have the ever debated subscription based model. There are some people that just plain refuse to pay to play their MMOs. Obviously, Wildstar requires a sub so this will automatically drive away some more people, not to mention that Star Wars is F2P.
Lastly, making the game challenging. This is what I loved most about W* but what games like WoW have proved is that many people that play MMOs do not really like to be challenged. A good portion of people like lobby style games where they can log in queue up for some loot and log off.
Make no mistake, W* is one of the better games out there but it was destined to be small niche game.
Wildstar failed because it is a mediocre game based on old school and aged mechanics, with a non existent both literally and metaphorically IP released in an over-saturated market.
The rest about players being used to WoW's "faceroll" PvE and thus not capable of appreciating Wildstar's end game "greatness" is utter BS.
I wonder how many of the WS crowd have cleared WoW's heroic content in a timely manner. Or how many of them have ever participated in 2K + arenas PvP.
Difficulty may be a factor, but its not the only factor. There is a lot more to "dislike" about the game than it's level of difficulty. TBH, I think most gamers are just tired of the "kill x" theme park type of game with raids as the built in end game content. Can we evolve and move unto something else? I think the slew of newer games coming out now such as AA are headed in the right direction. Hybrid PvE/ PvP/Sandbox MMORPGs (emphasis Sandbox) are the wave of the future.
First I will say I like wildstar, not currently playing it. I take breaks from games so I don't get wore out on them endlessly grinding stuff.
Personal I feel the biggest problem and what most people are having a hard time is trying to get a group of 40 people together at the same time to do things. It's like trying to herd a bunch of cats together. Everyone has life issues, children, if they are not a child themselves, phones, doors to answer etc. So it is just a turn off to sit around for anywhere from 30 mins to an hour just to get started.
This is something that just about every game that has tried to do massive raids has failed at. It is the reason WoW went to smaller raids. It was player feedback to Blizzard that caused them to go from 40 to 20 man raids.
Some people will say they can't get attuned etc... to me that is just excuses they don't want to work for it, which I have no problem with at all. Attunements are a great gate for raiding, it lets you know the people have done what they needed to even get into a raid. They can't just show up and say I am great let me raid. But that is a whole other post.
Anyway to sum it up I think "Time" is the biggest factor in most of the hate. A lot of the player base is older with responsibilities other than just the game and don't have enough time to do what the game wants.
Trying to second guess why people leave games is never very productive, and insulting the ones who left because you think its too challenging for them isn't going to endear you to your fellow players either, people leave games for all sorts of reasons, and while you may be correct about some of the players reasons for quitting, i sincerely doubt that it was the primary one, the amount of churn a game has in its initial few months is fairly horrific, even for successful games. I think what is more telling, is that you highlight the atunement process, and the time taken/difficulty in doing so, is something that you consider to be an issue, or think that others are likely to have issue with, it may be the case, but i think you have to realise that by far the bulk of the players who quit, do so long before they reach 'end game' which i think is what you are suggesting, most will usually quit within the first 20 or 30 levels, and for various reasons which may well not be related to any faults within the game.
But either way, take a step back and relax, in 6 months time the situation may well have changed again.
I believe people are threatened by the art style. One guy has been to every Wildstar thread calling it a cartoon. It must really bug him that everyone one of his posts are only to complain about Wildstar. Odd that a game which if you choose to you can basically ignore has garnered this much hate. That his account was created today just to troll Wildstar. They must be doing something right if people are so invested in their hate to make an account to troll every single thread.
For me I enjoyed the game but the mouse turn coupled with the constant action combat got the better of my old bones.