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In case anyone hasn't seen them...nice to see Trion have made a few key changes that players have wanted such as removing LP cost for opening quest items, Archeum drop tweak, AFK kicker etc
I also think staggering the Hasla weapon availability was a pretty smart move too
•Farm Cart: A new type of player-crafted wagon has been added that carries two resource packs to fill the gap between the donkey and the larger Farm Wagon. It also comes with a horn for maximum beepage.
•AFK Kick has been implemented: Characters will be logged out after 45 minutes of [Away] status. Characters who are in the middle of crafting or fishing should not be kicked.
•Auction House: All accounts have the ability to bid on and win auctions by default. The ability to post auctions on the Auction House is unlocked in one of two ways:
•The drop rate of Sunlight Archeum has been increased, and we will be evaluating the levels of Sunlight, Moonlight, and Starlight Archeum for further drop rate adjustments.
•Quest rewards no longer consume Labor points when identifying them.
•Mana consumption at lower levels has been reduced (this is a change made as part of Korea version 1.7 that is being included in our build).
•Mounts have been standardized into speed tiers - 9.0m/s and 10.0m/s - with the exception of Donkeys, which retain their existing speeds (7.2m/s unencumbered).
•The Skills UI now only displays the skills available with the level 50 cap.
•Updated the contents of the Explorer's Chest and Merchant's Chest (obtained through Loyalty Tokens) to remove Hereafter Stones from the reward list... and added some other new goodies.
•Crafted "dye" items that used to function as both crafting components and costume dyes now function as crafting components only.
•Reduced the amount of Honor granted from Rift daily quests.
•Tempering Burnish item price increased to 10 gold.
•Updated icons for Marketplace and Marketplace Mail.
•Fixed the display of degree, minute, and second markers on Treasure Maps.
•Polishing work on French and German versions: Fixing some cut-off words on the UI, fixing character name length restrictions (2 to 26 characters allowed).
•Fixed a case where some map tooltips displayed in French while the client was in German mode.
•Fixed a bug where accounts with zero credit balance could not spend Loyalty Tokens.
We'd like to extend a thank-you for helping to test the below features in earlier Alpha and Beta phases. In keeping with the pacing of ArcheAge releases in other regions, the following has been set up for launch and will be unlocked over time:
•Auroria and Diamond Shores content is unavailable. NPCs and interactable objects have been disabled, houses and farms cannot be placed, and castle locations are currently un-claimable.
•The Mirage Isle Fishing Tournament and Arena Rankings are not currently running.
•Submarines are unavailable for crafting at this time.
•The Red Dragon is temporarily on vacation from Karkasse Ridgelands.
•Hasla weapons beyond the first tier will be available in a future update.
Not really sure why they could only manage an increase in Sunlight archeum after 3 months of discussions...but I guess that is better than nothing.
I keep hoping for a return to real loot tables to make grinding more interesting, but that just isn't going to come I think. Oh well, still excited for release.
"Quest rewards no longer consume Labor points when identifying them."
This was a smart decision. Having to "pay" to get a reward was ridiculous and angered many players.
•Quest rewards no longer consume Labor points when identifying them.
Best news!!!!!
Now i´m completely happy
That is great news indeed.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Good day everyone!
The OB patch notes for today's open beta release has become somewhat toxic if you visit the official Archeage forums. Thus far it has generated 11 pages of truly venomous complaining. I'm not too sure, but overall those forums have been rather negative throughout the alpha and closed beta process.
It will be interesting to witness whether the many folks that do not frequent gaming forums will notice some of the changes/nerfs being implemented today. I can see lots of confused or frustrated chatter on the chat channels all during the day and the evening as folks log into what they assume is the same experience they had last week.
All in all I doubt it will bother me all that much. But man oh man the folks that frequent the official forums are carrying on as this were the apocalypse come down from heaven!
"Strange days indeed...",
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
John Lennon
And yet, you will still have to spend LP to open coin purses. Seems to me, you spent more on that then you ever did on quest rewards. So in essence, you are STILL paying to get your reward. Yes good news, but a minor change, IMHO.
Use a mouse app if that is such a game killer for you. It's why such apps exist.
Why should i have to use 3rd-party apps when it's a BASIC feature in every game since Quake 1.
Ofc it's a game killer, I'm used to invert and i will not change. [mod edit]
Crafting for Dummies, or: why Archeum scarcity is gamebreaking.
Reply With Quote This is an example of one of the posts I have read over on the Archeage forums. It is a brilliant description of what it will take to create a high level item. It is reminiscent of how complicated and difficult it was to craft or have crafted high level gear in Lineage 2.
Four to five months for one item piece is rather long.
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
John Lennon
Most of the drama over on the official forums seems to be from experienced players who know all the tricks and traps from playing Alpha for months who are now angry that for example, they will only be able to power their way to T1 Hasla weapons immediately after launch and not T3 Hasla weapons as they were used to.
T3 Hasla weapons are comparable to the best level 50 crafted weapons so they have staggered the availability from live in order to level the playing field somewhat.
Equally, many experienced players are complaining that the changes to Archeum drop rates are nowhere near enough. I agree that Archeum needs to be fairly readily available for crafting, however if you are new to the game or have not been playing on Alpha for months I doubt you will even notice these changes as there is so much to learn about the game.
Trion have stated that T3 Hasla weapons will be available after launch and that Archeum drop rates will also be monitored and tweaked as necessary.
You know what some experienced players are like though, they had a road map set out whereby they would be max level with BiS gear by the end of headstart in order to go round gibbing swathes of new players with their leet skills. As it pans out that wont be able to get that much of an advantage of new players and so they are PISSED
If it is the higher gear in game, is not that long.
There are other gear that work too, why should anyone must have the highest lvl gear in 1 month like this was a MOBA game or something?
But i agree with the RNG part.
I dont mind to take months to collect mats to craft something in game, but then still depends on a RNG system, i dont like it either.
Problem is, you can buy it, you can buy gold with APEX, so people with enough money can instantly buy BiS...