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The Black Watchmen has reached the halfway point in its KickStarter campaign with an additional twenty days to go to raise the full amount. To celebrate the milestone, the team has released a brand new trailer that shows off the first tutorial mission from the game.
The team let us know that the first mission does not include many of the MMO-elements that will come at a later point in the game. The video is designed to give fans a first look at the forthcoming game.
Check out the KickStarter page for The Black Watchmen. You can also vote to have The Black Watchmen included in the Steam Greenlight Campaign.
Thanks Rowyne for the comments. If anyone have question, you can visit the forums here:
Like it was said in the article, this is the tutorial mission no #1: we don't see group puzzle, raid mechanics or community event yet. Our next update will be about Group puzzle, User Generated mission & the persistent universe.
New Agents very welcome indeed!
If you're still unsure of what the gameplay is like, even after having watched the excellent trailer above, do visit us on the forums, where we are currently working on a mission, as Wix3 explained. Do keep in mind the mission does not feature the interface presented in the trailer, but it does give you a taste of what makes ARGs so amazing.
Proud member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
A.K.A. nikel
Comlink activated....scrambler communication channel established.
This is agent Zargh. Proud to see that our mission will be recognized here too.
Hopefully more possible agents will join our fascinating community here:
Every help is welcome, so join us and lean us your helping hand if you want...
Secure channel closed...scrambler deactivated...over and out.
First time I've heard of this game. Seems like it's got a lot of promise so I'll have to head over to the site to check it out and I'll keep an eye out for it in the future.
They might want to look at the timing on the mission text though.. It was set to fill in at the same speed as the voice acting, but seemed to consistently be about a half second behind. I had to stop reading along with it because I was always one word behind and it was really distracting.
>>Strife: best ever MOBA<<
>>Rift: FREE Ally of the Ascended Pack<<
Yes. In fact, you can consider TBW like a spin-off of TSW (if Anashel confirms the PARG will take place in the same universe).
This sounds like a load of crap. Either a scam to get money for very simplistic online puzzles while purporting to be these big time ARG encounters (which from what I've read some of what they claim just isn't legal to do, like impersonate military ffs lol).
It also sounds like a horrible idea, having a bunch of psycho gamers convince themselves something is real and important and end up with cases like stalking, assaults, maybe worse, over a game.
First off, never heard of the term ARG, you might want to address what an ARG is.
Secondly seems that MMORPG is now a place to push kickstarters. Suggestion for all these new posters, perhaps describing what you like about the game rather than useless praise would be a much better way of getting others on board with your game.
SOE had an agent game that they deep sixed after they found there was not much of a market for such.
I wish the developers luck, but I don't think they will get a lot of support from people on this site.
This is why I don't like this project on this site.
Half of the posters are accounts created when TSW came out - the other half is from when the Watchmen started their first kickstarter (which they failed).
It isn't a part of the community talking about a game, it's another community jumping boards, spamming posts like 'omg so cool' 'awesome' and similar. After they are done, they vanish into oblivion again.
That may be not the same as viral marketing but it doesn't really create a trustworthy environment either.