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I just took a look at the screen shots that were with the last interview and they look great as a matter of fact they look 10x better than the graphics in game.
I am playing beta and I don't know where or how they took those screenies but they look much better than anything I have seen.
I have been really disappointed with the environment textures in game it looks way to flat and undefined.
I like the game play and the fact they have the voice chat built into the game, I think the graphics for the characters are pretty good but nothing even close to what they have posted.
I play WOW and GW and everything looks great so its hard to believe its my video card
Anyone else notice this or is just me?
if you max settings the game looks pretty stunning, the water effects are really nice, the shiny effects (off metal and such) look super nice if you turn settings to high, volumetric shadows look perfect, textures on very high are very clear. The only problem is that the game is almost as bad as FEAR to run on full settings, my new computer can barely handle it, but if you turn everything up to max, it looks better than any MMO ive seen, save huxley.
I wasn't too impressed at first glance. it always seems to load the graphics on each new charecter on medium settings. I set it to very high and it looks great. the armor textures arn't very nice on your starter armor but the sets you find look really good, some look so good its tempting to keep using them even tho you have a set with way better stats.
The game looks dead on to me. The only thing they do is remove the UI and resize the screenshots by making them smaller (so they will fit on web pages better), which makes them look cleaner and nicer.
nice graphic card but it looks like the settings in the game are set to medium at best. there is no foliage on the ground this is a good indication that the settings are lower then high. I'll try to get a screenie of one of my worriors with the settings maxed out and show some of the shny metal textures. the graphics in game are really nice. you need to turn the graphics up though they seem to load medium by default no mater what card your using.
this screenie of the newbie zone really does the game no justice. ther are much more interesting sights further than 5 seconds into the game.
I agree with the poster above, the game on my computer looked even better than that. I wish I would have taken a screenshot with my character who had some shiny metal armor on, that really made me go wow over the graphics of the game. Shine off metallic objects and water ripple are amazing in my opinion, especially compared to other MMOs.
yeah it would seem people with this gripe simply arent turning the settings up to uber max on the advanced settings tab, or possibly dont have the video card to support it in the first place. If youre up all the way this game looks pretty darn good, but some of the animations kinda suck, mainly jumping looks a little weird.
yeah you can see what I am talking about in that screen shot, theres NO texture to the grass it looks like it was painted on a flat rock or something.
I have my settings all set to medium but medium should not mean "looks like shit"
I have also been put off by the lag in game. it gets to the point where I have no control for 2-5 minutes at a time it crazy.
There is no way they will be ready for retail in 30 days
there is no way they will be getting any of my money if they don't at-least fix the lag.
I guess I just have no love for this game at all. I really wanted to like it, I really did but I find it a little to frustrating in some aspects.
everything is a little cloudy looking, the lag and after level 2 theres no dungeons I can solo (that I have found anyway)
I don't want to be a negative person even though I sound like one here so I will no long post my views on this game
The beta client does not include the High Res textures. I have an x800 and can run the game on very high but there is no visible difference right now. I played the IGN preview last weekend with the high-res version and the textures are much more detailed.
As for lag you have to realize that the servers they are currently running on are not the final hardware and they will also be running lots of background logging that won't run in full retail release that can cause performance to drop. Remember it's beta and there will be performance issues like this from time to time but they get lots of data out of it to improve performance.
Actually, if you chose to download the pack that was 2x larger than the normal pack, you got full res textures. Also medium, like most things these days does not translate to (in the middle), theres low, medium, high, and very high or ultra. With textures on Very high, and everything else cranked up, you will see much better results. You also have to wait forever as 4 cd's worth of textures downloads onto your computer.
First off what video card do you have? 5200 direct x 8.0? ROFL
Take the time and mess around with card settings along with in game settings.
Up your antialiasing and anisotropic(SP) filtering. Also enable vsync. Up your res to 1600,1200 and also put your in game settings to full blast. You will lag a bit cause no computer i can ever afford could handle this system stress but its enough to get a screeny like thiers. As far as the lag is concerned learn to sue the instances. At any given time there are at least 9-11 instances of the harbor.
Also instances arent bad in this game cause u can swithc over quickly. Seriously who needs a bunch of people in your face when you and your team are only trying to reach the destination of your quest. I run the game at very high with antialiasing at 2x and anisotropic(SP) filtering at 16x and i get 60-85 fps according to fraps. And with these setting it looks superb to all games out their period!
BTW my graphics card is an Nvidia Gforce 6600 gt oc
There is no bigger option for the beta client, just the small one. The IGN/Fileplanet PREVIEWS allow you to download the high-res client.