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My God this game is boring as shit so far, Im only lvl 12 and just starting the chain quest to get my scarecrow for what i think will lead to my home & or planting crops.? What lvl does this game open up at ? When do i build my ship and head off on the high seas fishing trading and avoiding pirates?
Right now this is one of the worst lvling expierances i have ever had in any MMO, The questing and Mobs are so generic and to be honest the graphics look average at best, Final Fantasy GW2 ESO All blow this game out of the water.... The animations are terrible and the cutscenes make me want to go to sleep. This is really not what i was expecting.
Please someone tell me things are going to improve quickly ....
For what you describe, theres no hope, you just waste money.
Aloha Mr Hand !
Gather Gilda Stars from main quests (The Green quest markers). Then do the vocational quests (the quests with a leaf icon), and skip the rest. You should be able to get a small farm and a house going, and start harvesting/gathering/crafting. Thus avoiding the quests.
Il give this a go tommorow, At least i have some direction now lol , Thx guys
Aloha Mr Hand !