People who say that are a bit... how to say it nicely? Thick? Yeah, either thick, or of course just trolling.
Thick because when a game offers several levels of difficulty, like for instance the raids in WoW (LFR / Flex / Normal / Heroic), they use the lowest difficulty level to classify the whole game, even if any intelligent (aka non-thick) person understands this is stupid.
And trolling, well, you know the deal. Stirring the pot to get negative reactions.
Everybody can solo in WoW, yet I doubt even 1% of the trol... err thick people whining about it here have ever set foot in a normal raid, and even less an heroic one. Same goes for people who whine that nowadays, games lack of (challenging) group play.
well, i guess it is the rare instance that i actually agree with everything JLP has said.
Very few games is either too easy or too hard .... why? Because there are difficulty sliders to let people choose a level of difficulty they prefer.
If you think games are too easy, choose the highest setting.
@Quirhid 1) RNG: Is it harder to have variance or 100% success with no chance of failure/missing your shot? Is Trouble a difficult game? Of course it is! Can you win over 95% of the time (not against 6 year old opponents)? Each and every roll of the die presents new situations which a player needs to form a strategy for. Of course, if one studies the game as Chess Masters do with Chess, then all the variables are minimized and every roll has it's "optimal move." An even more difficult (or would frustrating be more appropriate?) game is Chutes and Ladders, keeping the children games illustrations.
RNGs DO add difficulty to a game, no matter how you try to spin it. 100% success is NEVER difficult. You know when you attack that you will hit. You also know the opponent will hit you every time. Now all you need to do is select the best attack for the situation, as you *know* it will succeed. Not all that difficult, in my eyes. Remember, there is NO tab target RNG combat system that allows a hit while facing away from a target that I know of. Missiles have ranges that need to be observed in these systems.
And the best part of RNGs... They add that rock that catches on your heel. They add that gust of wind that pushes your missile off target. They add those little random happenings that make life "difficult."
I am fairly sure that games where *you* have more control over your character's actions you find easier then games where that control is handed over to RNGs. That loss of control, I bet, makes games more difficult for you. Or would "frustrating" be abetter word?
2) Severe Death Penalty: Yes, a severe death penalty is a form of punishment, but without that punishment, is a game hard? Is anything "difficult" with no significant consequences? The variable here is "severe." For some, being respawned some semblance of distance away from where they were fighting IS severe. Now, they have run all the way back (OMG!).
3) Testing Player Ability: I'll grant you this one. A math wiz will find Calculus easy while a person having trouble with math may find division with fractions highly difficult.
I suck at player input/reaction. Games that test that part of the player I find difficult, but more importantly frustrating. I am much better at strategy and understanding most game mechanics. Games that test these aspects I find easier. So it depends on the specific player on this one.
For me, I do not want to be my character. I like my character to better be than I am in real life. I even enjoy roleplaying stupidity, though teammates may not like it when I do
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse. - FARGIN_WAR
Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard People who say that are a bit... how to say it nicely? Thick? Yeah, either thick, or of course just trolling.Thick because when a game offers several levels of difficulty, like for instance the raids in WoW (LFR / Flex / Normal / Heroic), they use the lowest difficulty level to classify the whole game, even if any intelligent (aka non-thick) person understands this is stupid.And trolling, well, you know the deal. Stirring the pot to get negative reactions.Everybody can solo in WoW, yet I doubt even 1% of the trol... err thick people whining about it here have ever set foot in a normal raid, and even less an heroic one. Same goes for people who whine that nowadays, games lack of (challenging) group play.
Would you say that the MAJORITY of WoW is easy or difficult?
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse. - FARGIN_WAR
People who say that are a bit... how to say it nicely? Thick? Yeah, either thick, or of course just trolling.
Thick because when a game offers several levels of difficulty, like for instance the raids in WoW (LFR / Flex / Normal / Heroic), they use the lowest difficulty level to classify the whole game, even if any intelligent (aka non-thick) person understands this is stupid.
And trolling, well, you know the deal. Stirring the pot to get negative reactions.
Everybody can solo in WoW, yet I doubt even 1% of the trol... err thick people whining about it here have ever set foot in a normal raid, and even less an heroic one. Same goes for people who whine that nowadays, games lack of (challenging) group play.
To take WoW, leveling has been dumbed down to follow the arrow for 15 seconds so you can hit a number sequence for 10 seconds and repeat it for a few times. Dungeons has been dumbed down to fit the players that has been soloing up to level 90. If you want to play challenging content in WoW you have to raid which mostly takes a lot of time and apart from heroic raiding isn't that hard.
When 95% of the content is easy its not wrong to say MMO's are easy.
Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
People who say that are a bit... how to say it nicely? Thick? Yeah, either thick, or of course just trolling.
Thick because when a game offers several levels of difficulty, like for instance the raids in WoW (LFR / Flex / Normal / Heroic), they use the lowest difficulty level to classify the whole game, even if any intelligent (aka non-thick) person understands this is stupid.
And trolling, well, you know the deal. Stirring the pot to get negative reactions.
Everybody can solo in WoW, yet I doubt even 1% of the trol... err thick people whining about it here have ever set foot in a normal raid, and even less an heroic one. Same goes for people who whine that nowadays, games lack of (challenging) group play.
For some people most important type of experiece in MMORPG is open world and generally non-raid content. Because they don't like to raid or even they don't like to enter end-game lobby gaming (instance gear grind).
Other type of people that coplain about this - are people who while can play instances in end-game at the same time want everything else (whole game) to be interesting and challanging.
Then those people are absolutely right. Other than end-game raids, "hard mode" dungeons and rarely other thing or two everything else is easy in mmorpg's.
Of course people who want game that is interesting and challanging since first hours in game, and is about virtual world/open world, etc - they play WRONG games. WoW, FF XIV, Rift, GW2, Swtor, Wildstar, Lotro, Aion, Tera, B&S and practically almost all games described as MMORPGs are not created for that.
Those games are created for providing interesting and challanging content in end-game and most of the time only if you specifically choose to do difficult content and choose higher "difficulty" setting. (hardmore, heroic, etc)
Time to fact a simple fact - certain player groups that plays or want to play an MMORPG have completly diffrent expectations about everything. Expectations that are mutually exclusive.
Anyway if anyone is looking for interesting and challaning virtual world type of play - then don't look it in AAA MMORPGs atm. Game companies don't want to and can't (because of technical, conceptual and financial reasons) provide that.
To take WoW, leveling has been dumbed down to follow the arrow for 15 seconds so you can hit a number sequence for 10 seconds and repeat it for a few times. Dungeons has been dumbed down to fit the players that has been soloing up to level 90. If you want to play challenging content in WoW you have to raid which mostly takes a lot of time and apart from heroic raiding isn't that hard.
When 95% of the content is easy its not wrong to say MMO's are easy.
Yeah, but that is not going to change.
If you're looking for questing that is actual questing and not "follow the arrow". (Open) Virtual world that is actually para-virtual world simulation with interesting things happening. If you're looking for dungeons and other type of challanges that are created in a way that players should have fun in trying to do them (rather than easy speed-run grinds, etc)
Then you should not look for that in an MMORPG because for many reasons current MMORPGs do not provide that and it does not seem that it is going to change anytime soon. Especially if players don't put their time&money where their mouth is. (they complain but they still play those games they complain about).
MMOexposed if you have 6000 posts on this website you must already know that certain MMO vets on here don't have a clue. Some of the things I've read and heard regarding difficulty are absurd and many don't know the true meaning of something difficult.
Grind =/= Difficulty
RNG =/= Difficulty
Severe death penalties =/= Difficulty
Testing the players gaming ability = Difficulty
Testing the players group skills = Difficulty
Challenging the player to create strategies = Difficulty
MMO's have evolved, some people refuse to evolve with them.
I'll also add, that just because certain MMO's don't force difficulty upon you, doesn't mean it isn't there. Many people like to call an MMO easy because section A of it was easy when in fact section B has a lot of difficulty.
So tell me this why should i engage section B if i already cleared section A?
Section B is the exact same as section A with mabey an added ability and more damage flying around. ive been there seen it done it in section A, there is nothing wich compells me to get to section B
Now if section A would not exist and youd get section B directly then your victory over a boss would be more meaningfull more rewarding.
To take WoW, leveling has been dumbed down to follow the arrow for 15 seconds so you can hit a number sequence for 10 seconds and repeat it for a few times. Dungeons has been dumbed down to fit the players that has been soloing up to level 90. If you want to play challenging content in WoW you have to raid which mostly takes a lot of time and apart from heroic raiding isn't that hard.
When 95% of the content is easy its not wrong to say MMO's are easy.
Yeah, but that is not going to change.
If you're looking for questing that is actual questing and not "follow the arrow". (Open) Virtual world that is actually para-virtual world simulation with interesting things happening. If you're looking for dungeons and other type of challanges that are created in a way that players should have fun in trying to do them (rather than easy speed-run grinds, etc)
Then you should not look for that in an MMORPG because for many reasons current MMORPGs do not provide that and it does not seem that it is going to change anytime soon. Especially if players don't put their time&money where their mouth is. (they complain but they still play those games they complain about).
Thats the entire debacle here. I'm gonna use we in my sentence. We are looking for an MMORPG wich provide just that. But there arnt any on the market. So because of our love we are forced to keep purchasing the stupid games in the hope that what they advertise about is true. And yes we are then allowed to complain about it being shit.
We want to put time and money where our mouth is but if such a thing does not exist then how do we do that?
I notice a common narrative around these parts of the web, which seem to venting belief that MMOs are easier now simply because everybody can Solo.
But the same people saying that above are also praising games like Demon Souls, which is popular for its Difficulty.
But Demon Soul is a good example of what I mean, when I say, "Soloing has nothing to do with Difficulty"
since in Demon Soul, the game is actually harder when Soloing, than when playing with others. So that's a total contradiction.
MMOs can be just as hard as they always been, if not harder, with Solo gameplay.
You answered your own question, when you couldn't find a good example of difficult MMO, so you brought non-MMO.
MMOs can be difficult, they just aren't. And since in classic MMO bringing more people helped with difficult tasks, removing such tasks is part of easymode.
I would love to see an MMO that had true difficult content all throughout, and not just at the top-end of the endgame raiding, like in the current paradigm. In most games these days you won't find truly hard content outside of those raids, and the higher spectrum of PvP. I'd like to see:
- Hard solo content.
- Hard group instances from early levels, that requires skill, communication and CC.
As an example, I actually really enjoyed the VR-levels in ESO until they were nerfed.
That game doesn't seem to exist though, so I'll probably just continue to play torment 6 in D3, even if D3 is most certainly not an MMO.
Thats the entire debacle here. I'm gonna use we in my sentence. We are looking for an MMORPG wich provide just that. But there arnt any on the market. So because of our love we are forced to keep purchasing the stupid games in the hope that what they advertise about is true. And yes we are then allowed to complain about it being shit.
We want to put time and money where our mouth is but if such a thing does not exist then how do we do that?
You are not forced. If you feel forced to do so - then that might be a sing of being addicted.
Besides it was very easy to find out that any of AAA MMORPG released in last few years won't be what you are looking for. I don't remember ANY of AAA MMORPG tite that was advertising that. If I missed any please provide me with examples.
Really none of titles I can recall - Tera, Swtor, GW2, WoW expansions, Wildstar, etc were promising that.
Thats the entire debacle here. I'm gonna use we in my sentence. We are looking for an MMORPG wich provide just that. But there arnt any on the market. So because of our love we are forced to keep purchasing the stupid games in the hope that what they advertise about is true. And yes we are then allowed to complain about it being shit.
We want to put time and money where our mouth is but if such a thing does not exist then how do we do that?
You are not forced. If you feel forced to do so - then that might be a sing of being addicted.
Besides it was very easy to find out that any of AAA MMORPG released in last few years won't be what you are looking for. I don't remember ANY of AAA MMORPG tite that was advertising that. If I missed any please provide me with examples.
Really none of titles I can recall - Tera, Swtor, GW2, WoW expansions, Wildstar, etc were promising that.
It is both an addiction and a love for a certain playstyle of games. Yet the playstyle has changed significantly compared to the past.
i know its easy to see i have avoided all mmo's from a certain point. But i do know that there is a diffrence between what they advertise and what it actually is. thats what i was referring too. They promised alot of things wich just wernt there.
I notice a common narrative around these parts of the web, which seem to venting belief that MMOs are easier now simply because everybody can Solo.
But the same people saying that above are also praising games like Demon Souls, which is popular for its Difficulty.
But Demon Soul is a good example of what I mean, when I say, "Soloing has nothing to do with Difficulty"
since in Demon Soul, the game is actually harder when Soloing, than when playing with others. So that's a total contradiction.
MMOs can be just as hard as they always been, if not harder, with Solo gameplay.
The problem with this is MMO's choose to be solo friendly so they can make the entire game more casual friendly. It would be nice if an MMO had solo as hard as demon soul but that game does not exist so you're really comparing apples to oranges.
The problem with this is MMO's choose to be solo friendly so they can make the entire game more casual friendly. It would be nice if an MMO had solo as hard as demon soul but that game does not exist so you're really comparing apples to oranges.
D3 hardcore greater rift solo ladder is hard and unforgiving. Not a "classical" MMO, but close enough to a modern MMO.
Thats the entire debacle here. I'm gonna use we in my sentence. We are looking for an MMORPG wich provide just that. But there arnt any on the market. So because of our love we are forced to keep purchasing the stupid games in the hope that what they advertise about is true. And yes we are then allowed to complain about it being shit.
We want to put time and money where our mouth is but if such a thing does not exist then how do we do that?
You are not forced. If you feel forced to do so - then that might be a sing of being addicted.
Besides it was very easy to find out that any of AAA MMORPG released in last few years won't be what you are looking for. I don't remember ANY of AAA MMORPG tite that was advertising that. If I missed any please provide me with examples.
Really none of titles I can recall - Tera, Swtor, GW2, WoW expansions, Wildstar, etc were promising that.
It is both an addiction and a love for a certain playstyle of games. Yet the playstyle has changed significantly compared to the past.
i know its easy to see i have avoided all mmo's from a certain point. But i do know that there is a diffrence between what they advertise and what it actually is. thats what i was referring too. They promised alot of things wich just wernt there.
Who promised what exactly? Because I don't recall MMORPG in last few years that has promised what you (and I) would want from MMORPG.
Well maybe GW2 partially did, but even then only partially.
No other MMORPG released in last few years was promising any of things we talked about.
I notice a common narrative around these parts of the web, which seem to venting belief that MMOs are easier now simply because everybody can Solo.
But the same people saying that above are also praising games like Demon Souls, which is popular for its Difficulty.
But Demon Soul is a good example of what I mean, when I say, "Soloing has nothing to do with Difficulty"
since in Demon Soul, the game is actually harder when Soloing, than when playing with others. So that's a total contradiction.
MMOs can be just as hard as they always been, if not harder, with Solo gameplay.
You are marking the wrong word here, "MMOs are too EASY now, because everybody can Solo".
When you make it so everyone can beat all or very close to all open world content it will be very easy indeed. If the good players could solo but the bad ones were forced to group to complete most stuff things would be different.
Yes, solo in itself have very little to do with difficulty (even if managing a group is harder because the more people the likelier is that one messes up), but everyone playing too lousy to solo 99% of all open world content spend most of their time complaining on the official forum and here for that matter. That did for example happen here during GW2s beta, an excellent difficulty level were nerfed so anyone could do it, even people not bothering to learn how to play the game.
Some nerds grow up to have nothing of worth in their wretched little lives. So they want to have games where only they are good and everyone else lags behind. That way, behind their acne filled smile, they get some distraction from the lowlives they are, if only for a second, they feel good about themselves. Now however, those little losers do not have that aspect of gaming, they have nothing that anyone else doesn't have. No one begs them to be useful, because, they arent anymore.
Everyone can do the content, because in the end, a game is not a form of therapy for the wicked, it is a form of entertainment and people with real lives and kids want to do easy things to see what happens next, nothing more. It is, for the majority that actually pays with their own money, a way to relax, to be distracted from a repetitive reality in which they are unhappy. Games offer to the majority, a sense of success where they have none, in life.
That is why, for a certain group of people, that MMOs are dead, because you either have self-centered lifeless nerds who invest too much time for nothing in return or people with lives that don't care about being good at the game. That group of people often have the complaint that finding good players to do hard versions of the content is harder than that content. Those customers are lost, but luckily, they are a minority and companies exist to make money from people who actually earn money.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
well, i guess it is the rare instance that i actually agree with everything JLP has said.
Very few games is either too easy or too hard .... why? Because there are difficulty sliders to let people choose a level of difficulty they prefer.
If you think games are too easy, choose the highest setting.
1) RNG:
Is it harder to have variance or 100% success with no chance of failure/missing your shot? Is Trouble a difficult game? Of course it is! Can you win over 95% of the time (not against 6 year old opponents)? Each and every roll of the die presents new situations which a player needs to form a strategy for. Of course, if one studies the game as Chess Masters do with Chess, then all the variables are minimized and every roll has it's "optimal move." An even more difficult (or would frustrating be more appropriate?) game is Chutes and Ladders, keeping the children games illustrations.
RNGs DO add difficulty to a game, no matter how you try to spin it. 100% success is NEVER difficult. You know when you attack that you will hit. You also know the opponent will hit you every time. Now all you need to do is select the best attack for the situation, as you *know* it will succeed. Not all that difficult, in my eyes. Remember, there is NO tab target RNG combat system that allows a hit while facing away from a target that I know of. Missiles have ranges that need to be observed in these systems.
And the best part of RNGs... They add that rock that catches on your heel. They add that gust of wind that pushes your missile off target. They add those little random happenings that make life "difficult."
I am fairly sure that games where *you* have more control over your character's actions you find easier then games where that control is handed over to RNGs. That loss of control, I bet, makes games more difficult for you. Or would "frustrating" be abetter word?
2) Severe Death Penalty:
Yes, a severe death penalty is a form of punishment, but without that punishment, is a game hard? Is anything "difficult" with no significant consequences? The variable here is "severe." For some, being respawned some semblance of distance away from where they were fighting IS severe. Now, they have run all the way back (OMG!).
3) Testing Player Ability:
I'll grant you this one. A math wiz will find Calculus easy while a person having trouble with math may find division with fractions highly difficult.
I suck at player input/reaction. Games that test that part of the player I find difficult, but more importantly frustrating. I am much better at strategy and understanding most game mechanics. Games that test these aspects I find easier. So it depends on the specific player on this one.
For me, I do not want to be my character. I like my character to better be than I am in real life. I even enjoy roleplaying stupidity, though teammates may not like it when I do
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
To take WoW, leveling has been dumbed down to follow the arrow for 15 seconds so you can hit a number sequence for 10 seconds and repeat it for a few times. Dungeons has been dumbed down to fit the players that has been soloing up to level 90. If you want to play challenging content in WoW you have to raid which mostly takes a lot of time and apart from heroic raiding isn't that hard.
When 95% of the content is easy its not wrong to say MMO's are easy.
For some people most important type of experiece in MMORPG is open world and generally non-raid content. Because they don't like to raid or even they don't like to enter end-game lobby gaming (instance gear grind).
Other type of people that coplain about this - are people who while can play instances in end-game at the same time want everything else (whole game) to be interesting and challanging.
Then those people are absolutely right. Other than end-game raids, "hard mode" dungeons and rarely other thing or two everything else is easy in mmorpg's.
Of course people who want game that is interesting and challanging since first hours in game, and is about virtual world/open world, etc - they play WRONG games. WoW, FF XIV, Rift, GW2, Swtor, Wildstar, Lotro, Aion, Tera, B&S and practically almost all games described as MMORPGs are not created for that.
Those games are created for providing interesting and challanging content in end-game and most of the time only if you specifically choose to do difficult content and choose higher "difficulty" setting. (hardmore, heroic, etc)
Time to fact a simple fact - certain player groups that plays or want to play an MMORPG have completly diffrent expectations about everything. Expectations that are mutually exclusive.
Anyway if anyone is looking for interesting and challaning virtual world type of play - then don't look it in AAA MMORPGs atm. Game companies don't want to and can't (because of technical, conceptual and financial reasons) provide that.
Yeah, but that is not going to change.
If you're looking for questing that is actual questing and not "follow the arrow". (Open) Virtual world that is actually para-virtual world simulation with interesting things happening. If you're looking for dungeons and other type of challanges that are created in a way that players should have fun in trying to do them (rather than easy speed-run grinds, etc)
Then you should not look for that in an MMORPG because for many reasons current MMORPGs do not provide that and it does not seem that it is going to change anytime soon. Especially if players don't put their time&money where their mouth is. (they complain but they still play those games they complain about).
Name me one modern MMO that has the same difficulty as Demon Souls? I guess TSW would be the closest,but it still doesnt cut it.
Either way,Im a firm believer that MMO's should be group oriented,otherwise there is no point for the game being an MMO.
So tell me this why should i engage section B if i already cleared section A?
Section B is the exact same as section A with mabey an added ability and more damage flying around. ive been there seen it done it in section A, there is nothing wich compells me to get to section B
Now if section A would not exist and youd get section B directly then your victory over a boss would be more meaningfull more rewarding.
Difficulty scaling sucks.
Thats the entire debacle here. I'm gonna use we in my sentence. We are looking for an MMORPG wich provide just that. But there arnt any on the market. So because of our love we are forced to keep purchasing the stupid games in the hope that what they advertise about is true. And yes we are then allowed to complain about it being shit.
We want to put time and money where our mouth is but if such a thing does not exist then how do we do that?
You answered your own question, when you couldn't find a good example of difficult MMO, so you brought non-MMO.
MMOs can be difficult, they just aren't. And since in classic MMO bringing more people helped with difficult tasks, removing such tasks is part of easymode.
I would love to see an MMO that had true difficult content all throughout, and not just at the top-end of the endgame raiding, like in the current paradigm. In most games these days you won't find truly hard content outside of those raids, and the higher spectrum of PvP. I'd like to see:
- Hard solo content.
- Hard group instances from early levels, that requires skill, communication and CC.
As an example, I actually really enjoyed the VR-levels in ESO until they were nerfed.
That game doesn't seem to exist though, so I'll probably just continue to play torment 6 in D3, even if D3 is most certainly not an MMO.
You are not forced. If you feel forced to do so - then that might be a sing of being addicted.
Besides it was very easy to find out that any of AAA MMORPG released in last few years won't be what you are looking for. I don't remember ANY of AAA MMORPG tite that was advertising that. If I missed any please provide me with examples.
Really none of titles I can recall - Tera, Swtor, GW2, WoW expansions, Wildstar, etc were promising that.
It is both an addiction and a love for a certain playstyle of games. Yet the playstyle has changed significantly compared to the past.
i know its easy to see i have avoided all mmo's from a certain point. But i do know that there is a diffrence between what they advertise and what it actually is. thats what i was referring too. They promised alot of things wich just wernt there.
The problem with this is MMO's choose to be solo friendly so they can make the entire game more casual friendly. It would be nice if an MMO had solo as hard as demon soul but that game does not exist so you're really comparing apples to oranges.
D3 hardcore greater rift solo ladder is hard and unforgiving. Not a "classical" MMO, but close enough to a modern MMO.
Who promised what exactly? Because I don't recall MMORPG in last few years that has promised what you (and I) would want from MMORPG.
Well maybe GW2 partially did, but even then only partially.
No other MMORPG released in last few years was promising any of things we talked about.
You are marking the wrong word here, "MMOs are too EASY now, because everybody can Solo".
When you make it so everyone can beat all or very close to all open world content it will be very easy indeed. If the good players could solo but the bad ones were forced to group to complete most stuff things would be different.
Yes, solo in itself have very little to do with difficulty (even if managing a group is harder because the more people the likelier is that one messes up), but everyone playing too lousy to solo 99% of all open world content spend most of their time complaining on the official forum and here for that matter. That did for example happen here during GW2s beta, an excellent difficulty level were nerfed so anyone could do it, even people not bothering to learn how to play the game.
Some nerds grow up to have nothing of worth in their wretched little lives. So they want to have games where only they are good and everyone else lags behind. That way, behind their acne filled smile, they get some distraction from the lowlives they are, if only for a second, they feel good about themselves. Now however, those little losers do not have that aspect of gaming, they have nothing that anyone else doesn't have. No one begs them to be useful, because, they arent anymore.
Everyone can do the content, because in the end, a game is not a form of therapy for the wicked, it is a form of entertainment and people with real lives and kids want to do easy things to see what happens next, nothing more. It is, for the majority that actually pays with their own money, a way to relax, to be distracted from a repetitive reality in which they are unhappy. Games offer to the majority, a sense of success where they have none, in life.
That is why, for a certain group of people, that MMOs are dead, because you either have self-centered lifeless nerds who invest too much time for nothing in return or people with lives that don't care about being good at the game. That group of people often have the complaint that finding good players to do hard versions of the content is harder than that content. Those customers are lost, but luckily, they are a minority and companies exist to make money from people who actually earn money.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.