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I just started a tutorial 3 hours ago or so. I have played Eve a while ago, so I had some headsup on what to expect, although I noticed a lot of things changed, mainly GUI and many small functions .
Now, right off the bat I was plesantly surprised by the tutorial, it was well written, informative and the female voice is cool. I agree with the OP, a lot of love was put into this game. Even though I have played this game before, Ive decided to go on with the tutorial, you never know what new stuff was added after I left. So, I lept doing what I was told, and time flew by. I was a bit impatient to get the the fighting part, so when i finaly did get to it, I was excited as a virgin attentding high school prom with spiked booze. Anyway, my first combat mission almost ended in a disaster - I was told to kill a pirate and loot its cargo, but it turns out someone else was attacking the pirate and when that poor chap sang his last YARRRRRRRR and I tried to grab that cargo box full of grandma's underwear, I was unpleasantly suprised to see it locked as it floated teasing my sense of accomplishment, which was pretty much soon replaced by anger and frustration - I really wanted that underwear!
As it turns out, either i did not do enough damage, or i did not score the final blow to the life support of the poor pirate (I still havent figured that out). So I wasnt the one to grab the box... I could do nothing about it but watch and listen to the other rookie's laugh ... to make matters worse, that can of "extra spicy pirate poop" hit my ship and scratched my windshield... I wonder what my insurance company say about that.
So, as I was panicing and half way on the raod into the oblivion, it turns out I didnt realy "have" to loot the damn pirate leftovers, so I just abandoned my hope of selling granma's panties at a ridiculously overpriced amount and think another way to enrich myself and in generaly conquer the world. So, I just continued on my journey.
As I warped into my next part of the quest, I noticed the rookie who stole my kill falling behind me, no doubt planning a sneak attack or another steal. BAH, cant steal from me if im prepared! First commie pirate I saw and locked onto and pushed the throttle to the max, meanwhile turning on my autoattack on and... waiting. As it turns out combat is a bit more then turning on autoattack. Its a bit different type of fight then what Im used to. Basicaly, its much more strategy and tactics then reaction and personal skill. Although right tactics is kinda an indicator of a personal skill, but its ... different.With Eve, I actualy do feel like im flying a ship. Kinda reminds me of star trek style of flying, except that you cant think of a smart-ass move to kill those borg drones in one shot or something like that. No, you turn on your auto-attack but you gotta consider many things - optimal range, number of targets, roots of escape, friendlies, enemy groups... but i got carried away. Anyway, there I was charging this red commie bastard hoping that rookie is not gonna take my kill again... I was realy happy to see me get my first "real" kill, alongside with a cargo box with my name on it (goodie goodie)... there was a CD in it... a disk rather. Oh well, not like i was expecting a huge battlecruiser sitting inside that tiny container (*drool*).
As I was looking through the content of that CD (vintage borg porn), I noticed that rookie thief was about to engage another pirate. So, I jumped in, helped him out, and promptly stole his kill... BAH, I dunno how it calculates who gets da phat lewt, but its very confusing atm. The poor fella even emailed me asking not to "help" him finish his tutorial. So i left him in peace and carried on.
Finishing the rest of combat tests was easy, and I was pleasantly surprised when at the final point i got jumped by 2 monkey-munching-parrot-lovin pirates. As i was not a total dumbass (or so my computer psychologist keeps telling me in what it seems an endless loop), I made a quick breakfast fix, ate a donut and then killed those annoying pirates for their poor loot (whatever happend with pirate treasures and chests full of gold). That was it for the combat part.
Then I moved on to the agent mission, but they were boring and pretty much cookie-cut "take this go there" missions. As I was flying in and out, I got bored and loged I am starting to remember what killed this game for me in the first place - travel. I did a few instas to help me with travel, but even with that its still boring when I travel over 3 systems. With that thought I will leave Eve for tonite and maybe come back tommorow.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
DAY 2:
As I loged back in, I have paused and considered my further advancement potentials - Missions, hunting, exploring or mining. The latter fell out as I was planning to be a fighter with this character. I got a bit bored with missions, the combat is great but its not as common and takes some time traveling back and forth.
So, with the money I earned I have purchased my new ship and 3 new blasters and ventured off...
At first i was very excited, but soon my excitement flame burned out as it seems that the universe has been pretty much clean of rats and all other scumbags who harras honest miners and traders. I was at 0.6 zone but I had to venture to 0.5 to find more challenging mobs... Even there rats were rather hard to find and easy to kill, so against the better judgement I moved out to 0.4 system. There the mobs were more common and tougher. In fact, I made a few nice bucks killing those very high threat mobs. I used all my cash on buying skill-books (BIG mistake!) and just my luck - the next fight im in i get destroyed and warp back to my station with no more then 8k in my wallet. Oh the irony! Oh the horror! Even though i have been insured, the 110K cannot count much as I cant even purchase the same ship again... Ive been bounced half way back to where I was...very discouraging...
I realize it has been my mistake to try to take out mobs that were VERY tough for me, but I was bored to tears trying to compete with others in 0.5 and up systems. So, now i am stuck, i have the starter ship, but i dont feel like starting almost from the beginning.
Hmm... maybe this is a sign to go into mining and industry for a bit....earn some cash and then maybe continue with fighter...
More to come...
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Bad luck, yes. I might give you some money if you tell me whats your name.
Try to find a good corp. Solo way is the worst thing you can do in Eve.
Ps: Nice posts, this and the other one. Thx.
Did you complete that first story arc of 8 missions? You get an implant you can sell for a ton of isk.
When you're broke and only have a noob ship, take adavantage of the community's good will and beg for isk. Seriously, ask for help so that you can get back on your feet. There's no reason to start from scratch when you got peeps more than willing to help you out and watch you succeed.
Beg? Beg????? You have to BEG for isk????? wow, thats pathetic. I really don't mean to be insulting, as im usually fairly passive and its not my style, but begging for isk when you can spend that time making isk yourself should be insulting to you and your skills. Wow. I see a few people try it when I play in the noob sectors, but I didn't think anyone would actually admit to doing it or worse yet - suggest doing it on a public forum. You might as well hit ebay and just buy it in bulk, and a new account while your at it - at the very least you might start playing the game. People WILL offer help, HELP should not = isk ... This is when quotes about eating a fish and learning how to fish come about.
"Take advantage of the communities good will...." you actually said that.... for the love of... If you are down and out, and someone randomly makes a donation to help a fledgling pilot, GREAT! but begging good people simply b/c you know they will give you what you want if you whine enough, b/c they really do want to help a person in NEED? Do you really feel that you are in that much need? These are people who had to play for their isk... These are people are my friends that your taking advantage of. Help is free. Everyone should know that. There is a whole system in-game and out of game setup to HELP new players learn how to play and make tons of isk. The people you're taking money from are not watching you succeed, they are just being nice and expect nothing in return - whether you succeed or not is neither here nor there.
That was probably more harsh than it needed to be, to which I apologize (but not sorry enough to delete)... Perhaps my vision is a bit blurry and I cant read straight and I have this whole thing wrong. But the game will change around this type of behavior. if you give people what they want when they beg for isk, or gp's or whatever in any game, they will multiply like rabbits and you will never hear the end of it. The prideless (made that word up I think) player is what can ruin a game. These are the types who will look for the way to macro or exploit the system to farm $$$... script kiddies... they will farm it until the economy of an entire world is blown and what they were begging for in the first place now has zero value to them or you - and you worked for that now worthless bag of coins in your pocket, they happily move to the next game, and you're stuck with a broken economy and a shadow of the former community. Anyone whos spent a lot of time playing online rpgs like this can attest to this behavior and the games that its ruined / ruining.
Cerrian probably didn't know what he was really saying or how I would respond, so there is your "out" - use it, then we can put out the inferno and we can play nice again... There are very strong feelings following these types of issues, and I have personally worked to help keep them out of EvE. You really cant stop it, but you can make it really fucking hard to do. So passing quick judgement to me is warranted for anyone that condones any type of exploitation - be it game mechanics or the players. EvE has been around a very long time, we are fairly successful at weeding out people who don't belong. Thats a big reason why EvE's economy is strong, the inflation is low, and the ratings are high. Begging is just the start of a big downward spiral. If you insist on taking peoples money, become a pirate and add to the game ffs. They are always looking for new members. "your ship or your money." No begging involved.
Do not feed the bears! Bears are perfectly capable of feeding themselves! They put up signs like this for a reason... can you guess why? Yes you can. Its should be common sense.
If begging starts to become rampant, im going to start putting together player events where we place a bounty on a beggars head for ridiculous amounts of isk. The beggars will be the most popular players in the galaxy.
I have beggars on the corner of my street, I refuse to see them in my game. You are not crackheads, you do have some sort of shelter, and enough resources to use a computer - you can figure out how to survive in a game without reflecting homeless people. (though some run down barges and frigates at 1/16th the price covered in tuck tape and hauling the equivalent of a doublewide covered in spare tires and broken mattresses would be funny)
Sorry to everyone else for the thread-jacking.
Vulnerant omnia, ultima necat.
Something more constructive this time around...
So, thank you jimmyman99! So far ive really enjoyed your reports; honest, thorough, and entertaining.
My first combat during the tutorial also lead me to the rat I needed to kill, and kill him I did. I thought I was in an instanced area of the map, so I was going around and collecting the other cans from the other rats I killed, then comes another player - noob and loots the big can, the can with promised reward... if it was what you say it was, it was probably all for the best.
I jumped on the help channel b/c my reward was gone? This is a tutorial, im supposed to get this reward? You don't get your loot ganked in a tutorial? Must be a bug I thought... So I pulled up the help channel, and asked if there was a problem with the tutorial, and they said "no, and welcome to EvE."
"Now," I said to myself "this is a hardcore game, I just got jacked doing the tutorial. I am now out for blood, no one is safe."
Only EvE could accomplish this. lol You have to love it. And you will know this, once you get to see your frozen corpse floating in space (with good detail i might add) and the person who was responsible making sure you know who put you out there. Then loading you into his cargo hold, and sold as biomass at the next station.... priceless.
Vulnerant omnia, ultima necat.
It's a viable alternative when you are a noob, flat broke, and have yet to establish a social network. All you have to do is fire up EVE, jump onto your noob corp chat channel, explain your situation, and usually more than a few people will be making donations into your wallet.
There is no reason why you should let pride make you suffer the insult of mining in an Ibis, especially if you hate mining. Take whatever aid you can and use it to fund your isk-making ventures. If you want your conscience to feel bettter then use the donations to make more isk and payback the donors with interest.
Begging is for the birds.
I killed rats in 0.5 space for 2 nights and had a million ISK in the bank to show for it. Most of that was not from loot either.
On a side note...not all the loot that drops off of those early pirates is junk. I looted some type of prototype engine module that sold for 750K ISK back at the station on my first night. the OP. If you want in on a new guild with a mix of newbs and vets, send me a tell in game. We run out of a .4 zone, and while there are only a few of us right now....someone is often doing something that will interest you. I'm most often out killing rats and the others are either doing the same or mining. Send me an email in game (amnika monsulu) or make a post on our recruitment forum at
Thoroughly enjoyed your story. I've been in EVE since beta, and like hearing rookies speak of their trials. In EVE, everything is relative. You can fly frigates and cruisers forever, have fun, and not loose a lot of ISK (or make a lot either) in them. You can also work your way to dreadnoughts and carriers and have lots of fun and loose loads of ISK (and gain lots of ISK).
If you see me in game, convo sometime if you need some pointers. I never have minded helping a pilot unless I'm in some tense situation at the time. My only advice, get a ship that works well for you, then make enough low risk ISK to buy a backup. Never go without a workhorse ship in EVE, otherwise you will be starting from the beginning a lot. I've been playing almost 3 years, and only recently got smart enough to start applying that philosophy.
Thank you all for your comments. If you ever want to drop me a line, do so to a character named Deirdre Amber (yes, I have a fetish for Chronicles of Amber by Rogers Zelazny). I will add all of you to my friends list, and most likely ask a few noob questions in the next several days.
I am also not fond of begging, in fact, the worst thing I could of done was to ask to borrow money, but I decided not to, I still had some cash left from the insurance (about 130K in total) so I could not afford a new ship of the same class plus the 100K worth of equipment...DAMN THOSE LIPSTICK WEARIN' PARROT LOVIN' YARRR SCREAMIN' PIRATES!!! *deep sigh*
So, I counted my losses, and my future did not look as bright as I was hoping for. It felt as if the world has fish-slapped me in the face and now everything is stalled, awaiting my next move. I have thought hard about my move, and since male prostitution is forbidden in my system, Ive decided to take out the 2nd worst profession - mining.
As I checked the market, I was salivating on the images of my previous ship... I dont even remember its name...
Oh well, whats gone is gone. I turned my attention towards other, less expensive ships. I wanted to buy the one with largest cargo hold, but the one I could fly cost way too high. So, I looked and looked, and finalky, one ship caught my eye... nice, slim with plesant design and a pretty good cargo hold for a low price of 29k! Eureka, that was my baby!
I was literaly drooling with excitement... Not only could i afford that ship, but i had enough money left to buy mining lasers and some other mods. maybe, just maybe I will even have enough money for some vacuume frozen pizza and perhaps even Angelina Jolie's hologram for ... entertainment, if you know what i mean
I made a few checks, yes, the ship is new, owner had no criminal history, and most of all, it had holo player with DVD/CD support! MP3 compatible! nothing better then to mine with a nice flowing ambient/chillout music or fight rats with a nice tune of 50c cussing at my enemies... oh yeah!
Anyways, after I spent most of money for this ship and equipment, I was feeling as excited as a goose when laying an egg, perhaps even more excited ecause my "egg" had 2 turret slots just ready for some mining action. A quick trip to adjacent systems to pick up my stuff (I made sure I bought stuff not further then 3 jumps, I dont realy feel like flying 35 jumps to get that stinking civilian shield booster) and I was ready to make a quick buck... and quick it was.
I listened to the vets and made 2 instas.. one at the station, the other at the mining field. Couple of minutes later I was staring at my wallet, 27K fatter then it was 5 minutes ago, all pure profit! I was drooling so much I could of opened spaceship cleaning service in my mouth...
For the next 30 minutes i was launching back and forth, causing havoc with local traffic cops - imagine, you sit silently in your small ship, controlling the lazy morning traffic when suddenly, every 2 minutes theres this jerk who keeps flying back and forth with energy of a 2 year old whos about to get a big fat candy bar...wrapped in a thick layer of chocolate. The Ion trail from my engines did not add to their happyness, no sir, and im not even talking about ore dust from my cargo hold and all those micro particles... I really felt for them that day.
All was going well, I was hauling ore, refining it and selling on the local market becuase the prices were only 8% below the average, and I was too lazy to haul it to some forgotten spacestation that is being controlled by some weird sect or god forbid Amarrians... those guys dont know how to party, eh? I made a fairly good profit before trouble came knocking on my door... 3 serpentis soldiers decided to play soccer with me, they assumed im a goalie and started throwing a soccer ball at me. It wouldnt be so bad if that soccer-ball wouldnt have been made of anti-matter and flying at a 100km/h speed... My ship wasnt a puny rookie ship, but the thing is, at that ashamed to say... i was... rather occupied. You see, about an hour ago i was so hungry from excitement and all the rich profits and possibilities that have opened in front of me, that i had to buy Red Hot Chunky Chili Soup... with black beans. Needles to say, the sounds from my restroom were much heavier then the sound of anti-matter hitting my armor. It was only when my armor has been blasted to pieces and I could see pieces of it floating in front of my eyes ( that and something else, becuase my artificial gravity has been knocked out...) that I realised things were going down the crapper... literally.
I wont bore you with details of my heroic struggle with my pants, and my embarassing plea for mercy through a videocom, I had to actualy adjust video feed to show me above my torso level for the reasons i stated above, they didnt ask what were all those brown particles floating around, the video feed was not the best quality, some kind of microsoft media format it was.. a trully archaic format. Needless to say it ended bad for me, I was forced into my escape pod, abandoned, robbed, beaten and humiliated. The fact that my pod flew by that traffic cop post at a very slow speed did not cheer me up at all. I think i saw a smirk on that cops face! Laugh all you want, jackass, I will come back tommorow and ill have "unloading accident" nearby with a cargo full of fresh fertilizer... see if I can wash that smirk out of your face with that!
Well, Even with the 2nd lost ship, I still had some good profit from the minerals, so buying a 2nd ship with mining beams was not a problem for me. This time, however, I will either extend my missilie launcher controlls to my restroom, or just install potty into my pilot chair...whichever comes cheaper. I wont be caught offguard and offpants next time! I promise!
EDIT: minor text changes and fixed links, hopefully
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Jimmyman - awesome posts
Glad to see you enjoying yourself.
I will indeed give you a yell ingame look out for Varis
If you need any help/advise, feel free to ask. I've been playing the game basically since launch, but recently started a new char to try a totally new field (and the multi mill isk clones were really not good for a character simply flying ceptors and dying very often...)
personally, i do not mine. I rather do agent missions for the cash. lvl1 missions are EASILY done in an Incursus (your 1st ship that died to rats) (and ps - the incursus is a GREAT ship, i used to use it even after years of playing... and the T2 assult ship versions are literally killers..)
The Navitas is a nice little gallente ship.
Have you got teamspeak? If you do i'd be happy to talk you through stuff etc - much faster than typing!
edit PS - what timezone are you in? I'm normally on about 18-19 gmt onwards for a few hours (depending on RL things)...
Oh, and if you need a new ship when we speak, i've got a few frigs already built from recycled loot
Great story!
As for begging - there's a big difference between asking for help in a noob corp once because you've invested poorly or had a run of bad luck and begging for isk.
When you've got a few hundred million isk, blowing 1m to keep someone from leaving EVE is not a waste. Ask for help, but don't beg!
Great read, and I am sure there was never any question of "begging" this guy has too much class.
Certainly no need anymore.
YARRRR, my previous post has been stolen by MMORPG gremlins! I posted a reply this morning but it is not here
Anyway, thanks again folks for your comments and suggestions. Thnx to Draig Coch and Fantus for your donation, very much appreciated. Now i can level skills without actually waiting to get me more cash to purchase those.
The good news are, Im not feeling bored at all, even with all the traveling im doing due to courier missions. I have contacted Eve CSRs regarding my long lost account, and after 2 letters, I got it back! WOOOT. So, im gonna start playing with my permanent (non-trial) character from now on, his name is James Di'Griz. I will keep posting here with my in-game experience - for some strange reason, whenever I write down my EveXperience, I feel drawn into it more. I suppose its the RPG element of it, which is not very strong in-game.
Im no more Gallente it seems, my char is Caldari, for better or worse, we shall see. For now, im logging off becuase my boss is looking weird at me...
Thnx again!
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Has anyone had this feeling of "what might of happend" ? At that moment as guristas unloaded another missile salvo at me, I have just that feeling. I was thinking "What might of happend if I were not so greedy and ventured into a lower spec system?" What might happened... who knows. I was marveling that, listening to the sound of Piranha Missiles hitting m outer hull, almost hoping for them to breach it and make it all stop.
I had no ammo, I had no shields, my capacitor is gone becuase I used it all on shields and didnt bother to save it for the warp escape - BIG mistake. A mistake that would cost me my ship, and perhaps my life. Since I was poor, no one would bother to pay a ransom for my soul. At best, I was to die. At worst... no, no, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts. I almost welcomed that second when my left wing fell off, opening a big wound in my ships belly. The air was all but gone now. I was still in my oxygen mask, but I knew that was IT. So when another missile hit the deck, I closed my eyes and embraced the darkness...
It is hard to know exactly when I regained conciousness. At first, I heard muffled voices. They were arguing about something. I did not know who those voices belong to, nor did I care. My mind was in this state where I could hear pretty much everything, but did not understand it. Its like a buzz of a mosquito somewhere far, you hear it, but you ignore it. This was happening for a while, untill one name poped my mind out of the foh - it was the name of my father, the one I never seen or knew other then a few words from my mother.
It turns out, these guys knew him very well, and he had some power over them. THey spoke about him in past terms, so Im assuming he is dead or has gone to never return. In either case, why would Guirstas know him? What connection is there?
I felt a cold bite of the needle entering my vein, and I fell asleep...
When I woke up, I was in an unknown room. I had unknown cloths and as I scratched my head, i felt a short haircut. I never had short hair. I felt... different. After checking station computer, I found myself no more in Sinq Laison, but rather in Genesis constellation... I wonder who smuggled me here and why.
I found a short note in my email, although the note was written by someone who wished to be anonymous and it was addressed to someone I never heard of. The note read: "Dear James. For reasons I cannot explain to you I have smuggled you from the Guristas and transported you out of reach of Guristas. I have wired you 5million in cash and 2 ships to help you start a new life. I knew it wouldnt be enough to hide you from the Guristas, so I changed your name and gave you your new face. I do this to repay my debt to your father. I wish you well in your new life. XO"
He said the truth about that cash. And he seems to be right about 2 ships as well. From the ships log, I found that its name was "Avalon". Another clue in this twisted plot with my life in the middle. But for now, Im happy. I am alive, 5 mil richer and with 2 ships I can work myself up in the business world. My name... ah yes... Im not James Di'Griz ... hmm, not to bad. And my face? Well, the doctor who performed this experiment (I dare not call this plastic surgery) will have to answer to Deir... to James. In time... All in time...
I paid my bill, locked the door and went towards my new ship and my new life...
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.