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The next generation of consoles has been out long enough that they have officially transcended their label. The PS4 and Xbox One are current-gen and that means it’s time for us to look at what the current best RPGs are. As luck would have it, virtually every game on this list is cross-platform, so no matter what flag you fly, there’s something here for you. Stay with us and I think you’ll agree, these are the best games for RPG lovers currently on the platform.
Read more of Christopher Coke's The RPG Files: The Best RPGs for PS4 and XBox One.
Final Fantasy -? Come on broski
And really despite my hate for ESO on pc, and the fact that it has a sub fee on consoles, it doesn't have the competition on consoles, so it may end up doing alright.
Diablo 3 is unbelievably great on consoles.
Destiny - meh
Shadows of Mordor - good
Child of Light - awesome
Watchdogs - ok but not for me
Dragon Age - looks promising
The Witcher 3 - another one that looks promising
The Crew - we'll see I need a good racer, but I'm picky with my racers, I need good speed boosts, alot of crashing, some explosions, awesome music, and long stretches of full speed twitch movment that keeps me in the game.
He has a rather petty, childish hatred towards anything that isn't FInal Fantasy on the original NES or SNES. So if its not the inactive turn based games from them, he wont like it.
That brief note aside, several things here...
Diablo 3 on the consoles was the definitive edition that introduced all of that. The only significant thing about the Ultimate Evil Edition is that its available on the PS4 and Xbox One. Its far from the "definitive" version of that game though because, as Blizzard has been showing, they aren't all that keen on patching the game up to where the PC version is. So if you don't want all the exclusive content available on the PC for now, sure maybe it is. But this game still can't beat Diablo 2.
Shadows of Mordor the best thing since Two Towers? Please. The Third Age came out two years after that and was a hell of a lot better of a game and more interesting. It's only issue was that EA had the rights only to the films, not the books, so they were painfully limited on what the game could or couldn't do.
Destiny shouldn't be on the list. People run dungeons, sure, but only the couple of times they need to each day for the rewards. This game is surviving on its PvP alone pretty much, as I've met not a single soul (player or reviewer) clamoring for more of the PvE side of the game.
Watch Dogs is far from deep. The upgrades are barely worth it as the game will only push you towards a relative few. If you want to play nice, you may as well avoid half of them because it will cost you reputation, and you won't miss much aside from a bunch of flash as its all practically useless. Blackout items, anti-helicopter, and road blocks are all you need and the game will practically punish you if you don't take them otherwise.
And sorry... But until its released, Dragon Age doesn't deserve a spot. Until the game proves its actually learned its lesson from the abysmal Dragon Age 2 it shouldn't be on anyones top list. What Ive seen looks good, but then again that could be said about Aliens: Colonial Marines as well. What they should be worried about is avoiding Mass Effect 3's major pitfall; introducing the actual villain without any hint at the very climax of the last act then, with no hint of them even trying for a satisfying ending, give you a paragon, renegade, and neutral choice. Cerberus is too horribly inconsistent to be a major player at this point, and they hide behind the "autonomous cells" excuse far too much. Leviathans, who were shown to be able to take reapers out with ease, ultimately play no extra role at the end. And everything comes down to a numbers game that, if you weren't playing as anything other than straight paragon, punishes you and leaves the final battle as nothing but a static bland set piece. Which, after Mass Effect 2's suicide run, was a major letdown.
and Shadow of mordor ? .....yeah Assasin creed and Batman Arkham are awesome rpg series :P
There are no ' Best RPG's ' on consoles. They are always limited by hardware restrictions.. just not possible..
Ever since I have played the console version of Diablo 3, I can't bring myself to touch an ARPG with the mouse and keyboard controls, it feels like stepping back in time too far.
I don't mind some old school, but when it comes to controls, I will take the thumbsticks over the point and click with the mouse anyday.
My character moves where I want him and it's fluidity just can't be matched with mouse point and click, when I want to turn or dodge it happens immediately, on pc I can not dodge, and if I want to turn it just doesn't happen as smoothly as it does with the controller.
I agree it would be nice to see them remaster Diablo 2 for the consoles as well.
The title reads "The Best RPGs for PS4 and Xbox One"
Why are PC Purists already in here complaining?
It is simply outlining the best games of the genre available (or soon to be) on the consoles.
I agree with the list. Some people may dislike Destiny, but I'm having a blast. Shadow of Mordor is tons of fun. And Diablo 3 is much more fun for me on console than PC.
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I think the best thing RPGs offer is people fight over which ones are the best not why they all suck. It really says something about the quality of RPGS companies have been putting out.
Destiny is pretty new and I can't say I know all that much about it but every other game on that list has earned it...imo.
Totally agree. After playing Diablo III on my PS4, I haven't touched the PC version ever since.
My current top 5 list on PS4 is (no specific order):
1. Destiny
2. Diablo III
3. Final Fantasy XIV (Plays fantastic on PS4 with incredible control scheme)
4. DC Universe Online
5. Child of Light
So happy to see Child of Light on the list. It's been my unexpected favorite of 2014 thus far. It really is a gem, especially if you're a fan of turn based combat and fairy tales.
Spoilers Below: You've Been Warned!
As supposedly light as the title is, it's also very, very dark if you examine it closely. By the time the credits roll, the main character has died.....twice. Her previous kingdom has been physically annihilated and its people stranded as refugees in a strange land. And she's either directly or indirectly killed everyone in her family. Harsh.
What is funny to me is that is about the only RPGs available on the consoles, so in theory, they may be the "best". There are no others. And above that, some of those are Indie, and not of high quality.
The only RPG I do not see on there is Bound in flame.
On XBOX One maybe. Not on PS4.
The witcher 3 will kick ass but how can the op not even mention Bloodborne. Anyone who has played Demon Souls/Dark Souls should be frothing at the mouth for this game.
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