Hey guys i just started a human type character on archeage and am level 4 i would really like too play / group with some people and go through the adventure of the game together ! am on the lucious server and my name is dresten
Good luck with your adventure through this amazing game, and don't let the hate herd here bring you down, because I am sure that they are not far behind me.
I am not on your server, but if I can offer any advice as you go feel free to PM me. I would say make a thread, but it is kind of pointless here until a new game comes out to dislike to divert their attention.
1. Remember the game, even the early game, is not defined by rail road questing. By level 15 I was on the open seas on my clipper and you can be too. Starting at this time, wood has flooded the market and is now very cheap, which is great for you as it relieves pressure on those that grow in the open world to gather.
2. Get into a good guild. I emphasise the GOOD. Look for organisation, communication, and a clear vision. This game is all about guilds.
3. Once into the guild, make friends and get into a family. They will most likely let you use their land in return for some of your labour. This is a great way to start earning that gold to buy your own land.
Thank you my friend ! What server are you on and do you have a active guild ? I could always reroll as i am only up to just getting my rowboat really appreciate your tips and advice you seem like a good person and i would like too have good friends as i get into the archeage world
Good luck with your adventure through this amazing game, and don't let the hate herd here bring you down, because I am sure that they are not far behind me.
I am not on your server, but if I can offer any advice as you go feel free to PM me. I would say make a thread, but it is kind of pointless here until a new game comes out to dislike to divert their attention.
1. Remember the game, even the early game, is not defined by rail road questing. By level 15 I was on the open seas on my clipper and you can be too. Starting at this time, wood has flooded the market and is now very cheap, which is great for you as it relieves pressure on those that grow in the open world to gather.
2. Get into a good guild. I emphasise the GOOD. Look for organisation, communication, and a clear vision. This game is all about guilds.
3. Once into the guild, make friends and get into a family. They will most likely let you use their land in return for some of your labour. This is a great way to start earning that gold to buy your own land.
4. Have fun!