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i been thinking about buying COV and want to know how Soloable is the game. I only play MMO's that are descently soloable like WOW. I'm just antisocal, i guess. This is the only sticking point in me buying COV.
most missions tword the beggining are soloable the rest would only be soloable is if u accept a mish and go hunting until they will be a lower lvl then u then u should be able to solo but most of the time it requires grouping but wats so bad about that? u just said ur status to LFG and see if anyone invites u, there is a list where the LFG people are at the top and u can invite them and lvling only gets hard until lvl 10 but there is a matter of lvls, if u group with a lvl 50 say bye-bye to all the exp u would get from enemys u kill and if ur versing enemys too high of a lvl u'll get no exp so i reccomend GROUPING WITH PEOPLE UR LVL
It depend on the Archtype, but all can solo to some extend.
Yet, some solo better and faster than all others.
A Masterming can solo with no problem at the highest difficulty setting as soon as he get a few levels under his bellies, until then he can solo at regular level. (especially the ranged pets combined with a strong secondary, like bubbles for example, ninjas and undeads are definitely having a harder life, mercenaries work extremely well, high damage output)
Brutes solo well.
Stalker can solo is more edgy. They are by no mean scrappers (best soloers in CoH). I Guess the Brutes are the equivalent of old CoH scrappers, but the Mastermind solo much better than a long as you doesn't mind the downtime to call pets everytime you zone.
Some corruptors and some dominators are good soloers (I confuse the two), but the challenge rating is definitely higher IMO.
Brutes and Masterminds usuallly found they get better promotions and faster XP in solo than in group if the player is skilled enough...unless they get awesome groups, the group bonus is the right groups.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I agree 100% because i am a lvl 14 MM and i always solo unless it is one of those long missions but im not really sure about wat u said about dominators they are more of a support archtype, corruptors are pretty good soloers but i still think they are better as a support, if u want a good soloer get a MM or a brute maybe a stalker i dunno, nvr had one, go with a robo MM or a merc MM or some kind of brute
I'm primarily a soloer and I couldn't have put it any better than Anofalye.
My main char is a MM (mercs) and so far I've only grouped (on that char) when I got bored.
I tried Corrupters and actually found them barely soloable above the lowest difficulty settings.
May just be the builds I used, but I generally liked them less and haven't done a lot of investigating.
With Dominators I think it definitely depends on the power sets.
Using Fire as your control powers is significantly more difficult than Ice (my personal fave) or Psychic control.
My Ice/Fire Dom is in the teens and hasn't grouped yet without any difficulties (as long as I power through mission maps or pre-mission hunt enough to keep Domination levels high).
My Fire/Fire is struggling even on lowest difficulty settings.
Another thing you might want to consider Ars, is pvp.
With the consideration of the pvp zones thrown in I think Brute wins as The Most Soloable -- for its ability to take as much damage as it dishes out without flinching.
While I enjoy the pvp zones, the pets won me over which is why I stick with MM (plus, it just makes gladiator matches flow so much more easily if I already have the pet controls on automatic )
I solo about 90% of the time. The only times I do not solo is if I need help with a Hero/Archvillain or if I want to run a task force. Those are the only times I feel I am forced to solo. Other then that I team up with friends only when I feel like it.
It's not really plausible to solo Boss fights.
At the end of certain mission arcs it will be necessary for you to team up to advance the game.
90% of the game is enjoyably soloable.