Here is one I've been playing. So far there's been weekly, even daily updates, there's a few P2W features through donator gear, but 2x EXP potions are not for 1 player, if somebody buys one it's for everybody on the game, it's kinda neat.
There's also a 10 hour (now it's around 8 hour) 2x EXP event going on for the owners birthday today.
The closest comparison to this game would be Runescape, there's player housing and stuff, but the community is the biggest reason why I started & kept playing this game, it's SO nice to get away from the trash communities on other games, here's the trailer for the game:
maple story
lost saga
rumble fighter
grand chase
blade hunter
conquer online
hello kitty online
So What Now?
Here is one I've been playing. So far there's been weekly, even daily updates, there's a few P2W features through donator gear, but 2x EXP potions are not for 1 player, if somebody buys one it's for everybody on the game, it's kinda neat.
There's also a 10 hour (now it's around 8 hour) 2x EXP event going on for the owners birthday today.
The closest comparison to this game would be Runescape, there's player housing and stuff, but the community is the biggest reason why I started & kept playing this game, it's SO nice to get away from the trash communities on other games, here's the trailer for the game:
And the website: