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"End Game"



  • HJ-RazuHJ-Razu Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 21

    Originally posted by Renian

    So to achieve 160 you might have to play for about 10-40 years. ;) Rough estimate, but I doubt anyone playing Gemstone has achieved 160 and it's been around for 15 years I think. The only guy that I've heard of as the longest-time player was years ago who had played it for 10 years straight. Just my 2 silver

    WHAT are you talking about? There were tons over people over level 160, mostly empaths, clerics, rogues, and this one wizard guy that picked boxes. They became level 160 once they implemented the hard cap, and received special titles. I mean, look at Zabarieth. The reason why he's The Renowned Lord Zabarieth is because he was over 160.

    There are many people that have hit the now-cap level 100 as well. But it took them, at the minimum, two years.

    When GS4 was released, all persons over level 100 were reduced in level to match their amount of experience.   Anyone over level 160 was automatically capped at level 100.  They were granted the special titles to show they had made it that far first.

    And the change was necessary as there was a bug in the experience equation when someone reached level 300.  And I know at least two people got close to 300.  At level 300 there would have been a divide/0 error, which could have been potentially bad.

    ~~ FGM Razu ~~
    ~Hero's Journey~

  • HJ-ZeeHJ-Zee Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 47

    Originally posted by xDivianaDRx

    And then the good news.

    I finished my GM design test a week or two ago, and this morning when I woke up, well, basically I'm going to be a world development GM. Just got to go through the hiring process, (paperwork?/training? I'm assuming anyway)

    So here's to being an EMPLOYEE who is apparently less important.

    Are you going through the hiring process for world building or have you already been hired?


    Simutronics GameMaster
    Hero's Journey - Quests Team

  • RenianRenian Member Posts: 152

    Anyone over level 160 was automatically capped at level 100. They were granted the special titles to show they had made it that far first.

    Right. Keyword: *was* over 160. :)

    And the change was necessary as there was a bug in the experience equation when someone reached level 300. And I know at least two people got close to 300. At level 300 there would have been a divide/0 error, which could have been potentially bad.

    Now THAT I didn't know.

  • xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239
    I'm waiting for a very important fax. I'm assuming monday will probably be a good day to get it.

    Hero's Journey GM
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  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 173

    Originally posted by xDivianaDRx
    I'm waiting for a very important fax. I'm assuming monday will probably be a good day to get it.

    How long did it take from sending in your application for you to be accepted as a GM?

  • xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239

    Well, I sent in the application on.. December 14th, they sent me a follow-up on the application about a week later, I spent almost a month working on my design test, sent that in, waited almost another two weeks, then got an email saying that I did good on the design test, then I recieved an email with a job offer about two days ago.

    So just about two months, but by the time I'm finished with hiring, it should be two months if not more.

    Don't forget I'm not quite in yet, I still have to sign the NDA and get my HJ-Diviana name and some other stuff.

    Hero's Journey GM
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    Hero's Hall

  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 173

    Ah darn. I sent mine in on the 22nd of Jan. I have lots of coding/game design experience and am really excited for HJ. I wonder where I went wrong. Do they look for long-time players of Simu games over relative newcomers? I spent a long time thinking up a good adventure too :/ Oh well. I suppose I'll try again in 6 months.

  • xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239

    Seriously, I had pretty much given up hope, and then the next day I looked in my email and there was the follow-up.

    If they want you, they'll come at you when you're definitely not expecting it. I think it's their game-plan. To keep you guessing the whole time..



    Hero's Journey GM
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  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 173

    ::::35:: well if they're waiting for me to give up all hope, now would be a good time. I thought I had forced myself to forget about having sent the application in, so I wouldn't worry about it, but now that I know I didn't get in I realize I'd gotten my hopes up with all this daydreaming about creating adventures. Since you're now a recognized expert adventure builder, would you mind reading over the adventure I included in my application to see if that's where my application's weak point was?

  • xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239

    Well, I wouldn't say I'm recognized yet, and definitely not expert, but I can definitely read.......  I don't know if I'll be helpful in any way, but I guess reading it can't really hurt?

    Hero's Journey GM
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  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 173

    Actually, nevermind. You don't have any contact info in your profile and I don't want to post it directly in this thread. Thanks for being willing to do it though ::::39::

  • xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239
    You know you can email me here right? check your inbox.

    Hero's Journey GM
    Hero's Journey Official Site
    Hero's Hall

  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 173

    oh...right...::::08:: Ok I replied.

  • HJ-ZeeHJ-Zee Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 47

    Originally posted by xDivianaDRx

    Well, I sent in the application on.. December 14th, they sent me a follow-up on the application about a week later, I spent almost a month working on my design test, sent that in, waited almost another two weeks, then got an email saying that I did good on the design test, then I recieved an email with a job offer about two days ago.
    So just about two months, but by the time I'm finished with hiring, it should be two months if not more.
    Don't forget I'm not quite in yet, I still have to sign the NDA and get my HJ-Diviana name and some other stuff.


    Ahhhh... So you have already gone through the hiring process! I'll see you on the other side soon enough! Congrats!


    Simutronics GameMaster
    Hero's Journey - Quests Team

  • HJ-ZeeHJ-Zee Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 47

    Originally posted by Archaos

    ::::35:: well if they're waiting for me to give up all hope, now would be a good time. I thought I had forced myself to forget about having sent the application in, so I wouldn't worry about it, but now that I know I didn't get in I realize I'd gotten my hopes up with all this daydreaming about creating adventures. Since you're now a recognized expert adventure builder, would you mind reading over the adventure I included in my application to see if that's where my application's weak point was?


    One thing to consider is which position you applied for. If you applied to be a scripter then you are going through a whole different channel than a builder would go through.

    Another things... A week or two isn't a very long time. I remember waiting... months. :D


    Simutronics GameMaster
    Hero's Journey - Quests Team

  • xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239
    I had pretty much thought it was going to be months, if they liked it at all... but apparently they really liked it....

    Hero's Journey GM
    Hero's Journey Official Site
    Hero's Hall

  • TyveilTyveil Member Posts: 201
    I really hope HJ allows for constant character development such as what I'm used to in DR with no hard caps.  Soft caps I can handle (where stuff just gets so hard to learn the skill just doesn't hardly move), hard caps I hate with a passion.
  • Pham_TrinliPham_Trinli Member Posts: 20

    agreed ::::02::

    "I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person."

  • MornebladeMorneblade Member UncommonPosts: 272

    Wow, this tread got really off track. Anyways What will be for players to do once they hit the level cap? I'm assuming there will be a level cap, since it HJ is a level based game.


  • hj-sylveriahj-sylveria Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 23

    It's a very important part of gaming, this leveling thing, isn't it?  I think it's a very narrow way to define a game, though.  Being the first to level or among the first to defeat the hardest critter in the game may be important to some, but most folks (I think) want to spend quality time doing whatever the heck suits them at the moment they log in.  If you have nothing better to do than chase another 1,600 gurlags around til you ding, then the game hasn't done enough to help you advance your character in other ways.  Like...with roleplaying, perhaps. getting you lost in a ghostly forest and having the time of your life with a small group of friends.

    I'm a former GS3 player who got to lvl 35...and have been stuck there ever since.  There's simply too much other fun stuff to do to worry about training another +5 in swimming.  Why?  Because I'm constantly getting to know my fellow gamer, taking a part in their adventures, and getting into my own brand of trouble :P 

    And that's the whole gist of what HJ wants to do for you.  We want to put enough diversion into your daily gameplay that leveling isn't the all-important yardstick by which you measure your amazingness...or ours.

    So when you talk about the "end game," heck no...are you kidding?  We hope we do such a good job with this world that you never, ever want it to end.


  • MornebladeMorneblade Member UncommonPosts: 272
    Well, I tend to move along in levels pretty quickly, I guess it is my nature. Not to mention I tend to drag half of my guild with me (laughs), and I'm sure there will be others that will do the same. That is one of the negatives of a class/level based system, as opposed to a skill based system, in my opinion, sice there is such a clear cut "end" to it. Having said that, will "max" out eventually, so faster than others. Since HJ is built around being a hero, what kinds of "heroic opprotunities" will the greatest heros have?


  • hj-sylveriahj-sylveria Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 23
    I'm not on that team so I can't answer with any authority but I promise it won't be anything know...washing my windows or anything :P  Hehe.


  • MornebladeMorneblade Member UncommonPosts: 272

    Originally posted by hj-sylveria
    I'm not on that team so I can't answer with any authority but I promise it won't be anything know...washing my windows or anything :P  Hehe.


    Oh, as for  the smelling the flowers, goofing off, getting into trouble and helping others with quests, or just hanging out and talking I tend to do aalot of that. But I do about 99% of it after I get my character where I what him develpomentally. That way, if something pops up that would require someone that is "maxed out", I can hop into it at a moments notice. Most games I have played cater most of their content to maxed out players, so most of the interesting stuff happens there. That is mostly why I level hard. If, however HJ doesn't use that model, I might be tempted to slow down and do more of that as I level, instead of trying to set a land speed record.


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