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My feelings on the subject of Star Citizen are shrouded in more shades of grey than the murkiest Seattle skyline. I’m a Golden Ticket holder, Imperator, High Admiral, and very nearly the first writer to report on the game as being a major movement in the gaming community. If I wasn’t the first to point out how it’d shape the future of the industry, I was dang close. Beyond seeing the historical impact this game was bound to have, I’m also a straight up fan. I’ve been a fan of Chris Roberts and his games since senior developers were few enough that we actually knew most of their names.
Read more of Red Thomas's Star Citizen: Change is in the Air.
The LA office felt like a satellite office as it opened, but it’s become much more central to the development since.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
this article oozed of conservative disdain and self approval.
Which sucks, Also Wasn't expecting an article full of unfounded and unnecessary theory crafting.
The criticism basically amounted to "This game has gotten big for its britches" and "I wish my people had a galaxy to call home"
But in the end the author acknowledges that the exponential increase in supporters gave the game a potential that it would likely never have even dreamed of in the past.
I wonder how common this sentiment is throughout the Star Citizen community.
Star Citizen is no longer the (small) kickstarter game of 2012 - its a "victim" of its own success .... and I like it even more than before for those very same reasons. Its more of everything and its (even more) daring ... and that takes time and causes friction. Perhaps in the team, for sure in the community. IMHO they will pull it off ... and given time it will be a milestone in game development.
Have fun
The attitude here in Cali is not about making sure "no one acts too mean or finds too much success", it's about making sure that no one is successful at screwing other people over. Author is way too full of himself, thinking he is a "rugged individual", in the tech industry where everyone is dependent on everyone else.
"this article oozed of conservative disdain and self approval." Yes, I do agree, time for the author to take a good look at himself.
And as far as song is concerned, don't be worried about Folk, worry about someone playing Dubstep.
I would also mention the Chris Roberts et. al. never anticipated this level of backing during the initial funding of the game. The planned iterations were designed to attract more funding by releasing the game in modules. Now there is plenty of funding and CIG had the ability to revamp how the game would be made. Fans shouldn't expect CIG to stick to original 'promises' to be delivered exactly as originally planned.
I am excited for the future of this title and I hope it sends a clear message to other developers that gamers are tired of lousy, rushed products.
I am not sure what this article was trying to achieve but it sort of gave me nothing.
I have actually watched what limited game play some select few have been allowed inside of Twitch streaming and all that matters is what i see and what i have seen looks really weak.
You argue whatever,it's not near finished,not even open Beta or Alpha or like i said whatever excuse,it still looks very weak.
It actually looks exactly what my gut told me it would look like even as a finished product.
I am not sure how this game ever got the hype or support it got but then again i still can't fathom supporting Eve either.I guess it comes down to a VERY weak market segment that many are dying to play ,so the competition is almost null and void.
Personally i never fall for a game just because,it still has to do what i want from a video game be it pvp,PVE,sci-fi/space RPG whatever it still has to be good at what i want.
I very honestly could support a game such as this ,a Sci-fi or Space game but it has to be good and i have seen absolutely nothing in those markets that i would even consider playing.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
if Star Citizen doesn't excite you, you simply don't know enough about it.
Wingan's "John Candy-esque" personality has been missed since June when Around the Verse took over as SC's main web video show.
Eric Peterson is a showman, he's the kind of personality you just don't see that often.
But he's not angry with Chris Roberts and he's still apart of the SC community, though he's busy with a new studio of his own and a new game... with many of those same team members who also left Cloud Imperium.
Ah! Someone has been reading my notes for an article in progress!
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Talk about disdain and self approval:P
just maybe, someone knows how many games promise and fail to deliver? As always talk is cheap..and yes that includes mine.
There are so many people riding the hype train into outer space. Trust but verify. Sound sentiment. Until we get to a beta phase that puts the WHOLE playable game together and it works..we have exactly nothing to verify.
I have hope...i also have a healthy dose of realism to go along with that hope as well. Sounds a lot like what the author was talking about yes? Hope ...and a bit of worry.
For people haven't already realized potential is worthless.
What does have worth is what a game IS, and not what it could be.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Just responding to the part in orange. BTW i say this not as a backer, or even a fan of chris roberts or the wingman series (I played more x-wing and tie fighter back in that time of PC gaming, but regardless).
This is just a total BS statement. You don't have to have the entire product to know that quality work is being done. Thats like comissioning a coach builder to make a custom car for you, and they advertised one of their specialties as being lets say a computer controlled ride/dampening system, and they invite you by during the build to show you the suspension on the frame, and show you how the computer can control the different aspects such as ride height, rebound, dampening, etc, and it all works flawlessly, and then you go off and say "well, until i see the whole car, this is meaningless and i have no reason to trust that you know what you're doing!"
Its just ridiculous. Everything they've put out thus far looks amazing, the graphics engine clearly is well coded and efficient, yes they need some work on the animations, but that is obviously an early sample of the FPS portion of the game. But from everything ive seen the dog fighting portion of it is just about flawless.
Does that mean there is no reason to keep a healthy level of concern, no, but what you guys are doing is essentially throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
What if one doesnt care about the space sim genre? There is no reason to get excited about a game in a genre you don't enjoy.
Wingman is not DEAD he is making his own game, he always wanted to do that, he wanted to do some Comquest Wars sequel or something else, now he makes a type of Descent/Miner Wars according to his new site
No SC is not Wingman's Game it's Wing Commander Privateer and therefore Chris Roberts' game
and for the love of god 2 VIDEO SHOWS a week and several blog posts often on the same day is not enough communication? Name the game company on this planet that does more communication...LOL
oh wait there is more, the monthly Jump Point Magazine and Citizen Con.
if they would do any more fan pleasing communication would there be anyone left finalizing the game?
Umm yes you Do need the total COMPLETE product. Until then it is all just hype. Making "modules" that look wonderful does not mean they will all just work together perfectly or at all. Most likely they will...but saying they will for sure is the real BS here.
Any time you need to think up some crazy example to try to make a point...just reaching there.
Just because they put out hype shows and self promoting PR shows does not mean they are communicating.
I am bummed about Eric's departure.
Fact of the matter is... I felt the decline with the changes in Wingman's Hangar... then when Wingman's Hangar ended.... and well... I dunno.. just... an odd feeling of emptiness.
I have met Chris Roberts, twice, and he is an amazing guy. So is his team, but there is something dark lurking there... Can't put my finger on it.
on the internet, we just say "FIRST!", saves us time
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
And you hit the main reason why I'm leery of this game. Crowdfunding is good and all, but I have no interest in a game where you have to pay hundreds of dollars for ships. Is this game pay to win? Are the ships people are paying for now immediately available to others as soon as the game launches? If not, then it's pay to win up until the point they release the ships. If so, then it means it's a money grabbing scheme to get as much money off backers as possible.
Misleading. Yes ships are available, BUT you need to gather the in-game coin to buy them. Which could take quite a while. And the people that have bought the ships will be flying more powerful and larger ships all that time you are gathering funds.
So yes pay to win for early game IMO BUT you can eventually catch up and have the same ships and systems at late game. So the early advantage will be heavily on the side of people paying cash for ships. But will not last forever.