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Some feedback to combat -
This is what Artair Geal have to say about SOTA combat -
[quote] It seems like the SotA team decided to herd all the tour-people, of which I am one, into combat this release. I'm sure many players have been avoiding it. I know I have ever since its first two debut releases. I've mentioned many times how much I dislike the deck system, but I gave it yet another try in the interests of getting a hat.
My investment in that stupid hat dwindled rapidly.
Luifervm say this -
[quote] OK... i have to agree to some extent.
Combat is iterating and it has the potencial to be fun, but in it's current state is NOT.
If you want us to ''grind'' some levels while doing this hat thing why you put impo'ssible monsters everywhere? i cant even kill a Wolf so how do you expect me to do anything?.
i bough some gear with the gold you provide, no real big difference.
i can sustain just 2, maybe 3 hits before any mob kills me or i have to run, and get out of combat and WAIT to be able to try again... where do you think DOWNTIME is FUN?, this is an old concept of old games that needs to be gone from MMOS. i have no time to WAIT.
i completed the tour quest by the way, no real complains with the approaches you can have... Osidian keep i managed to fool everything just going to the river climbing to the gate, huging the Wall, then jumping from one side... nice touch to be able to do that by the way... but i rather would like to fight and not be destroyed by everything.
you can't cast anythig because you just drain your focus out with 4 clicks.... really... i don't understand this.
every single release this thing is becoming more and more punishing... more restrictive and SLOW combat.... i want to play the game, i want to fight, and i want to do things, but i CANT without boring and frustrating grinding and downtimes. [/quote]
Wonder when SOTA developers will understand the mistake they did with adding this horrible combat system. When they get noone to enter PvP? And why are they so stubborn in keeping this random card combat system? They even claimed they would go for a standard combat system if the feedback were against this combat system. To me it seems they only read the few positive feedback they get and have blind folders on when they see a negative thread.
I played for about 40 minutes this time around and had very similar feelings.
I am considering selling my pledge as well. This thing is going downhill rather quickly. The team needs to make a few angular turns to get the game back on track.
haha those are some pretty funny quotes. yeah, there are people that don't like the random deck combat, but that's why it's an option. you don't have to play that way. in fact, you have to intentionally choose that option. by default, combat plays out like every other mmo, where you can put whatever skill you want on the hot bar.
and of course the game isn't balanced yet, so i agree there. most things in the game are so out of whack it's funny. timers, cool downs, level gating, mob difficulty, skill progression, etc. but how is that not unexpected?
but i also liked the fact that you can raid the obsidian keep solo, going through a back entrance and stealthily completing the quest that way.
Why didn't you mention the setbacks you get by using locked skills? There is a focus penalty with using locked skills and that isn't the same as not having a focus penalty.
So your right here is an option to lock skills but then you nerf your performance and when the game mechanics nerf my performance cause i choose a set up i prefer to play with then it definetly isn't like every other MMO. I actually can't think of 1 other MMO that deliver something similar.
For one you can use locked skills. The setback for using locked skills is the fact that the deck system is superior to the traditional system.
Eventhough the game isn't close to being finished I've had no problems using the deck system. I have always had the glyph I need at just the right time. If you are having problems with the deck system use the traditional locked toolbar. I and quite a few other people have used it and it works for us just fine.
I was one of the biggest skeptics about the deck system around this time last year. I was very upset about the concept, but when they allowed us to test it in release 8, I had to admit I was wrong. So give it a chance before you give it a bad grade. If you still don't like it that's fine, but don't say it doesn't work because I know for a FACT it does work. I wouldn't try anything else.
Good for you but loads of players left the game cause of this amazingly poor combat system to never return.
This combat system is by far the greatest divider among players.
That is not a feature that bring players together and it is for sure something that will make this game a less successful one.
Adding a combat system that have the effect players leave the game isn't what i call listening to your player base. It is actually more saying "my way or the highway". So much for the fine words " we are listening to our player base".
They listen to a few oldtimers on the dev forum, thats all.
Yeah, way back when I first learned about and checked out SotA, I saw how the combat system was described. At that moment, I lost interest and moved on.
I expect this game to have a niche audience at best, as is.
Perhaps, if the combat system is changed, then I might check back with SotA.
Waiting for: Citadel of Sorcery. Along the way, The Elder Scrolls Online (when it is F2P).
Keeping an eye on: (whatever is going on here).