839 USD total, 35 USD in rebates. Add case up to your likehood, change parts as you see fit.
There is no need screwing up the build with SSD or AMD.
That power supply is 600W but the Diamond R290 requires "750W (or greater) power supply with one 150W 8-pin and one 150W 6-pin PCI Express power connectors recommended".
839 USD total, 35 USD in rebates. Add case up to your likehood, change parts as you see fit.
There is no need screwing up the build with SSD or AMD.
That power supply is 600W but the Diamond R290 requires "750W (or greater) power supply with one 150W 8-pin and one 150W 6-pin PCI Express power connectors recommended".
Don't believe everything they say, when they say 750W+ (or greater) what they actually mean is 750W+ of the worst most horrible cheap badly built power supply u could find in the world
49 amps on the 12 volt rail on that PSU, the gpu has 275W defined as maximum power draw (which also is more that it actually draws without overclock), so just divide 275W/12V=22.9A, which is less than half of 49A, u got so much headroom u could theoretically put another 290 on there.
Don't believe everything they say, when they say 750W+ (or greater) what they actually mean is 750W+ of the worst most horrible cheap badly built power supply u could find in the world
49 amps on the 12 volt rail on that PSU, the gpu has 275W defined as maximum power draw (which also is more that it actually draws without overclock), so just divide 275W/12V=22.9A, which is less than half of 49A, u got so much headroom u could theoretically put another 290 on there.
That looks pretty official to me. Thank you.
That power supply is 600W but the Diamond R290 requires "750W (or greater) power supply with one 150W 8-pin and one 150W 6-pin PCI Express power connectors recommended".
This is a good case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129180
Don't believe everything they say, when they say 750W+ (or greater) what they actually mean is 750W+ of the worst most horrible cheap badly built power supply u could find in the world
49 amps on the 12 volt rail on that PSU, the gpu has 275W defined as maximum power draw (which also is more that it actually draws without overclock), so just divide 275W/12V=22.9A, which is less than half of 49A, u got so much headroom u could theoretically put another 290 on there.
And it also has 2x8-pin connectors.
Oh. I see thanks for explaining. Unlike "Mr. No"