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As I type this EternalDragon is being biomassed to prevent myself from coming back.
I had enough of the buggs in this game and the lousy people.
been in the game for 2+ years now and its allways the same stuff, lose ship to buggs which ccp doesnt care about scounge for isk buy a cool new ships rince repeat.
I refused to spend 10 days in a station while ccp got to my petition with their lousy customer service. Not ebing able to spend the insurance isk i got form the ship at all.
I know most of you are probably laughing that i am leaving and really happy. I only wish my real life issues on you so you can get a taste of sht.
For those of you that care at all, sory but ive had enough by biomassing my character i am preventing myself form ever wanting to come back.
Yeah but what game isn't?
Don't click here...no2
I've seen more problems with losing ships due to lag as opposed to bugs personally. But aside from that, yes this game definately has its problems. When you die it really hurts whereas you may not notice it as much in another MMO because it just doesn't matter quite as much.
I still say take the good with the bad. Eve has its problems without a doubt but really does offer things that no other MMO has or will for some time.
To put this in context, ED has played over 2 years but has the skills (actual skill at playing) of a 2 week old noob.
He is widely considered one of the most annoying and least talented members of the community.
He has claimed to be leaving around 10 times in the last year, usually because his own asshattery results in a shiploss.
Clicky ^_^
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
LMAO IcoGames. That clip was a +10.
And just one thing to the OP:
Sadly i never deserved my rep. I never did anyhting that bad. And to the pvp thing> im ok in pvp but I dont do things how everyone else does em. I tended to go pvping solo a lot and ended up getting ganked by 3-5 people.
The reason for the quitting is I had enough of the game and lack of customer support. I last night was travling and pirates attacked me right after locking me I crashed then logged back on and crashed again.
happened 3 times in a row when i finaly got back on I was podkilled. Not acceptable for a 2+ year old game in retail.
Im sorry you guys feel this way about me, but honestly you Dont know me as well as you think you do.
EternalDragon was just biomassed completely and wont be back ingame ever again.
Wow there must be something wrong with your comp if the game crashes that much on you. I'll get a node drop once in a blue moon but the game NEVER crashes on me. Look to your hardware or software on your end before blaming CCP. In my experience the game is one of the most stable MMO's out there.
For anybody who doesn't know, Eternal Dragon is a troller. On the EVE forums all he ever does is complain about the game and every couple of hours writes another rant about how he is quitting the game and never coming back.
As it stands, it's been over a month of this and he hasn't left. His complaints range from real issues that are being (or have been) fixed to outright lies. Unless you've read a few of his messages on the EvE boards it's easy to feel sympathy for him.
I am in No way a troller, I make factual statements sometimes ones based on my opinion though. I dont trol people. I was designated a troller by the fanbois of the game.
I would like to point out that EternalDragon is the perfect example of the single shard system working at the individual character level.
As many of you know, in a single shard universe every significant entity is unique and has it's place in EVE's history. There isn't 20 copycats of each entity residing on 20 different server clusters; each entity is unique and some are even famous enough to be reconizable to the enitre community.
There is only:
1 Jita - major trading hub and EVE's shopping is also center of much lag on Sunday afternoons
1 TankCEO - One of the greatest player pirates in all of EVE's history. Sometimes all it takes is his name to show up in local to cause those poor miners to offer to pay a ransom instead of him having to go through the effort of asking for it.
1 Yulai incident - On this day piracy went rampent in one of the busiest systems in EVE. Many noobs and carebears were relieved of their ships and some were podded. This incident resulted in a banning and a significant changes to the security mechanics in the Empire systems.
1 Guiding Hand Social Club [GHSC] - Corporate espinoage, liquidation, assination, and all the works. Do a Google seach on "Guiding Hand Social Club" and read all the stories.
1 Southern Coalition Alliance - Was suppose to be a military defensive pact among a number of major alliances. Instead it ended up being a political fiasco for the Xetic alliance which resulted in the termination of a number of Non-Agression Pacts, the formation of the [5] alliance, the great fracture of the southern alliances, the Secession from Xetic alliance and the formation of Ascendent Frontier alliance and the NBSI alliance.
and there is only 1 EternalDragon - hated by many, is on a permanent Kill On Sight (KOS) list of several large alliances, laughed at and teased whenever he appears in local chat or on the forums...
The point is that in a single shard universe your repuation matters and there are no game mechanics that can "reset" it. When we talk about playing in a virtual world and role-playing your character, EVE does it in the most hardcore way.
The last reply sounded like someone that has intelectual capabilities and can actualy think things through.
I ask you to think about the folling case.
I never did anyhting that bad, I try to make a point 1 time that may of been stupid. I have been alienated to the point of getting sick of things and retaliating.
I was turned into peoples idea of a perfect scapegoat someone to blame for all things wong even when they didnt do anything wrong themselves.
I really should be KOS to everyone cause i whine a lot?
SO they kill me and what does that do, Il whine some more...
I am a product of their creation.
This reputation thing got way out of hand when people judged me before ever meeting me.
Yeah, I don't think you really did anything in game that warrents such a bad reputation, but I do think that you severely misjudged the power and dangers of posting on the forums. Among the EVE community, the EVE-Online forums are the primary means of communicating outside the game.
As I recall, you made a number of posts that were whining, unconstructive, and probably annoying. There are tens of thousands of players reading the forums, some of which hold fairly powerful positions among the allainces and regional communities. This is the danger of out-of-game communication + single shard universe. What you do outside the game can effect your reputation....a better way of thinking about this is that EVE is more than just the client program that draws graphics, plays sounds, and provides an user interface. EVE's single shard universe is also the cumulation of many services provided by CCP and the player community. I'm talking about the EVE-Online forums, the territorial alliance maps by Joshua Foiritain,,,, etc.
How you conduct yourself outside the game will impact you in-game and may affect your corp or alliance. A number of wars have been started due to forum postings and personal grudges are carried over from the forums and into the game and vise versa.
If it is any consolation, you aren't the first to make that mistake and you definitly won't be the last. Prior to you there was Daniel Jackson and he had it 10 times worse than you.
Absolutely - to me the greatest thing about the game. The history of EVE that was written by player's actions in the two and a half years release is tremendous. I know no other MMO with this amount of freedom.
@ topic: I dont know ED personally, but if you are "disliked" on that level, then you are not somebody who made once a mistake and pays for it, but must be somebody that repeately screwed up, be it in-game or on the forums.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Eternal Dragon you have real problems dude.
I'm not gonna flame ya or anything, but you got serious issues.
You act like this game is your whole life, and the world is persecuting you.
The game aint that important. Your rep aint that important. Your ship aint that important. The real fun in the game is playing in teams and having people you can count on, whether you lose you ship or not, its no big deal you just buy another one.
Yes the game has technical problems, it's basically a bugridden botch job with an awesome concept and awesome artwork. So what. I'm having fun with it, that's really all that matters to me.
The help system is backlogged so bad, I have a problem in the system that only got 1 reply, and they haven't replied to me at all in the past 3 days, my problem is ongoing.
So fucking what.
This is the game, we all know what the problems are. Either play it or don't.
Why do you even bother to post here, nobody cares. If you're not enjoying the game then stop playing it and stop posting about it.
Okay so you have RL problems, everybody has RL problems, you're not the only person with serious RL problems playing the game to escape. Pretty much everybody is playing it for the same reason, to escape from RL, just like you.
If you think his forum whoring is a nuisance, thank God you haven't heard him on Teamspeak. The mute option is a blessing.
If I am remembering correctly he also tried scamming on escrow and got caught at it and so his rep is STILL reaping the fallout from that. And well deserved at that.
The Yulai Incident video footage can be found here: right-click save as.
[quote]Originally posted by Cerrian[/b]
Yeah, I don't think you really did anything in game that warrents such a bad reputation, but I do think that you severely misjudged the power and dangers of posting on the forums. Among the EVE community, the EVE-Online forums are the primary means of communicating outside the game.
As I recall, you made a number of posts that were whining, unconstructive, and probably annoying. There are tens of thousands of players reading the forums, some of which hold fairly powerful positions among the allainces and regional communities. This is the danger of out-of-game communication + single shard universe. What you do outside the game can effect your reputation....a better way of thinking about this is that EVE is more than just the client program that draws graphics, plays sounds, and provides an user interface. EVE's single shard universe is also the cumulation of many services provided by CCP and the player community. I'm talking about the EVE-Online forums, the territorial alliance maps by Joshua Foiritain,,,, etc.
How you conduct yourself outside the game will impact you in-game and may affect your corp or alliance. A number of wars have been started due to forum postings and personal grudges are carried over from the forums and into the game and vise versa.
If it is any consolation, you aren't the first to make that mistake and you definitly won't be the last. Prior to you there was Daniel Jackson and he had it 10 times worse than you.[/b][/quote]
I agree with above poster. DJ is still talked about... lots.. but not that often anymore. He is still in EVE by the way, people hardly notice his presence in channels and stuff. Just some old timer once in a while will make a comment. As far as you are conserned ED... well, I am sorry it hit the fan for you - some of the things you said and how you behaved did influence EVE communty's responces to you.
If I were you: this is what I would do, hunker down in an NPC corp. Lay off crazy stuff on forums. Slowly people will forget - Mostly. You will still be on a KOS list for many but you can still have fun. All it takes is time and rational aproach to things.
Anyway, good luck to you and I hope it works out. Oh... and try to stay out of Low Sec for a while, I am sure bad things would happen to you there. Empire & mission running is a best place atm. Sorry about your rep.
Eve is full of good history
If pitbulls could lock their jaw the first pitbull would still be hanging on
Since we're talking about EVE history now I'll toss this in:
Secession from Xetic (Xetic v [5] )