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2 questions about the way WOW works.

1.How is loot rights and xp determined?


player A attacks a mob , player B comes up and out damages player A .  who gets loot rights and xp the person who pulled the mob or the person who did the most dmg.


2. what expansions should i get right away is there something for me to do when i first start out with all expansions or will be better off just getting the base game till im the max lvl.


I normally would not ask. Instead i would play a trial. but it does not seem i can do that in this case. 


  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    1. There are loot rules, which are determined by the Group Leader. You can set the rules to allow for rolling on items that are rare, etc.

    2. No expansions as of yet.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    1. The one who "tags" the mob first get's the xp and loot when not in a group. When in a group the groupleader sets the looting rules.

    2. First expansion coming this year. But when you start new now, lack of content isn't a problem.

  • redluckredluck Member Posts: 18

    Originally posted by JayBrid

    I normally would not ask. Instead i would play a trial. but it does not seem i can do that in this case. 

    The game comes with a 10 day free trial that is to be given away to someone else.  If you know someone who has the game, you can get their free trial card and use their discs to install the game.  If you subscribe after 10 days, they get a month free, so it's a great deal for them.
  • JayBridJayBrid Member Posts: 5

    cool thanx guys, I been also reading up and did stumble acroos he info i was asking on here in the faq.  guess i over looked it the first time.   Think i am gonna give this game  a wirl i been debateing what i wanted to play for abotu 2 weeks now afte ri finally decieded i had enough of Anarchy Online.  I like the skill devolopment in the game as you lvled your toon.

    But im just so fed up with so many other aspects of it. 

    Kill Stealing / Oding to a point its griefing . Just so someone can satisfy their fetish to ruin anothers game play. Which is allowed since Ksing is not against the rules of the game.

    To the very limited spawns that drop certain profession specific items which can have anywhere from a 1 hour to 18 hour spawn and then the drop rate is somethign like .1% or some stupid crap like that.  then to top it off add the previous statment .  Its Bad.  very bad.  Those very few spawns are camped by the ebayers now since the removal of ingots. FC knows it everyone knows it thats been playing a few months and has progressed far enough to see it.

    And then theres Alien Invasion **a paid for expansion**  what a dam waste of money. I like to call it Summoning of the aliens because theres no invasion about it.  if your lucky you see 1 random attack in a NPC city like once every 2 months..  and to get ai xp you go to your city  " if you are even lucky enough to have one. because there simply is not enough plots for citys. "  fill the city controller drop the cloak and 5 minutes later aliens show up. WooooT!! image  ((Simplified version of how it works, Its  very time consuming to get the resources to do a single raid.))

    Basically Funcom really made me loose faith in MMO developers. Not sure if i said this, but I've been watching these forums very closely for a few weeks looking for something new . Just did the DDO beta. not my cup of tea.  SWG is in a fubared state atm. TBH i have always kinda wanted to play it since it first came out. not gonan tho because of principle for what they did to the game and older players.   EVE I love the game in general played 6 months in a PvP heavy org simply loved the cordination it takes to be extremely successfull think my okd org is one of the better PvP orgs out there if im not mistaken in about a year and a half theve come close to half a million kills and theres was only 20 people that played on a daily basis and more like 10 that pvped. but alas  Real Time skill  training. image 

    I'm Just loosing faith that I'm gonna find a MMO that i am totally into. and loosing Trust in some company practices of the MMO developers.   So I here by am gonna do something i rarely do and throw caution to the wind and go where the numbers are. image  I got no expectations of this game and no hopes. so that way i am in no way disappointed by any feature and the features i do like might seem even better than they are.

    Safe Journey's


  • DeckerXDeckerX Member Posts: 5
    To be honest, the game is quite fun until you reach level 55-60 (60 max currently). then you might do what I did and find yourself standing in an open field, bored out of your skull. Eventually,you will be left with the option of boredom, or grouping with a ton of other players for an entire day fighting over good loot. It becomes frustrating. I will, however, come back temporarily once the new content arrives.
  • YeeboYeebo Member UncommonPosts: 1,361

    Things I plan to do at 60:

    1. Farm for cash for my epic mount (althought it looks like I'll have most of the cash already when i get there..just turnd 42 and I am already sitting on 100 gold after skills...had 40 gold after mount, skills, and a total armor upgrade at 40..).

    2. Do the solo/ small group friendly epic armor quests.

    3. Take up a crafting proffesion. Probably tailoring for the BoP class specific robe (main is a mage), then engineering to give myself extra abilities, and then enchanting for the four or five profitable high level recipes. Crafting as you level is painfull. Crafting when you have thousands of gold in the bank for which you have nothing better to do is fun.

    4. Work on faction quests for more items.

    5. Do holiday quests.

    6. Twink the living hell out of my alts, work on them until I get bored.

    If all that doesn't keep me entertained until the expansion comes out, I'll cancell. There is absolutley no way in hades I'll take up raiding. But Blizzard seems to have finally realized that many of us hate it, and is trying to add in stop-gap content until the expansion is ready. We'll see.

    I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.

  • VolkmarVolkmar Member UncommonPosts: 2,501

    actually, tagging a mob gives you loot rights but NOT XP rights, not fully anyhow.

    XP is given damage based even if i am not completely sure how it works but you can try the following experiment to see how it works:

    Take a high level character and a low level character, do NOT group them, go around ungrouped. Have the low level character kill a creature of level X alone and see how many xp he get. then have him attack another, but after the first strike have the high level char enter the fray and kill the creature and compare.

    Loot is always of the tagger, though, no matter who kills it.

    I suppose this system prevent too much "power levelling" from high level characters

    "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

  • JayBridJayBrid Member Posts: 5

    Thanx Yeebo,

    Thats a nice list of things to do , or things you can do depending on what kind of gaming mood you are in at the time. I can relate very well to the last one from Anarchy Online seems to be the only thing i did the past month or so. with my low lvl long forgotten alt's. 

    And I could not help but really take note of the part about the #2. doe s that mean this game allows you to get some of your epic armor pieces with out haveing to get into the whole raid bot deal right away?

    Anyways none the less seems like this game does have a great replay-ability. And I Thank you for your short but very good description of choices i can expect at later lvl's.


    Volkmar ,

    Thats just outstanding!!!!!  The worst thing I hate about Ao is it really seemed to punish the support class/professions. Like Doctors , MP's, and the like. Since Mob loot was given to the person/ party who did the highest DMG on the mob not who tagged it.

     I love playing support professions personally. And this being the main reason i am fed up with Anarchy's rule set of how to determine who gets the mob loot.  among other things but this is what drove me away finally.  

    I don't have WoW yet. I  ordered it the other day from online. I was feeling lazy, That and had things to get done in RL. And it will give me some time to deciede if I want to give any of my AO phats away or not. and take care of a few other matters in game before I get really involved into another.


    I came to a decision that I want to play a Druid / tarren . Before I read any forum information ect about classes.

    I never was big into Warcraft games but i have WarCraft 3. I always thought that taurn guy was cool cause he had that stomp or something and was just this huge bull dragging a totem on his back. If im not mistaken. Im going off of a pretty old memory of the game. And a druid because of Polymorphing. or thats what ao called it. the ability to change form. 

     And now that I was finally able to decide with out to many outside influences which toon I think would be the most fun,  best suit my playstyle, and suit my personality to start with. . I am reading the forums in what options / paths there are for that classe just to  familiarize myself a bit before I start playing.  (Might I add nothing else I can do regaurding WoW till the game arrives Tuesday.)


    So again I say Thank You Lady's and/or Gent's.

        Safe Journey's


  • YeeboYeebo Member UncommonPosts: 1,361

    In patch 1.10 they are adding a set of epics that can be obtained solo (for some steps) and in small groups (for other steps) once you hit 60. I think it's intended to help casual player compete a bit in PvP and also give them a way to gear up for the coming expansion. The gear is something like 95% as good as the stuff you have to raid for, which actaully has a lot of the hardcore raiding community upset. The stats on them are wonderfull, but the set bonuses aren't quite as good as something that takes 100s of hours to obtain (which is just fine by me, honestly).

    I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.

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