So I started playing again today after a one year break and I found that territories can be controlled by guilds. What benefits does this offer the players and is it a good system? Also is it a pvp oriented ownership or is it something the guild has to buy with gold or some such? I have also noticed they have fortresses which seems to be cool, I'm guessing WOW ripped off their idea. So what are the fortresses and how do the help me and what are the guild fortresses?
Are you onto something or just on something?
it's related to conquest. Each week 3 planets/moons are available for conquest. You gain conquest points by pvp matches, crafting planet heroics and many more, some activities are related to the planet that's up for conquest. When the week is over the guild with the highest conquest score "wins" the planet.
To initiate planet conquest you need a guildship. To unlock guildship cost 50 million credits. That will get you a ship with several rooms locked, abit like your stronghold. Only it's a lot more expensive to unlock more space in your guildship than in your stronghold.
Mostly it's for bragging rights. You can buy a mount only usable on planets you control. I cant remember if there's a xp bonus or something for controlled planets. It's another one of those things that could have been so much more. As it is the big guilds more or less dominate conquest leaderboard, at least they did when the conquest startet. Not sure many realy care about conquest tbh.
I had hoped conquest would bring a bit of world pvp or something, but it mostly is just handing out conquest points for doing old content. Yes there is commanders on planets you could fight to kill, but imo the way conquest was set up was just another EAware shot at making "new" content that mostly missed.
You would think conquest would be about fighting the other faction, not fighting other guilds.
The fortress you talk about, I guess you mean strongholds. It's SWTOR's attempt at housing. It's not a total failure. I cant help but think what could have been though. It has some nice QoL features. Ability to set up a place with mailbox, bank+legacybank, GTN, and vendor and it's very quick to load compared to planets. Decorating your stronghold is not bad. it's expensive though, and ofc. your stronghold is instanced. Guild stronghold is exactly the same as player stronghold. Exactly the same layout and size, only more expensive.
The number of planets open for conquest changes each week, some weeks its 3, some its 5, etc. You get bonus conquest points towards PVP, FPs, OPs, Crafting, killing opposing factions commanders on planets, all depending on what planet your guild is trying to conquer Each player in a guild that is competing has a weekly conquest quota, that if fulfilled, gives credits and some items for your stronghold, as well as some items that can be traded in for crafting mats. If your guild places in the top 10 everyone who met their weekly quota also gets some more credits and stronghold items, as well as some items that will help your guild open more rooms on your guild ship. If your guild is the top guild they all get a title as well.
I like the Conquest systems cause it caused a lot of the smaller guilds that never really amounted to much to merge with larger ones and I believe the more people coming together the stronger the in game community as a whole. It also gave people in a guild a goal to strive for other than OPs. Now there is incentive to run things you might not normally if it gives out a bunch of conquest points. My guild was mostly about OPs, and thats it, and now we not only run FPs and TONS of PVP for conquest points but even get into some open world pvp every now and then while trying to kill opposing faction commanders on the planets.
If you fulfill your personal Conquest quota of participation you get some crafting materials and random junk, nothing amazing but helpful for crafters. The guild that owns a planet gets an exclusive Walker mount to use on that planet for one week as well, besides the title mentioned. For the effort involved in winning a planet for a week, the rewards are fairly lacking, YMMV.
WoW announced garrisons as part of their expansion at Blizzcon Nov. '13. SWTOR Strongholds were announced March '14 and released 5 months later in August '14. Considering how different garrisons are from strongholds and how long it takes SWTOR to develop new systems, they were obviously developed independently from one another.
If you buy access to all four strongholds and fill them completely to capacity with furniture, you get double the conquest points you would otherwise. Other than that or the slot machine(now nerfed to uselessness), there's no actual gameplay in the strongholds other than the roleplay you can do with other players in them. Some people like that you can Priority Transport to them and install GTN kiosks and mailboxes and avoid fleet but it's not particularly different, YMMV.