Originally posted by lizardbones Is it just me or are there a lot of posters here with a very short post history and oddly similar sounding stories?
well, someone posted a link to this on an 'adult' wiz101 fb group where happens to be a couple of dozen or so who jumped on that exploitation band wagon and got punished for it and now they feel like they want to punish KI instead of riding out their 2 week suspension from the game. ( keep in mind KI punished people only who excessively exploited it as in 100, 1000's of times used) I posted because i think it was being unfairly represented here as it is a great game and in the 4 years I have played this is the only thing like this i have seen and when KI realized they had been harsh they did reduce the punishment. That is the only reason i posted. It seems a lot in this world the unruly and angry disgruntled are the only ones heard and in turn often the ones catered too and i just don't think it's right. In the mean time these folks who are angrily bashing KI are wanting to play , js
Originally posted by lizardbones Is it just me or are there a lot of posters here with a very short post history and oddly similar sounding stories?
well, someone posted a link to this on an 'adult' wiz101 fb group where happens to be a couple of dozen or so who jumped on that exploitation band wagon and got punished for it and now they feel like they want to punish KI instead of riding out their 2 week suspension from the game. ( keep in mind KI punished people only who excessively exploited it as in 100, 1000's of times used) I posted because i think it was being unfairly represented here as it is a great game and in the 4 years I have played this is the only thing like this i have seen and when KI realized they had been harsh they did reduce the punishment. That is the only reason i posted. It seems a lot in this world the unruly and angry disgruntled are the only ones heard and in turn often the ones catered too and i just don't think it's right. In the mean time these folks who are angrily bashing KI are wanting to play , js
I stay away from the adult or anything W101 on FB. as currently the game has the potential to be a great game. now with the mass banning issue all these people were initially permabanned. now this went into three parts. people who took one or two extra free furniture were overlooked as it was considered nothing. people who took more than a dozen or so were either overlooked or permabanned as well as people picking up 10,000's of these items. the people who picked up a dozen or so and were banned was changed to suspension while people who picked up 10,000 free mushrooms or even in the 100's were banned. for me it was unconfirmed on what caused the change.
this was the second of the great massive bannings this company has done . the other one was over a gardening glitch where stacked elder plants could be harvested unlimited. while these players were banned. KI did fix the problem. and as of now you can stack plants in your garden without (at this point) a sanction from KI as it is allowed to do so. however with stacked plants if you have a problem with it ,KI support will not intervene with it.
some crazy advertizment here for a pretty lame game.
I would never recogmmend anyone to play this game, its heavy cash shop dependant and has a very young and childish community. Even if your looking for that kind of demography- there are far better alternatives. Ive also read very bad things about its management. Its one of those companies that make fake accounts and spam forums how great theyr game is.
some crazy advertizment here for a pretty lame game.
I would never recogmmend anyone to play this game, its heavy cash shop dependant and has a very young and childish community. Even if your looking for that kind of demography- there are far better alternatives. Ive also read very bad things about its management. Its one of those companies that make fake accounts and spam forums how great theyr game is.
good games dont need that.
Would you happen to have read those things on message boards like this one, from people with a very short post history who have stories weirdly similar to several other people who post with very short post histories?
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
some crazy advertizment here for a pretty lame game.
I would never recogmmend anyone to play this game, its heavy cash shop dependant and has a very young and childish community. Even if your looking for that kind of demography- there are far better alternatives. Ive also read very bad things about its management. Its one of those companies that make fake accounts and spam forums how great theyr game is.
good games dont need that.
You are incorrect. You do not have to have cash to play this game, other than the monthly fee. Spending real money is a choice not a requirement. You can craft better gear than you can buy in the crown shop (real money) and it's free. As far as a childish community, again, incorrect. There are more adults that play this game than kids. It's a family game so yes, there are going to be kids of all ages there. If they bother you, change realms or walk away like you would in real life. This is a great game, been playing for several years and I'd reccommend it to anyone.
To other posters:
As far as sanctions and banning goes, you get what you deserve for being dishonest. Common sense would have saved anyone that was punished the consequences. Stop blaming the programmers and be accountable for your actions and decisions. The entire game up to Azteca had free housing items. You could only collect 1 per wizard per account. when you came across a different situation instead of cashing in on it you should have questioned it first. If someone was banned, it was because they were in the group that took the items thousands and tens of thousands of times and sold it for gold. As far as a warning, you were given one in the User Agreement you agreed to when you signed up to play the game!
KI's management does leave a bit to be desired but they are improving, slightly, over the years. Their support people are great to work with and very helpful. Decision makers need to pull their head out of the clouds and be realistic though. One example is the new PVP tournaments that are decided by an NPC. I watched a wizard win who never hit his opponent, and who had far less health than her. When I questioned KI as to how the tournaments were judged, they stated they couldn't tell us. You have to spend real money to play it so why would people bother paying if they aren't being told how it works? this is just one example of poor decision making at KI.
You can hang out in a few starter zones for free ,after that it takes real money to move on.The FREE part content can be done in one day,so in essence it is less free than other game's free trial periods that usually last 10-15 days.This is in essence a 1 day free trial.
As to the main question,this is my opinion and since i know the game inside and out i feel it is an accurate one.This game was brilliantly designed from a combat perspective up to level 50 then it goes all downhill because the design did not have the foresight to advance past 50.This game imo is great fun up to 50 or Waterworks,great for a family or friends with 4 people.The flaw is that if you have more than 4 one or two are left out in the cold watching and waiting.
A few VERY important things to note if playing past 50.
1 Waterworks gear is the best gear,you will find yourself wearing it well into the 80's.KI got real lazy and/or cheap on the gear creation post Waterworks gear.The debate over the new system of Criticals and Blocking can be argued forever,i feel it was a weak option to fix a design made only to last until level 50.They should have kept up a good gear progression,players love to change gear,wearing the same WW gear for 30 levels beyond gets real boring.
2 Your Wizard remains stagnant for what seems forever,you still max out at 2 Powerpips while enemy minions start getting 3/4/5 to start battle,so pretty lopsided.it is because of this stagnant improvement that wizards are forced to play speedier spells,you simply cannot wait for 4/5 turns to finally cast a 9/10 pip spell.Also who goes first is really problematic when you fight these minions with 4 PPips as they put you into healing mode before you even get a turn.Having only 4 pips as a healer and having to heal your entire party is not an option as you need 7 pips to AOE heal.
3 Oh yes one other thing that "might" not make you happy.When players get new spells they SHOULD be effective on 90% of the minions say aside from perhaps a Life Boss is immune to Life spells effects but as is they are ALL or 99.9% immune to Stuns.IMO only Ice Bosses should be immune to Stuns.
IMO at higher levels players should progress up to the same power pips minions are getting you should never feel like you are progressing backwards.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
every complaint i see is unfounded it seems that the people that complain are ones that are unfriendly or dont care about the story or badges or other aspects of the game. first of all we must remember that our char are young wizards and that we dont have the slightest idea what lvl the adults are for all we know adults could be lvl1000
most minion and bosses we fight are adults for whatever race they are in so our pips wouldnt and couldnt be as high as theirs. i think with the way the game is progressing although it may seem slow, that ki had the foresight to make it that way so the game could go on for a very long time so yes the game is worth it
It was a fun game when I was playing it a few years ago. The problem was I liked the PvP "card game" style that the PvP had , but it was worthless at max level becasue basicly , whoever went first had like a 70% win rare as going first was just way, way WAY overpowered. This was universally agreed upon by every max level experienced PvPer I talked to but even 2 years later was still not fixed.
Since that was the most fun part of the game for me (until i realized that at high skill / level / gear - that is once people are pretty much "equal") the PvP becomes really crappy due to the huge unballancing effect of who goes first.
So , if you like questing/alts this was a very fun game. I thought it was too easy to get to max level anyway, so the above concerns about max level being "harder" to get to wouldn't affect me.
I love the game 10 bucks for a month is not bad and the only other thing I would recommend is a mount. honestly there are more expensive games out there and they are not nearly as much fun. try the free trial if you like the concept then subscribe. I have tried other games like wow and everquest and was really bored this one not so much.
I had a lot of fun in the short time i had there. You will have to pay a sub to keep playing or just buy the areas as you reach them (paying zone by zone is expensive but the sub unlocks everything)
AS someone else said if you're looking for a free to play game this is not it.
Play for fun. Play to win. Play for perfection. Play with friends. Play in another world. Why do you play?
even though its ten dollars a month, or however you pay, i find it worth it. The graphics are great, the zones are awesome, and i personally think that even though you have to pay, over time, with all the gear, pets, castles, housing, crafting, and all that other stuff, over time it makes up for it.
Originally posted by TheLizardbones Is it just me or are there a lot of posters here with a very short post history and oddly similar sounding stories?
I've seen that in most of the Wizard101 threads, and it always sets off my astroturfing radar. Which is a bit weird, since most people who've played the game generally have positive stuff to say about it anyways, making it largely unnecessary.
I recommend it. There is a free portion at the front end to basically demo it. It downloads as you play so thats not a problem. If you end up not liking it, just stop. Or you can sub for $10 and unlock it all or just buy areas to unlock.
The design was really good until level 50,then the whole game goes down hill.The problem was they never had the insight to plan the game past level 50.
I would have to write a novel to explain every single detail that has either not improved or got worse.
The entire game is a run around doing quests game,for the most part they never change in design and often involve tons of running around to make them seem longer than should be.
Basically gear had to change from level 50/60 because the stats were no longer relevant ,so they tried to incorporate a fast fix by changing to critical gear but all it really did was give a new stat while reducing others,so no improvement at all,just a trade off.
The design was based on ACCURACY ,it varied by class according to damage,but by time your around 50,everyone has close to 100% accuracy,so you can see why the game pretty much stalls there.
Later in game they add more spell cards but they are so costly they are less effective than lower spells that can be played sooner.
Another very noticeable switch was less gear able to be sold on the auction as the entire push is related to forced cash shop,they don't want people selling cash shop items because it lowers their chance of selling them for added income.
Pets are kind of cool to collect and i would say most people do that but in reality they are quite meaningless to battles.fishing,gardening all seem cool but again no real effect on the game.Housing is a big attraction,this again is a push to cash shop as are the mounts.
The chest system is VERY misleading,MOST of the time nothing useful in them and they are designed to give you a VERY low % of gaining anything near useful.
All in all the game was a nice design on paper,great to 50/60 "Waterworks gear",imo far too much push on cash shop.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Did you forget to switch accounts before you agreed with yourself?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. -- Herman Melville
well, someone posted a link to this on an 'adult' wiz101 fb group where happens to be a couple of dozen or so who jumped on that exploitation band wagon and got punished for it and now they feel like they want to punish KI instead of riding out their 2 week suspension from the game. ( keep in mind KI punished people only who excessively exploited it as in 100, 1000's of times used) I posted because i think it was being unfairly represented here as it is a great game and in the 4 years I have played this is the only thing like this i have seen and when KI realized they had been harsh they did reduce the punishment. That is the only reason i posted. It seems a lot in this world the unruly and angry disgruntled are the only ones heard and in turn often the ones catered too and i just don't think it's right. In the mean time these folks who are angrily bashing KI are wanting to play , js
I stay away from the adult or anything W101 on FB. as currently the game has the potential to be a great game. now with the mass banning issue all these people were initially permabanned. now this went into three parts. people who took one or two extra free furniture were overlooked as it was considered nothing. people who took more than a dozen or so were either overlooked or permabanned as well as people picking up 10,000's of these items. the people who picked up a dozen or so and were banned was changed to suspension while people who picked up 10,000 free mushrooms or even in the 100's were banned. for me it was unconfirmed on what caused the change.
this was the second of the great massive bannings this company has done . the other one was over a gardening glitch where stacked elder plants could be harvested unlimited. while these players were banned. KI did fix the problem. and as of now you can stack plants in your garden without (at this point) a sanction from KI as it is allowed to do so. however with stacked plants if you have a problem with it ,KI support will not intervene with it.
some crazy advertizment here for a pretty lame game.
I would never recogmmend anyone to play this game, its heavy cash shop dependant and has a very young and childish community. Even if your looking for that kind of demography- there are far better alternatives. Ive also read very bad things about its management. Its one of those companies that make fake accounts and spam forums how great theyr game is.
good games dont need that.
Would you happen to have read those things on message boards like this one, from people with a very short post history who have stories weirdly similar to several other people who post with very short post histories?
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
You are incorrect. You do not have to have cash to play this game, other than the monthly fee. Spending real money is a choice not a requirement. You can craft better gear than you can buy in the crown shop (real money) and it's free. As far as a childish community, again, incorrect. There are more adults that play this game than kids. It's a family game so yes, there are going to be kids of all ages there. If they bother you, change realms or walk away like you would in real life. This is a great game, been playing for several years and I'd reccommend it to anyone.
To other posters:
As far as sanctions and banning goes, you get what you deserve for being dishonest. Common sense would have saved anyone that was punished the consequences. Stop blaming the programmers and be accountable for your actions and decisions. The entire game up to Azteca had free housing items. You could only collect 1 per wizard per account. when you came across a different situation instead of cashing in on it you should have questioned it first. If someone was banned, it was because they were in the group that took the items thousands and tens of thousands of times and sold it for gold. As far as a warning, you were given one in the User Agreement you agreed to when you signed up to play the game!
KI's management does leave a bit to be desired but they are improving, slightly, over the years. Their support people are great to work with and very helpful. Decision makers need to pull their head out of the clouds and be realistic though. One example is the new PVP tournaments that are decided by an NPC. I watched a wizard win who never hit his opponent, and who had far less health than her. When I questioned KI as to how the tournaments were judged, they stated they couldn't tell us. You have to spend real money to play it so why would people bother paying if they aren't being told how it works? this is just one example of poor decision making at KI.
You can hang out in a few starter zones for free ,after that it takes real money to move on.The FREE part content can be done in one day,so in essence it is less free than other game's free trial periods that usually last 10-15 days.This is in essence a 1 day free trial.
As to the main question,this is my opinion and since i know the game inside and out i feel it is an accurate one.This game was brilliantly designed from a combat perspective up to level 50 then it goes all downhill because the design did not have the foresight to advance past 50.This game imo is great fun up to 50 or Waterworks,great for a family or friends with 4 people.The flaw is that if you have more than 4 one or two are left out in the cold watching and waiting.
A few VERY important things to note if playing past 50.
1 Waterworks gear is the best gear,you will find yourself wearing it well into the 80's.KI got real lazy and/or cheap on the gear creation post Waterworks gear.The debate over the new system of Criticals and Blocking can be argued forever,i feel it was a weak option to fix a design made only to last until level 50.They should have kept up a good gear progression,players love to change gear,wearing the same WW gear for 30 levels beyond gets real boring.
2 Your Wizard remains stagnant for what seems forever,you still max out at 2 Powerpips while enemy minions start getting 3/4/5 to start battle,so pretty lopsided.it is because of this stagnant improvement that wizards are forced to play speedier spells,you simply cannot wait for 4/5 turns to finally cast a 9/10 pip spell.Also who goes first is really problematic when you fight these minions with 4 PPips as they put you into healing mode before you even get a turn.Having only 4 pips as a healer and having to heal your entire party is not an option as you need 7 pips to AOE heal.
3 Oh yes one other thing that "might" not make you happy.When players get new spells they SHOULD be effective on 90% of the minions say aside from perhaps a Life Boss is immune to Life spells effects but as is they are ALL or 99.9% immune to Stuns.IMO only Ice Bosses should be immune to Stuns.
IMO at higher levels players should progress up to the same power pips minions are getting you should never feel like you are progressing backwards.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
every complaint i see is unfounded it seems that the people that complain are ones that are unfriendly or dont care about the story or badges or other aspects of the game. first of all we must remember that our char are young wizards and that we dont have the slightest idea what lvl the adults are for all we know adults could be lvl1000
most minion and bosses we fight are adults for whatever race they are in so our pips wouldnt and couldnt be as high as theirs. i think with the way the game is progressing although it may seem slow, that ki had the foresight to make it that way so the game could go on for a very long time so yes the game is worth it
It was a fun game when I was playing it a few years ago. The problem was I liked the PvP "card game" style that the PvP had , but it was worthless at max level becasue basicly , whoever went first had like a 70% win rare as going first was just way, way WAY overpowered. This was universally agreed upon by every max level experienced PvPer I talked to but even 2 years later was still not fixed.
Since that was the most fun part of the game for me (until i realized that at high skill / level / gear - that is once people are pretty much "equal") the PvP becomes really crappy due to the huge unballancing effect of who goes first.
So , if you like questing/alts this was a very fun game. I thought it was too easy to get to max level anyway, so the above concerns about max level being "harder" to get to wouldn't affect me.
But the PvP at max level sucked so I quit.
I had a lot of fun in the short time i had there. You will have to pay a sub to keep playing or just buy the areas as you reach them (paying zone by zone is expensive but the sub unlocks everything)
AS someone else said if you're looking for a free to play game this is not it.
Play for fun. Play to win. Play for perfection. Play with friends. Play in another world. Why do you play?
even though its ten dollars a month, or however you pay, i find it worth it. The graphics are great, the zones are awesome, and i personally think that even though you have to pay, over time, with all the gear, pets, castles, housing, crafting, and all that other stuff, over time it makes up for it.
I've seen that in most of the Wizard101 threads, and it always sets off my astroturfing radar. Which is a bit weird, since most people who've played the game generally have positive stuff to say about it anyways, making it largely unnecessary.
The design was really good until level 50,then the whole game goes down hill.The problem was they never had the insight to plan the game past level 50.
I would have to write a novel to explain every single detail that has either not improved or got worse.
The entire game is a run around doing quests game,for the most part they never change in design and often involve tons of running around to make them seem longer than should be.
Basically gear had to change from level 50/60 because the stats were no longer relevant ,so they tried to incorporate a fast fix by changing to critical gear but all it really did was give a new stat while reducing others,so no improvement at all,just a trade off.
The design was based on ACCURACY ,it varied by class according to damage,but by time your around 50,everyone has close to 100% accuracy,so you can see why the game pretty much stalls there.
Later in game they add more spell cards but they are so costly they are less effective than lower spells that can be played sooner.
Another very noticeable switch was less gear able to be sold on the auction as the entire push is related to forced cash shop,they don't want people selling cash shop items because it lowers their chance of selling them for added income.
Pets are kind of cool to collect and i would say most people do that but in reality they are quite meaningless to battles.fishing,gardening all seem cool but again no real effect on the game.Housing is a big attraction,this again is a push to cash shop as are the mounts.
The chest system is VERY misleading,MOST of the time nothing useful in them and they are designed to give you a VERY low % of gaining anything near useful.
All in all the game was a nice design on paper,great to 50/60 "Waterworks gear",imo far too much push on cash shop.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Did you forget to switch accounts before you agreed with yourself?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville