Originally posted by Archlyte The best move EA could make would be to put SWTOR on the consoles. It would consolidate their audience and give them a new excuse for failures. The movie enthusiasm will help them wash people through the game.
Thats a terrible idea lol. I play with a nostromo and a 10 button mouse and only have like 4-5 buttons unused regularly. Trying to play on a controller would be crippling.
Originally posted by Archlyte The best move EA could make would be to put SWTOR on the consoles. It would consolidate their audience and give them a new excuse for failures. The movie enthusiasm will help them wash people through the game.
Thats a terrible idea lol. I play with a nostromo and a 10 button mouse and only have like 4-5 buttons unused regularly. Trying to play on a controller would be crippling.
I definitely agree. The argument the pro-controller folks put forth on the official forums has usually been "you only use 8-10 real attacks in your rotation, you don't need the situational stuff to play the game casually or the story." Really faulty logic. Sure it works for 90% of the casual population that only touch story, but the people who want to be competitive or take pvp or raiding seriously would be at a big disadvantage if they had any interface handicaps.
nothing much revolutionary is happening with SWTOR, The real joke is they are filthy rich making millions of $, look at their 2013 revenue
each expansion could be at least 30 lvls , major game systems added like a complete space sim or doubling the story class content.
They earned TWICE as much in 2013 alone (165M) as the whole Star Citizen project has crowdfunded (75M) in more than two years.
and yet they can't release a giant expansion in the size of the base gane or crank up the engine?
Well guess what they are not re-investing in this game they are probably buying Ferraris for their managers and making other games with the subscriber money.
I don't think TOR will get any bigger in population because of the upcoming movies. The recent J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies did nothing for the Star Trek Online MMO, and the Hobbit trilogy movies did nothing for Lord of the Rings Online's playerbase either. TOR will be 4 years old when Episode 7 comes out, and the other two franchises didn't even air commercials or advertise their respective MMOs before the trailers preceding the movies.
If anything, the only game commercials you can expect to see tied to the new Star Wars movie will be Battlefront 3.
If you're just talking about the producer's letter/roadmap/cancellation of Shadow Realms, it's all empty smoke and baseless hype at the moment. Blizzard has way more staff & when they cancelled Project Titan in May 2013, it still took ages to reassign staff and launch their WoW expac Warlords of Draenor behind schedule. I don't expect any "big things" from SWTOR in 2015 when the current plans are so empty. They still don't even have a date for Togruta heads released for players, which have been companions and NPCs since launch.
I am not sure about the other ones but I went to play lotro after the hobbit movies and there were lots of people in the chat who said they did the same. Of course that only lasted like 1 month for me
Mission in life: Vanquish all MMORPG.com trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
What do you think? I hear Bioware are going to be making some big changes this year as a result, lets hope they are not quite on the level of NGE!
SWTOR will no doubt get more players around that release, but if the game isn't really good by then they will just leave as fast when the hype is over.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
I think it would take a major repackaging and a new pricing plan to cash in on the new movie. The expansion would need much tighter storytelling in the cutscenes, maybe even a major overhaul of the graphics and gameplay.
I've always thought SWTOR suffered because they had 8 class stories to tell along with all of the planet quest lines. Trim the fat and give each class a compelling story with good dialogue. The planet quests can be vending machine missions for all I care.
The hotbar controversy only started because all of the classes have way too many skills. You feel obligated to have all of them on a hotbar even though a bunch of them are extremely situational. They started on the right path in the last expansion but they need throw out alot more skills.
I think Eve and WoW are the only two MMOs to grow their player base after the honeymoon phase is over. SWTOR has the most powerful IP in the world, and the name recognition should get a minor boost from the movies. That said, if you play MMOs and you like Star Wars, chances are, you've tried it. Winning back customers is a great deal harder than getting them to try it.
SWTOR got as big as it will ever get after going Free to pay to enjoy. Movies aint changing that, but of course BW will hype the game using the movies as the wagon.
PS. SWTOR had the worst MMO release, but ESO wasn't that far. The word is that there are still grouping (phase?) issues 10 months after release. In that aspect even SWTOR wasn't that bad.
Not even remotely true. Just a tired put down that keeps getting said by everyone who wasn't there cause its what everyone who wasn't there has said. With the exception of the operation Eternity Vault being buggy SWTOR had a fantastic launch. The only issue was wait times to get into game. I was in grp 2, day one early access and (other than SOA in EV) I didn't get any bugs till patch 1.2, which came out 5 months later.
I really need to make a doc of this and save it on my desktop so I can just cut and paste every time someone tries to spew this "fact".
Totally agree.
Yes there were "some" bugs - and yes the bar must be set at zero - but judged gainst perfection they got close; people can check out the patch notes. They also did a good job of estimating the server capacity as well (200 at launch, increased to 220 shortly after).
As far as repackaging the game and launching it on consoles - its called Battlefield. And as was said above it is BF that is going to get the promotion.
I'm not expecting any spectacular changes. Then again, Bioware seems to be aiming for some well timed expansions by the time of the movies. And EA definitely has the resources to spread the word when the time comes, whereas Lotro and STO had far small budgets to work with due to Cryptic and Turbine being nowhere near as rich as EA or Bioware.
It'll be interesting to see what they do with it!
It certainly hinges on the actual release date for Battlefront 3, but I think EA is going to back DICE's game harder, based on stories like these. There's the quote at the bottom "aggressive DLC plan is also in place, with five content packs, each containing at least three maps as well as characters from The Force Awakens."
Day 1 DLC, with 4 more packs to be released shortly after. Disgusting, but probably going to be a huge moneymaker for EA and the game they're more likely to back being new.
Main reason why I am skipping on BF3 and just being content that there are new movies.
It certainly hinges on the actual release date for (edit) SW Battlefront, but I think EA is going to back DICE's game harder, based on stories like these. There's the quote at the bottom "aggressive DLC plan is also in place, with five content packs, each containing at least three maps as well as characters from The Force Awakens."
Day 1 DLC, with 4 more packs to be released shortly after. Disgusting, but probably going to be a huge moneymaker for EA and the game they're more likely to back being new.
Main reason why I am skipping on BF3 and just being content that there are new movies.
For BF3 read SW BF of course. And I am surprised you are not skipping the new film story as well since they are spreading it out over 3 films. Amazed you haven't lambasted them for nickel and diming people by charging for everything after the first film.
As far as Star Wars Celebration goes EA have confirmed that there will be an "unveil" at the event; a new trailer has been hinted at (would be a surprise if there wasn't one).
Regarding DLC there has been no suggestion of any on day 1. What has been suggested is 5 DLC packs with the first coming out in 2015 and the first 2 or 3 being based around the new film. Each pack containing new maps, new hero characters and new ships / vehicles. (Lots of rumoured info about the game at the Making Star Wars site.)
If they opt for a BF4 model then c. quarterly releases? An option to buy 5 packs for the price of 4 on day 1 maybe? A discounted price for the 5 packs downstream? (The first 5 BF4 packs - more BF4 content is coming in 2015 - are now available on Origin at a discount for example.)
Personally I find the concept of:
company produces game and sells it at a price, players decide whether to buy it or not
company produces new content for game and sells it at a price; players decide whether to buy or not.
A very straightforward, open and "honest" approach. One that is delivering new content for multiple games. And yes we have to pay for the new content. In the same way that you will have to pay to watch the next SW film or buy your next loaf of bread.
I think EA is choking the funding of swtor. They make a lot with micro transactions which does not all go twards being reinvested into swtor.
So swtor is profitable to EA but not as rewarding to its consumers since a lot of the development is for the CM with little done elsewhere.
And EA is smart enough to recognize the potential of the game, and they know there is not much to expand with swtor other than more story and instances since their engine is limited. The problem with that only story or isntance development is, it becomes over staturated with too much so they balance it with quality fo life features which are very minimalist in terms of adding gameplay as in pazaak.
Pazaak is not a quality of life feature, but its easier for them to add pazaak then their new galactic outfit system which is not bad, but is also easy to add but really beenfits new players and not players already rolling in the dough that can easily swap out mods. And from the screen pic, the galactic outfit might cost more with costing 1m to save an outfit.
Looks like fail so far, but it will probably be worth it for those with full cargo bays. Which im assuming is an extreme minority and new players wont be that excited over this quality of life feature i bet compared to soemthing like pazaak.
So you have to wonder about swtor devs priorities and do they actually know what they are doing?
Think about the potential content they could add to the game that is easy to add.
Tings I would do in 1 patch;
1.Bounty hunting for open world
2. trophy system and player house decoration with bounty system
3. new datacrons per patch
4. Gambling
5. Mini games and social activities and not jsut constumes
6. unlock races. basically any race is playable.
7. Shorten gear grind for pvp and pve - increase rewards for alting. Legacy lvl 50 allows people to get gear quickly for example for pvp.
8. Player created content for test server whcih can be included for actual server.
9. Make houses into traps where people can raid to get trophies back
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
nothing much revolutionary is happening with SWTOR, The real joke is they are filthy rich making millions of $, look at their 2013 revenue
each expansion could be at least 30 lvls , major game systems added like a complete space sim or doubling the story class content.
They earned TWICE as much in 2013 alone (165M) as the whole Star Citizen project has crowdfunded (75M) in more than two years.
and yet they can't release a giant expansion in the size of the base gane or crank up the engine?
Well guess what they are not re-investing in this game they are probably buying Ferraris for their managers and making other games with the subscriber money.
I've often wondered why SWTOR fans made such a big fuss about 2013 revenues but not 2014, so I went looking for the sequel to this infograph:
The title has changed since "Subscription only" is no longer a relevant qualifier, but SWTOR just fell off the list at $106 million. Still functional, but it's a 36% revenue drop and not a loss to sneeze at.
Comparatively, WoW dropped 3 spots on the list as well, losing three times what SWTOR grosses and still strong on the list.
Originally posted by JonnyBigBoss Myself and a friend downloaded the game yesterday specifically because of the Star Wars trailers.
So did I, but it wasn't just the trailer. I (re)installed TESO and Wildstar recently too. TESO because of the "Welcome back beta player" event and Wildstar because I had a 10 day trial available. I didn't play either past closer beta, so I wanted to see what changed. After playing a bit of current Wildstar and TESO I have the impression that I much prefer SWTOR based on memory, so I decided to re-install it to see if that was true.
Originally posted by Galia A big gimmick is what I expect. Probably movie items to further corrupt the timeline for TOR, is my guess. Whatever sells, cash-shop galore, at the expense of Star Wars canon. Does anyone actually remember what Star Wars canon was? People that play probably don't, since they were EA'doctrinated.
Bumping for relevance again now that the movie is released worldwide. Opening night, no ads for games before the movie at theaters, no cross-promotion. World of Warcraft actually did more to honor the film's release than SWTOR(2x XP). Opportunity squandered.
Bumping for relevance again now that the movie is released worldwide. Opening night, no ads for games before the movie at theaters, no cross-promotion. World of Warcraft actually did more to honor the film's release than SWTOR(2x XP). Opportunity squandered.
I was actually shocked to not see a SWTOR trailer before SW7 last night. You would think that the most recent trailer would definitely get people thinking about playing.
Not only that, but I have zero, zero, SWTOR promotions in my gmail inbox that coincide with the release of the movie. You'd think that there'd be this big campaign to bring players back to the game riding on the emotional high of the new movie.
No I doubt it, it's not a widely advertised game as it was 3 years ago. Battlefront may see a gain on players for a couple months (it's been dropping players like flies due to how shallow and dull the gameplay is).
Bumping for relevance again now that the movie is released worldwide. Opening night, no ads for games before the movie at theaters, no cross-promotion. World of Warcraft actually did more to honor the film's release than SWTOR(2x XP). Opportunity squandered.
I was actually shocked to not see a SWTOR trailer before SW7 last night. You would think that the most recent trailer would definitely get people thinking about playing.
Not only that, but I have zero, zero, SWTOR promotions in my gmail inbox that coincide with the release of the movie. You'd think that there'd be this big campaign to bring players back to the game riding on the emotional high of the new movie.
Meh, clearly having a long ass vacation is more important to Bioware's developers than putting some effort into promoting their product. Either that, or they don't find it necessary, figuring everyone was so wow'd by their little HK -55 promotion that they'll be dying to sub already.
Either that or EA and/or Disney didn't think it was worth it.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Thats a terrible idea lol. I play with a nostromo and a 10 button mouse and only have like 4-5 buttons unused regularly. Trying to play on a controller would be crippling.
I definitely agree. The argument the pro-controller folks put forth on the official forums has usually been "you only use 8-10 real attacks in your rotation, you don't need the situational stuff to play the game casually or the story." Really faulty logic. Sure it works for 90% of the casual population that only touch story, but the people who want to be competitive or take pvp or raiding seriously would be at a big disadvantage if they had any interface handicaps.
nothing much revolutionary is happening with SWTOR, The real joke is they are filthy rich making millions of $, look at their 2013 revenue
each expansion could be at least 30 lvls , major game systems added like a complete space sim or doubling the story class content.
They earned TWICE as much in 2013 alone (165M) as the whole Star Citizen project has crowdfunded (75M) in more than two years.
and yet they can't release a giant expansion in the size of the base gane or crank up the engine?
Well guess what they are not re-investing in this game they are probably buying Ferraris for their managers and making other games with the subscriber money.
I am not sure about the other ones but I went to play lotro after the hobbit movies and there were lots of people in the chat who said they did the same. Of course that only lasted like 1 month for me
Mission in life: Vanquish all MMORPG.com trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
SWTOR will no doubt get more players around that release, but if the game isn't really good by then they will just leave as fast when the hype is over.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
I think it would take a major repackaging and a new pricing plan to cash in on the new movie. The expansion would need much tighter storytelling in the cutscenes, maybe even a major overhaul of the graphics and gameplay.
I've always thought SWTOR suffered because they had 8 class stories to tell along with all of the planet quest lines. Trim the fat and give each class a compelling story with good dialogue. The planet quests can be vending machine missions for all I care.
The hotbar controversy only started because all of the classes have way too many skills. You feel obligated to have all of them on a hotbar even though a bunch of them are extremely situational. They started on the right path in the last expansion but they need throw out alot more skills.
My youtube MMO gaming channel
"... Star Wars making a comeback?"
Don't call it a comeback, they've been here for years
Totally agree.
Yes there were "some" bugs - and yes the bar must be set at zero - but judged gainst perfection they got close; people can check out the patch notes. They also did a good job of estimating the server capacity as well (200 at launch, increased to 220 shortly after).
As far as repackaging the game and launching it on consoles - its called Battlefield. And as was said above it is BF that is going to get the promotion.
Main reason why I am skipping on BF3 and just being content that there are new movies.
Come back and play the same story ... again.
No thanks.
Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.
For BF3 read SW BF of course. And I am surprised you are not skipping the new film story as well since they are spreading it out over 3 films. Amazed you haven't lambasted them for nickel and diming people by charging for everything after the first film.
As far as Star Wars Celebration goes EA have confirmed that there will be an "unveil" at the event; a new trailer has been hinted at (would be a surprise if there wasn't one).
Regarding DLC there has been no suggestion of any on day 1. What has been suggested is 5 DLC packs with the first coming out in 2015 and the first 2 or 3 being based around the new film. Each pack containing new maps, new hero characters and new ships / vehicles. (Lots of rumoured info about the game at the Making Star Wars site.)
If they opt for a BF4 model then c. quarterly releases? An option to buy 5 packs for the price of 4 on day 1 maybe? A discounted price for the 5 packs downstream? (The first 5 BF4 packs - more BF4 content is coming in 2015 - are now available on Origin at a discount for example.)
Personally I find the concept of:
I think EA is choking the funding of swtor. They make a lot with micro transactions which does not all go twards being reinvested into swtor.
So swtor is profitable to EA but not as rewarding to its consumers since a lot of the development is for the CM with little done elsewhere.
And EA is smart enough to recognize the potential of the game, and they know there is not much to expand with swtor other than more story and instances since their engine is limited. The problem with that only story or isntance development is, it becomes over staturated with too much so they balance it with quality fo life features which are very minimalist in terms of adding gameplay as in pazaak.
Pazaak is not a quality of life feature, but its easier for them to add pazaak then their new galactic outfit system which is not bad, but is also easy to add but really beenfits new players and not players already rolling in the dough that can easily swap out mods. And from the screen pic, the galactic outfit might cost more with costing 1m to save an outfit.
Looks like fail so far, but it will probably be worth it for those with full cargo bays. Which im assuming is an extreme minority and new players wont be that excited over this quality of life feature i bet compared to soemthing like pazaak.
So you have to wonder about swtor devs priorities and do they actually know what they are doing?
Think about the potential content they could add to the game that is easy to add.
Tings I would do in 1 patch;
1.Bounty hunting for open world
2. trophy system and player house decoration with bounty system
3. new datacrons per patch
4. Gambling
5. Mini games and social activities and not jsut constumes
6. unlock races. basically any race is playable.
7. Shorten gear grind for pvp and pve - increase rewards for alting. Legacy lvl 50 allows people to get gear quickly for example for pvp.
8. Player created content for test server whcih can be included for actual server.
9. Make houses into traps where people can raid to get trophies back
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
I've often wondered why SWTOR fans made such a big fuss about 2013 revenues but not 2014, so I went looking for the sequel to this infograph:
The title has changed since "Subscription only" is no longer a relevant qualifier, but SWTOR just fell off the list at $106 million. Still functional, but it's a 36% revenue drop and not a loss to sneeze at.
Comparatively, WoW dropped 3 spots on the list as well, losing three times what SWTOR grosses and still strong on the list.
Battlefront 3.
So did I, but it wasn't just the trailer. I (re)installed TESO and Wildstar recently too. TESO because of the "Welcome back beta player" event and Wildstar because I had a 10 day trial available. I didn't play either past closer beta, so I wanted to see what changed. After playing a bit of current Wildstar and TESO I have the impression that I much prefer SWTOR based on memory, so I decided to re-install it to see if that was true.
BB 8 droids in the cash shop.
Opening night, no ads for games before the movie at theaters, no cross-promotion. World of Warcraft actually did more to honor the film's release than SWTOR(2x XP). Opportunity squandered.
Not only that, but I have zero, zero, SWTOR promotions in my gmail inbox that coincide with the release of the movie. You'd think that there'd be this big campaign to bring players back to the game riding on the emotional high of the new movie.
EA is the only one that has access to the Star Wars IP, there won't be anyone else for a while.
Either that or EA and/or Disney didn't think it was worth it.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)