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Feb 2006 Producer Letters: report abuse to a moderator
Clearly, these letters were trolling and caused a lot anger on the SWG forum boards.
The flamed the player base and caused a lot of spam on the game player forum.
I recommend everyon use the "Report Abuse to a Moderator" link on each letter and
make sure they are reported as the trolls and flamers they are.
Meh, dev's engage 'godmode' when they post on the boards, same as when they deign to appear in game. All that'd happen is your abuse report will bounce of their rhinolike hides, hit some poor kid in the eye and then you end up getting sued...
I reported Garva for trolling a couple times heading into the CU and got a 3 day forum suspension, and he was being down right nasty.
They are Nazis. You have to be wiling to fight and accept the consequences.