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I was looking forward to reading the producers letter but never got past the first paragraph by JT. If all they have left is lies and spin, then any hope of me or any one I know going back fell with that false statement. We do not have the true numbers granted, but we can tell from the very few people we know still playing SWG that more like 80% of the player base went with the NGE not the other way around
I know no one from the SWG team reads this (why would they. They dont even read there own boards) but, ether way ill say it
The best statement you could have made would have been more along the lines of the truth and an apology. What you have done in releasing those false statements is alienate you current and ex customers even more I can no longer see a point where youll have anyone return from exile to SWG. Until you released your false statements and usual spin you still had a chance of healing the massive rift you had with your customers that chance has sadly passed away .. Just like SWG will
To the current customers I would say leave the game and never look back, If however your staying only buy one months subscription at a time. Undoubtedly that Dear John letter is coming other wise this letter would have had more depth, less vague and be less insulting to it former customers.
while wrighting this i got a email about smeds over for SWG is all I can say
/excustomer signing off and walking away very very pissed
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
My avatar lol
Game's been over for me since NGE and I tell ya, I miss the days of old. But I would never, EVER come back to SOE. I'm checking out "alternatives".
Actually, his statement about the current playerbase is quite revealing:
"we still see that the majority (~80%) of players still in the game were playing before the changes were unveiled and implemented."
This simply means 80% of the post-NGE population is made up of people who had subscribed before the NGE. Being generous to SOE/LA, I'll stipulate that 60% have left since NGE. This means that 40% of the pre-NGE subscriber base makes up 80% of total current subscribers. Add in the "new" 20%, and you find that currently, SWG has roughly 1/2 the subscribers it had before the NGE.
Given you have to have an account to post on the SWG forums and how out of control it is over there, once the pre-paids run out, it's going to get ugly, fast.
Ok are you all the same person with multiple accounts?
Cause this thread only had 1 view with 4 posts :S So obviously all came from the same IP???
It's 2 now since i posted.
Don't click here...no2
I'm surprised at the shock expressed by the hopefuls for this game at teh producer's letter. I know, hopes and dreams...blah blah blah.
To quote the Emperor, "Young fool, only now, at the end, do you understand"
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Well I am glad my account expired because I see what things are like now and I think I will wait to see what will happen over the next few months. It looks to me like the might slowly be reverting back because of all the things they are "adding in" to the TC for this current publish. I mean come on most of this stuff was already in the game before NGE came out so that tells me something...
Pepi Deto
Colonel Rebel Alliance
Corbantis Server
"Any company who tries to 'wait it out' will be just that, out!" - Tommy Boy