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While you can often pick up a first person shooter again a while after stopping, changes to a MOBA’s itemization/passives, abilities, hero remakes, and even simply a frequently changing meta can make returning to a MOBA a daunting task. Read on for this week's Social Hub as to what could be done about this problem.
Read more of Christina Gonzalez's The Social Hub: How MOBAs Leave Players Behind
Support is the most fun role to play. master of teamfights,no stupid farm,roam as much as you please. go annie support. you will have alot more fun.
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics.
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That's not how you say jungle. What role could be more fun than punishing any enemy player who steps out of line?
Waiting for:
The Repopulation
Albion Online
You hit on the point of the evolving meta. Because MOBAs are free and the bulk of their cash I take comes from hero sales and skins the meta is constantly evolving so unpopular heroes become popular and vica versa.
This ever evolving meta is a constant, however. It is the one rule that every player who picks up and plays a MOBA should expect. If you're favorite hero is considered strong and popular, it will be nerfed.
Which is why people should learn to play roles and not heroes. This is also why I disagree with your article.
While I know nothing about LoL or the character Annie, I promise whatever skills you learned from playing mid with her back in the day are still applicable to playing mid now.
What you said si true, but that mostly apply for competetive play. If you are casual, you will probably lose with every champion against regular players. And vice versa, if matchmaking will be good, you can play any champion on your level and still win.
Worse situation then meta for casual player are counters. Some champions have advantage against anoter champion and you have to be above the opponent to win. This is something you should be aware of and that affects your chances much more then shifts in the meta.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Huh? There is not one MOBA out there that even has even a tenth of the complexity of a MMORPG. MOBA's are easy because they want a large audience. Now skill can differ greatly, but all MOBA's are essentially quite easy to play. If they made them difficult, it would cut down the number of players drastically.
Exactly. The PvP in most MMO's nowadays is much more varied and complex than the PvP in a typical MOBA. The PvP format of MOBAs is simply better suited to eSports and casual players, which is why it has achieved the level of recognition that it has.
Which is ironic because this article doesn't explain what a MOBA is for new players who might come across this forum.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
I don't really know what HotS is addressing... Their matchmaking system is among the worst I've experienced.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
Easy to learn, hard to master, this is how it goes. You'll see what I mean when you have to manage 15-20 binds while trying to kite and also respecting the strategies that your Arena/BG and even raid leader tells you to follow. You will find out that doing great healing/DPS while also playing flawlessly is very hard. WoW PvP is as complex and hard as MOBAs.
PvP in both WoW and MOBAs should also stay hard as well. Tired of casual games. Your class/hero no longer OP? Good, relearn the ropes and...
Get good.
The one thing about MOBA's is they take time to learn. It's not like any other game where you can pick up a controller and figure out the whole game in a 10 minute session you have to play for a bit before you understand the game and the biggest thing that nobody ever mentions in any article i have ever read is that level 30 in LOL is where you ACTUALLY begin to really learn the game and the different skills required to play competitively. If you aren't going to play competitively then it doesn't really require so much knowledge but to play competitively level 30 is where the real game and learning process begins.
You could release WOW today and instantly anyone who has ever played any kind of PC rpg or f2p MMO will pick that game up in less than an hour. In MOBA's dota 2 for example you could play for hundreds of hours and still not know everything about that game. Hell i have been playing league since its beta days and while i know more than most people about that game i still end up learning something different every game.
Honestly Annie support was actually a very recent thing something like mid to late last year it really picked up as being a go to place for Annie but she still has her place in mid as one of the scariest burst mages in the game. Honestly i feel the Writers suggestion of having these games not change so much would probably kill the game as a whole because the game is ever evolving and that keeps it interesting because if it didn't change then we would have a serious stagnation problem of nothing every being different and then we get Destiny in MOBA form.
One more thing the changes aren't truly caused by the community more like Riot makes balance changes and then the community will find something that works better than before or a change by Riot will cause a once good champion to not be quite as good so suddenly people look for the next best thing. Most of the changes in the game are directly caused by Riot and the community helps to hone in those changes until Riot changes something else for the community to home in on.
then tell me why all of the "major pvp dudes" that tried to play lol ended at silver/gold and they had to go back to wow
that includes: bajheera, swifty, athene and destiny
Sometimes a person who is good with WASD and mouse turns are quite poor at point click games. It does not mean that a PvPer in a normal WASD mouse turn MMO is going to be a top PvPer in League of Legends.
Same goes for console. I am quite good at MMOs with WASD and mouseturn and such but horrible with the game controller.
I was not saying games like WoW cannot be hard, but that they don't have to be. I play them just for fun and to relax while I take dota seriously every match. And that I'm fine with relearning my game after every update. Sorry, I should have clarified...
Also, want something a bit like moba which doesn't change? Try chess, great game (and no complexity at all, really!).
Annie counters all the "popular mids" like Le blanc, Kat, Fizz, Ahri, Mord and Akali.
She is a viable champ...