ok before you shoot me, how abought a star gate mmo i just started watching atlantis and think its sweet you should be able to go to atlantis and other worlds like in the 2 tv shows and before any one says any thing abought my grammer i am typing this fast cause i am going to watch stargate atlantis
im speechless..
they could add stuff as the show progressed.they had another game going,but canclled it,alliance(a shooter).
open open open....
SWG Refugee
Bloodfin Server - Starke
Looks like the game is still in early design stage. Very little details.
Emperium Online
yea but this could be the game of all century if they do it right.
some Ideas,
complex gameplay where you can play a indigenous world specific, a SG team member, a support person, a gould(both flavors), a asgard, a Wraith, a pryor, or a jaffa.
Then the subclasses, fighter, scientist, store owner(indigenous only), weapons specialist, construction worker (who built the alpha site? who helped the indigenous people? )
Also the best way to make it really interesting is to make it where you cant tell the difference between a player and a NPC. This would mean it possible for someone to be invisible in the world. And you could have pvp zones. (fyi I hate pvp but some people like it)
And as a indigenous or a SG member you could be overtaken by a gould and become that type of player.
the End game would be to become an Ascended. At which point there would be further quests like the Atlantis episode where the major went into the time dialated area and discovered the community waiting for ascention. and you could have interaction from the ascended with the player community. an example would be bringing players back to life after death. Or pushing someone in the right direction.
most worlds would have an ecosystem. some would not, (going on the assumption that not all life evolves on all planets or some catastrophy has occured(black hole episode,). the worlds could be reusable in some instances where plants and lighting would be different, placed objects different.
The best way to make it work would be to have a fat client. this would cut down on bandwidth, and server processing.
If you did all this, I think you basically would capture 99% of the market.
later you could add a space expansion. (gould,asgard,human,the Alliance, jaffa)
gosh this could be a great game if you think about all the above....
lvling =time spent in game+experience in sub category.
experience= time spent doing subcatagory job (building something, working out formulas, discovering new plant life. killing or subdueing the enemy.)
I hope they dont just turn it into a shoot em up game..