I think the competitive niches are a great thing to have for games. - I dont think it helps diversity at all if there is no room for the competitive guys, even at the expense of cutting out a chunk of gamers who arent able to compete on the same terms.
We dont need to sterilize gaming to make it all inclusive all the time in every aspect. We just need variety so that we can have something for everyone. Those who want ultra competitive should be allowed to have that. And those who for whatever reason cant compete in those niches, should have other options. Changing a thing to include them, would kill the thing and create another creature all together, and that destroys diversity. What doesnt destroy diversity, is making something new for others to enjoy and leaving the competitve guys with their toy.
Ive found myself challenged as a gamer when joining competitive teams in pvp, and I've improved my gameplay because of it. Ive also become better able to deal with stereotypes, that can make it hard to initially be accepted into those pvp teams, because of fx. gender. I've often felt bad that other people asumed I needed help or rescuing if I was struggling, and honestly people like OP, who crusade for whoever they percieve as weak, is not helping that. Quite the opposite.
I'd be terribly sad, if those experiences hadnt been available to me. Sure sometimes I've given up and moved on to other things eventually. I also believe those were valuable experiences, and have prevented me from feeling entitled to what other people experienced, but rather taught me to try if something looked like fun, to try and have that experience, but to not expect it unless i could earn if for myself.
The one thing that has never happened, or indeed crossed my mind, is to try and change a thing that others enjoy at their expense, to better suit me, so that I might assimilate their enjoyment and claim it for my own. - That seems hateful to me. It seems wrong on a fundamental level to destroy something they love, so I can have a go. - No, make diverse games, so I can find one that I like without bullying someone else out of what they enjoy.
I thought this was going to be about how MOBAs stifle player creativity such as creating and customizing characters, abilities, gameplay, etc. But instead it was just an article about "MUH SEXISM". As a woman, no, just no. Thanks for playing, GG no re.
cringeworthy article
brb posting this shit on KIA
I think the competitive niches are a great thing to have for games. - I dont think it helps diversity at all if there is no room for the competitive guys, even at the expense of cutting out a chunk of gamers who arent able to compete on the same terms.
We dont need to sterilize gaming to make it all inclusive all the time in every aspect. We just need variety so that we can have something for everyone. Those who want ultra competitive should be allowed to have that. And those who for whatever reason cant compete in those niches, should have other options. Changing a thing to include them, would kill the thing and create another creature all together, and that destroys diversity. What doesnt destroy diversity, is making something new for others to enjoy and leaving the competitve guys with their toy.
Ive found myself challenged as a gamer when joining competitive teams in pvp, and I've improved my gameplay because of it. Ive also become better able to deal with stereotypes, that can make it hard to initially be accepted into those pvp teams, because of fx. gender. I've often felt bad that other people asumed I needed help or rescuing if I was struggling, and honestly people like OP, who crusade for whoever they percieve as weak, is not helping that. Quite the opposite.
I'd be terribly sad, if those experiences hadnt been available to me. Sure sometimes I've given up and moved on to other things eventually. I also believe those were valuable experiences, and have prevented me from feeling entitled to what other people experienced, but rather taught me to try if something looked like fun, to try and have that experience, but to not expect it unless i could earn if for myself.
The one thing that has never happened, or indeed crossed my mind, is to try and change a thing that others enjoy at their expense, to better suit me, so that I might assimilate their enjoyment and claim it for my own. - That seems hateful to me. It seems wrong on a fundamental level to destroy something they love, so I can have a go. - No, make diverse games, so I can find one that I like without bullying someone else out of what they enjoy.