Sorry OP, this is most definitely an issue on your end. I've had a crash here and there, but I have never experienced constant disconnects or anything and I've put in quite a bit of time into the game
First off, this should not be in Reviews and Impressions as it seems like this issues is only affecting a portion of players. As for why it is affecting you, perhaps you should post your PC specs first.
Second, have you done a ping trace to ensure there is no problem with your ISP's routing?
Third, do you have another PC you can try this on at your house? If so, does it experience the same issue.
Have played almost daily since February or so. Occasional disconnects/crashes, which is true of almost every game I've ever played. I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I can tell it's frustrating. However, I don't think this particular problem is widespread enough to issue a blanket warning that the game is unplayable. Good luck finding the cause or finding a game that works for you.
Boy was I wrong. A while ago I wrote a glowing first impression of this game and since then my opinion has completely changed. Here's the first post in case you are interested: here.
So why has my opinion changed so quickly? Shortly after making that post I started getting kicked from the game occasionally. I didnt really care then because I attributed to screwing up an update. During this time I was also building a new pc so I assumed whatever error I created would be resolved once I installed the game on a 100% new pc.
I installed the game on my new pc and ever 5mins I'm getting booted to the login screen. I've done EVERYTHING I can think of to fix this problem and got nowhere. I've spent weeks trying to get this game to work following any and every internet post I can find and nothing has solved it. I visited the ESO forums and surprise, I'm not the only one this is happening too and no answer has been found.
Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is: if you're thinking about buying this game ... dont. There's always the chance you wont have this problem but I would like to save someone the constant distress of spending $60 on something that doesnt work.
over the past 6 weeks i've sunk a lot of hours into this game.. it's fun i'm enjoying it so much so after the 4th week i even resubbed...
never had these issues, i've had the occasional crash to desktop with an error message (probably from using sweetfx, sometimes it bugs out) but never had constant disconnections or crashes, that being said.. there is literally the chance of this happening with any game you buy thats based online... the issue could be somewhere in the route between your PC to the game server...t here might be a bad nope dropping packts etc.. causing you to disconnect and it might only happen in ESO because this node is only between you and ESO
either way, just because you believe it's the games fault doesnt make it so... just as it might not be your fault either.
But saying the game is unplayable and broken is
I'd be more inclined to believe this was a problem on my end if I had connection problems anywhere else and if every possible "solution" Zenimax offered didnt involve you tweaking something under the hood in the .ini files, etc.
Meh, I don't know if an .ini file is "under the hood". An ini is a way of adjusting and tweaking settings within the game because there are simply way too many unknowns to account for (like new graphics hardware). It's more like the air valves on your tires. Without it, you can't really make any changes, so if your air is low then you just have to get a new tire that'll work for you. At least they're offering suggestions. If you work with them, instead of against them, maybe they'll be able to find a solution for your particular setup and, maybe, help someone else in the process.
First off, this should not be in Reviews and Impressions as it seems like this issues is only affecting a portion of players. As for why it is affecting you, perhaps you should post your PC specs first.
Considering he posted it in The Pub, it's getting closer to where it belongs, the general ESO forum.
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
1) Uninstall and re-install using the download from the website. Don't use your copy as it may be out of date or have a corrupted file on it.
2) Run windows update. Pay attention to install the optional updates. On several occasions I have had problems solved by patches Microsoft said were optional.
3) Check for graphics card driver updates (check for other drivers while you're at it). I know it is subjective, but it feels like my NVIDIA card gets a driver update every two weeks....
4) Check with your ISP's web site to see if they have software to analyze your connection... if so, run it. Make sure you're getting the service from them that they are charging you for...
5) Run maintenance on your hard drive. (file check, de-frag, and compress) It may not fix anything but your system will thank you for doing it.
6) Check your firewall and anti-virus logs. Either could be kicking the game. Most vendors will have a log that will record when and why it kicked the program.
7) Reboot your router. Sometimes getting the router software a fresh load will solve a problem.
I have no idea if this will solve your problem but each of these has solved problems for me in the past. Best of luck to you.
I m playing for 2 weeks now (42lvl Templar) and i can say i m having great fun, maybe even more i was expecting.
One thing that bothers me is some latency issues. 150ms during non prime time and 180+ during prime time, while in WoW, GW2, WS etc i have always less than 85ms even during prime time.
Another one i find really annoying is some skills animations delay, especially some self buff skills which sometimes doesnt animate at all. Dismounting also with an attack skill is causing some issues. Mounting is a bit problematic too.
In general despite i like combat a lot, i find it a bit non responsive, as it shows signs of delay many times, both in skills and animations.
Other than that i m having a lot of fun
All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1 Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2
My only remaining issue is the rare in-game freeze that started after 1.6.
I used to experience the same problem with crashing to desktop. The solution that worked for me was to avoid the Launcher all together and load the game directly from eso.exe. I only fire up the Launcher when I need to patch the game and update the executable file. Since I made this change I have mistakenly loaded the game via the launcher and I still crash to desktop, so this remains an active fix for me.
Btw, I have a Radeon 4850 card and am running Vista 64bit.
Del Cabon A US Army ('Just Cause') Vet and MMORPG Native formerly of Trinsic, Norath and Dereth. Currently playing LOTRO.
1) Uninstall and re-install using the download from the website. Don't use your copy as it may be out of date or have a corrupted file on it.
2) Run windows update. Pay attention to install the optional updates. On several occasions I have had problems solved by patches Microsoft said were optional.
3) Check for graphics card driver updates (check for other drivers while you're at it). I know it is subjective, but it feels like my NVIDIA card gets a driver update every two weeks....
4) Check with your ISP's web site to see if they have software to analyze your connection... if so, run it. Make sure you're getting the service from them that they are charging you for...
5) Run maintenance on your hard drive. (file check, de-frag, and compress) It may not fix anything but your system will thank you for doing it.
6) Check your firewall and anti-virus logs. Either could be kicking the game. Most vendors will have a log that will record when and why it kicked the program.
7) Reboot your router. Sometimes getting the router software a fresh load will solve a problem.
I have no idea if this will solve your problem but each of these has solved problems for me in the past. Best of luck to you.
My first thought would be to do an uninstall and reinstall. But make sure to delete everything that wasn't removed during the uninstall. I'm thinking an old eso .dll could be causing conflicts.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
I must say there are problems with every game crashing. Even GTA5, with spending millions on the PC version, still has some problems for people. Saying the game is unplayable because a few dozen people have problems is just silly.
I have played ESO quite a bit and never had problems with it.
Thank you everyone that is trying to help. So far I've tried:
1. Running the game in windowed mode
2. Tweaking .ini files
3. Uninstalling/Reinstalling (on a new and old pc)
4. Disabling Addons
5. Running the built in repair
6. Deleting files
6. Running the game and launcher in administrator and compatibility mode
7. Lowering all graphics settings
8. Using a wifi and cable connection
9. Making sure the game is an exception to my firewall
10. Checked for memory spikes or problems (none)
11. Checked if my hardware was running hot (nope)
12. Restarted my modem and checked for high latency, etc
And there are plenty of other things that I cant remember and any possible solution Zenimax has offered I have tried and it has done nothing for me. So ... I dont really know whats left to do ... any ideas? I was playing the game fine up until I wrote that review, then an update/patch was released and I start experiencing problems.
Boy was I wrong. A while ago I wrote a glowing first impression of this game and since then my opinion has completely changed. Here's the first post in case you are interested: here.
So why has my opinion changed so quickly? Shortly after making that post I started getting kicked from the game occasionally. I didnt really care then because I attributed to screwing up an update. During this time I was also building a new pc so I assumed whatever error I created would be resolved once I installed the game on a 100% new pc.
I installed the game on my new pc and ever 5mins I'm getting booted to the login screen. I've done EVERYTHING I can think of to fix this problem and got nowhere. I've spent weeks trying to get this game to work following any and every internet post I can find and nothing has solved it. I visited the ESO forums and surprise, I'm not the only one this is happening too and no answer has been found.
Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is: if you're thinking about buying this game ... dont. There's always the chance you wont have this problem but I would like to save someone the constant distress of spending $60 on something that doesnt work.
So in short:
because of a crappy computer/connection from your end and you being the only one in the whole world that gets booted from TESO people who would have no problems with the game whatsoever should stop getting/playing this game?
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Why should your ISP's problem or one of their peers affect a games rating? Even if you have no problems with any other online game it doesn't matter. Unless everyone that plays the game is getting disconnected every 5 mins (and their not) the problem is on your end period. Figure it out. I have a friend that when using Time Warner's high speed cable service gets disconnected constantly from WoW. He gets DSL problem solved.
You will find that in life the solution to problems are not always just what you understand, its usually the exact opposite, its the things in life we don't understand that are causing the problems.
Wow ... I'm not even gonna touch this with a 50ft pole.
Boy was I wrong. A while ago I wrote a glowing first impression of this game and since then my opinion has completely changed. Here's the first post in case you are interested: here.
So why has my opinion changed so quickly? Shortly after making that post I started getting kicked from the game occasionally. I didnt really care then because I attributed to screwing up an update. During this time I was also building a new pc so I assumed whatever error I created would be resolved once I installed the game on a 100% new pc.
I installed the game on my new pc and ever 5mins I'm getting booted to the login screen. I've done EVERYTHING I can think of to fix this problem and got nowhere. I've spent weeks trying to get this game to work following any and every internet post I can find and nothing has solved it. I visited the ESO forums and surprise, I'm not the only one this is happening too and no answer has been found.
Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is: if you're thinking about buying this game ... dont. There's always the chance you wont have this problem but I would like to save someone the constant distress of spending $60 on something that doesnt work.
So in short:
because of a crappy computer/connection from your end and you being the only one in the whole world that gets booted from TESO people who would have no problems with the game whatsoever should stop getting/playing this game?
So in short:
because you are illiterate and unable to read, you dont understand what has been said so you should probably shut up.
because of a crappy computer/connection from your end and you being the only one in the whole world that gets booted from TESO people who would have no problems with the game whatsoever should stop getting/playing this game?
That isn't exactly what he said... But to me it seems the problem is between his ISP and ESOs servers so it is probably partly Zenimax fault.
It surely just ain't Zenimax fault since most players don't have the issue but it ain't OPs fault either since he tried on 2 different computers (one new) unless he uses the same crappy firewall for both.
And I can see him getting annoyed over the whole thing, not being able to play what you want suck.
well - I am playing on Win8.1 and on the EU server
i have crashing problems where my entire computer freezes - but i blame Windows - not the app
and as for the game - best game sense Skyrim :-) sorry....
That seems possible, yes. W8 sucks.
But it might be either a hardware issue (maybe heat?) or your graphics drivers.
My advice to you is: Get the latest drivers, clean your computer with a cleaner (like YAC) and if that doesn't help, check windows error log to figure out the problem.
It is very unlikely the game is the culprit unless you have some really weird and rare hardware it ain't optimized for (which is pretty unlikely by now, in the betaor alpha it might have been different though).
Originally posted by blueturtle13 I run Win 8.1 X64 with Zero Issues. Have played for over 6 months. Not had a problem. Sounds like an issue with your connection OP. Does not matter if 'every other game' runs fine. Online protocols are different with a number of different games. Check your Firewall and good luck. Please do not trash on a game when it is clearly to everyone else that it is on your end and not the games. The official forums are not even mentioning this and if this was a widespread problem they would be.
I count at least 7 different post on the front page with others experiencing this problem so it isnt isolated to me. You obviously didnt even look at the forums. But thank you, I'll try what you have said.
I've played since Alpha (kind of quit, still RP though since F2P), and I've never had any of the problems people have ever said about this game, except for 2 quests being bugged which were fixed within hours.
sounds like your internet and possible g card problems i do not have these problems you are once in a great moon i get kicked but right back on meybe a setting or 2 in your settings in video needs to be chainged
I have none of the issues described.
Playing on Windows 8.1 with all settings maxed.
Is it possible your virus scanner is preventing outgoing messages to the ESO servers, so as some one mentioned, you fall out of sync?
First off, this should not be in Reviews and Impressions as it seems like this issues is only affecting a portion of players. As for why it is affecting you, perhaps you should post your PC specs first.
Second, have you done a ping trace to ensure there is no problem with your ISP's routing?
Third, do you have another PC you can try this on at your house? If so, does it experience the same issue.
Meh, I don't know if an .ini file is "under the hood". An ini is a way of adjusting and tweaking settings within the game because there are simply way too many unknowns to account for (like new graphics hardware). It's more like the air valves on your tires. Without it, you can't really make any changes, so if your air is low then you just have to get a new tire that'll work for you. At least they're offering suggestions. If you work with them, instead of against them, maybe they'll be able to find a solution for your particular setup and, maybe, help someone else in the process.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Considering he posted it in The Pub, it's getting closer to where it belongs, the general ESO forum.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
Have you tried the following:
1) Uninstall and re-install using the download from the website. Don't use your copy as it may be out of date or have a corrupted file on it.
2) Run windows update. Pay attention to install the optional updates. On several occasions I have had problems solved by patches Microsoft said were optional.
3) Check for graphics card driver updates (check for other drivers while you're at it). I know it is subjective, but it feels like my NVIDIA card gets a driver update every two weeks....
4) Check with your ISP's web site to see if they have software to analyze your connection... if so, run it. Make sure you're getting the service from them that they are charging you for...
5) Run maintenance on your hard drive. (file check, de-frag, and compress) It may not fix anything but your system will thank you for doing it.
6) Check your firewall and anti-virus logs. Either could be kicking the game. Most vendors will have a log that will record when and why it kicked the program.
7) Reboot your router. Sometimes getting the router software a fresh load will solve a problem.
I have no idea if this will solve your problem but each of these has solved problems for me in the past. Best of luck to you.
I have a life, its just different from yours.....
I m playing for 2 weeks now (42lvl Templar) and i can say i m having great fun, maybe even more i was expecting.
One thing that bothers me is some latency issues. 150ms during non prime time and 180+ during prime time, while in WoW, GW2, WS etc i have always less than 85ms even during prime time.
Another one i find really annoying is some skills animations delay, especially some self buff skills which sometimes doesnt animate at all. Dismounting also with an attack skill is causing some issues. Mounting is a bit problematic too.
In general despite i like combat a lot, i find it a bit non responsive, as it shows signs of delay many times, both in skills and animations.
Other than that i m having a lot of fun
All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1
Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2
My only remaining issue is the rare in-game freeze that started after 1.6.
I used to experience the same problem with crashing to desktop. The solution that worked for me was to avoid the Launcher all together and load the game directly from eso.exe. I only fire up the Launcher when I need to patch the game and update the executable file. Since I made this change I have mistakenly loaded the game via the launcher and I still crash to desktop, so this remains an active fix for me.
Btw, I have a Radeon 4850 card and am running Vista 64bit.
Del Cabon
A US Army ('Just Cause') Vet and MMORPG Native formerly of Trinsic, Norath and Dereth. Currently playing LOTRO.
My first thought would be to do an uninstall and reinstall. But make sure to delete everything that wasn't removed during the uninstall. I'm thinking an old eso .dll could be causing conflicts.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
well - I am playing on Win8.1 and on the EU server
i have crashing problems where my entire computer freezes - but i blame Windows - not the app
and as for the game - best game sense Skyrim :-) sorry....
Just my 2 cents...
I must say there are problems with every game crashing. Even GTA5, with spending millions on the PC version, still has some problems for people. Saying the game is unplayable because a few dozen people have problems is just silly.
I have played ESO quite a bit and never had problems with it.
Thank you everyone that is trying to help. So far I've tried:
1. Running the game in windowed mode
2. Tweaking .ini files
3. Uninstalling/Reinstalling (on a new and old pc)
4. Disabling Addons
5. Running the built in repair
6. Deleting files
6. Running the game and launcher in administrator and compatibility mode
7. Lowering all graphics settings
8. Using a wifi and cable connection
9. Making sure the game is an exception to my firewall
10. Checked for memory spikes or problems (none)
11. Checked if my hardware was running hot (nope)
12. Restarted my modem and checked for high latency, etc
And there are plenty of other things that I cant remember and any possible solution Zenimax has offered I have tried and it has done nothing for me. So ... I dont really know whats left to do ... any ideas? I was playing the game fine up until I wrote that review, then an update/patch was released and I start experiencing problems.
This is all very frustrating
So in short:
because of a crappy computer/connection from your end and you being the only one in the whole world that gets booted from TESO people who would have no problems with the game whatsoever should stop getting/playing this game?
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Wow ... I'm not even gonna touch this with a 50ft pole.
So in short:
because you are illiterate and unable to read, you dont understand what has been said so you should probably shut up.
That isn't exactly what he said... But to me it seems the problem is between his ISP and ESOs servers so it is probably partly Zenimax fault.
It surely just ain't Zenimax fault since most players don't have the issue but it ain't OPs fault either since he tried on 2 different computers (one new) unless he uses the same crappy firewall for both.
And I can see him getting annoyed over the whole thing, not being able to play what you want suck.
Hm, I dont know, I havent tried this but I'll see. Thanks.
That seems possible, yes. W8 sucks.
But it might be either a hardware issue (maybe heat?) or your graphics drivers.
My advice to you is: Get the latest drivers, clean your computer with a cleaner (like YAC) and if that doesn't help, check windows error log to figure out the problem.
It is very unlikely the game is the culprit unless you have some really weird and rare hardware it ain't optimized for (which is pretty unlikely by now, in the betaor alpha it might have been different though).
I count at least 7 different post on the front page with others experiencing this problem so it isnt isolated to me. You obviously didnt even look at the forums. But thank you, I'll try what you have said.
I've played since Alpha (kind of quit, still RP though since F2P), and I've never had any of the problems people have ever said about this game, except for 2 quests being bugged which were fixed within hours.