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I don't know what to make of this really... but apparently Smed gets rattled when people criticize SOE -- which baffles me because SOE has been receiving NOTHING but negative press through mainstream and otherwise.
Why he chose to fight this battle seems weird.
He has become very active lately on the Fire of Heaven's forum thread on getting paid to troll too. I'm thinking he is beginning to realize his company has been getting pounded in the press and the bosses are beginning to ask him why.
He needs to learn that Karma is a pain. It always comes back to bite you when you least expect it. Treat your player bases like dogs and eventually its going to come back around.
This is great stuff. Smedley getting a bit of, "in your face, clown!!". I'm glad those still playing showed him no mercy as he deserves none. Seems he got his itty bitty feelings hurt.
Way to go guys.!!! But, don't get to excited as you guys are still paying for the right to play and considering the state of that watered down game its ridiculous enough you're still there.
But good show nonetheless.
Maybe he forgot ... he doesn't get to set the rules for other peoples' blogs and forums.
Theoden-Flurry nailed him in post 12.
Smed wrote: "I have no problems with people criticizing our games"
"How come when people air opinions against the nge here the post gets deleted then?"
Theoden, if you read this and are ever in Southern Ontario I'll buy you a bevarage, that was priceless
He quite clearly said;
He has no problem people critising their games, but when people do personal attacks thats very unprofessional. He also said that he sent that guy a private letter and him doing what he did was very unprofessional.
Don't click here...no2
Email isn't a private letter. Smed knows this, or if he doesn't, his company shouldn't allow him access to internet email.
Waiting on: Pirates of the Burning Sea and Pirates of the Carribean Online
Ya he said PRIVATE email.
I said letter for sum reason.
I think your all just looking for excuses to flame away tbh.
Don't click here...no2
There's no such thing as a private email, unless you are sending it encrypted to a trusted party. These things can be forwarded, printed and yes, even copied-and-pasted into a website's blog. People have to know, especially someone in Smed's position, that when you hit that send button it's likely more eyes than just those you intend will see it.
You can't say that guy at PA is a great person for doing it, but it goes to show that Smed's not thinking clearly or that something's impairing his judgement -- and crying, "Low blow!" doesn't change that or the actual content of his letter.
As for people looking for an excuse to flame him, he brought that upon himself.
Waiting on: Pirates of the Burning Sea and Pirates of the Carribean Online
To be clear on this - I sent Gabe a private email which he proceeded to post. I have no problems with people criticizing our games. I felt he was a little harsh on the actual people that made them.. that's all. That's also the first time I had emailed Gabe and complained about anything.. ever.
Don't click here...no2
See above regarding the emphasized "private email."
The fuss? Well, speaking for myself, I think it's great to see the tables turned and the rug being pulled out from under Smed for a change.
It's also interesting to see that the man in charge of SOE is capable of a lapse of reason to the point of personalizing a criticism of his game and lacking the forsight to think that his "private" reply might actually be published when sending it to a site notable for doing that sort of thing.
Just something else to ding his credibility and the credibility of his company, if you want to look at it as such.
Waiting on: Pirates of the Burning Sea and Pirates of the Carribean Online
Smedley was standing up for his employees directly. He chose to do it via e-mail directly to the accuser, man to man. I say those are actually honorable decisions.
Maybe SOE can build some momentum from them . . .
Smedly wasn't defending his employees, don't kid yourself. The man has an enormous ego and he can't stand it when anything under his control gets criticized. So he sent a letter crying --
Dont think Smedly is someone with compassion, he doesn't have it.
And frankly, Smedly's letter wasn't professional at all, he obviously lost his cool and Penny Arcade is such a small operation it isn't worth his time to make the effort... but his ego wouldn't let him drop it.
I followed a link the other night to the FOH site and Smed was logged on. Being that Smed is in Austin, Texas it was 1:30 am in the morning and he was still arguing with people. Yeah I can sense desperation, paranoia sprinkled with obsessive/compulsive behavior.
He's the head of a subsidiary to a major corp. and he's logged on a meaningless site at 1:30 am arguing. Can you now see why SOE are in the shape they are in?
smed sux
SOE ruined SWG
Typical of SOE though
Let them burn imo
What's funny is when I first read Smeds letter on Penny Arcade I thought it was a fake, I really did. It was poorly written and seemed so moronic that I just couldn't believe the head of SOE is sending e-mails to dorks at Penny Arcade. I was ready to dismiss it as fake and forget about it-- that is, untill I saw Smed actually reply to a post on the SOE forums discussing the letter; which confirmed it.
I think the Kramer letter at Joystig is authentic. Though I wouldn't believe it if it wasnt for Smeds being real. I'm just bewildered by their statements...
A person has the right to say how they feel about a product or game, there is nothing wrong with that. But when there are personal attacks specifical targeted at a certian person that has a relation to a specific product, that is very unprofessional and extreamly immature. A person can say what ever they want about the game or the way it is marketed what ever they want, but when it becomes a personal attack on that person without any facts to back them up at all, not only is that person slandering the individual but they also open them selves to a civil law suit, a person can be sued for slanding ones name and characture. I find it hard to picture this person as an adult, if he or she would not have any clue about this.
Whannnnn Whannnnn dat is the sound of 20 year old babies