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2 years in the game and 100 USD later and nothing to show for it this game is so backwards its not even funny when one reads the specs of gear one would think they be making an improvement or so they think they are i been with online mmorpg games since 2002
i have played a fair bit here and there and this game does not follow any common sense rules what so ever bugs remained unfixed a 2hr i might add broken afk penalty system meaning if your on wireless and you should happen to dc you get slammed with it when your reconnect and log back into the game also you are doing something and still get slammed with it here and there seeing how the concept could very easily
go a team player voting system but to many persons that hates to change for the better would not want that because they let fear rule and dominate in all choices in all decision for all matters and things
i had to delete 6 lv 50 toons one close to lv 60 needless to say i am not happy with a black hole type game and not being able to do good because like i said before when one reads the specs of gear in this game it has you making hellish amount of mistakes because when your reading things your under the impression that your making good progress sadly you are not but thats how asian owned PWE likes it roads that lead to no where and they get free money out of it all
now i do wonder if the cheerleader squad going to show up and be all butt hurt about how realty works and tell me how misguided i am for paying attention and how wrong i am for understanding how really broken this game is
You played the game for 2 years and it cost you 4 dollars a month.
Boohooo, my heart bleeds for you.
Move on.
FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!
If you want people to give your opinions or questions serious consideration, don't write like the OP did.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The reviewer has a mishapen head
Which means his opinion is skewed
not as much as my's will for you when you keep playing that black hole and keep rotting your life away like that no you poor fool i will feel even more sorrier for you
btw what color is your skirt i hear yellow and brown colors is the stuff now and days...
and i guess you just perfect as perfect can get at the end of the day?
btw which grammar police academy did you attend again?
i watched the you tube videos i was not very impressed with it should have followed my gut feeling still should have heeded the advice from others on how bad the game was and i will now admit it i was a fool to thinking there might have been something as small as it was of a hope that might have been something there i sure do feel like a dumb *** now i won't lie
man you grammar police officers sure in penalty full of supply now and days that academy sure has a high graduation rate don't it?
wasting 100$ is bad, that can happen to most gamers
but, 2 years before realizing, that you didnt even LIKE it?
I don't know, if you only paid $100 over 2 years, then even if you only decided in the last few months that you didn't like it, you must have liked it for over a year at least.
yea..a year of entertainment for 100$ is a bargain..unless youre a very poor person
and STO was started as a niche game on a small budget, they have come a LONG way since launch
OP, try SWTOR , it focuses almost entirely on ground combat
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
yea, some of the foundry missions are excellent, and they give the game some variation
now you can upgrade individual items as well, and they added a new tier of specialization points too
+ the new mastery skills system for ships
its actually one of deepest customization system in mmos, on par with CoX
Indecision clouds your vision.