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Hi all, I'm a returning player and was wondering about Cyrodiil, Emperorship, Keeps, and Scrolls these days? Has anything changed in Cyrodiil from a year ago? Like stronger guards? more guards? keeps and scrolls harder to take? (instead of 2 - 3 people being able to take them as it was in the past)
I left the game about a year ago, because after playing Cyrodiil daily or every other day, I found that:
1. The "best/strongest" guilds were just farmers that took keeps and scrolls with zero defenders bothering and would just flip keeps nonstop/very easily to get emperor for all their guildies very easily OR would just go to a small server, flip keeps with nobody there to get emperor
2. scrolls were nothing and could be taken by like 2-5 people (not looking for a debate on this or about how its "ok" or how other games allow 1 or 2 people to do stuff like this so its nothing new). Just like, are the scroll guards stronger now or more of them to make a 3 man scroll team impossible?
3. guilds would take scrolls and camp inside a cave or small room and would just farm players as they came in (they would use oil etc and just dump it when the players came in)
So a year ago, all this was happening and I felt Cyrodiil players (well a lot of them) were just gaming the system and taking anything was super easy.
Is it still like this? I don't want a debate about my views from a year ago, just a current picture of how Cyrodiil is now or if its still like this or has anything changed? I mean it took me a solid 1-2 weeks to get from being a zerglet in Cyrodiil to actually being around "emperors and former emperors" to where I began to understand how everyone was just gaming the system and how people stopped trying to beat the other realm but were just gaming the system.
Note: I was a 7 year old Daoc player back starting in 2002. In Daoc, originally you needed 200-300 guys for a relic raid. Similar to taking a scroll, and it took like 2 hours just to drop the relic keep, not counting the half hour to hour each we spent taking the necessary keeps to open the "relic keep". Of course as years went by the game sped up and you could take a keep in 5-10 minutes with 7 people, and instead of 200-300 people for a relic raid, you just needed 20 people. (not stating this so people can tell me, "this isn't Daoc!" but jus so you can know where I"m coming from. maybe a former daoc player could fill me in on his current cyrodiil thoughts?
Note 2: I found bridge fights to be really fun, and having standoffs was cool, but once you get past that, the actual point of cyrodiil in the past, lost its appeal and value and it seem cheap and not difficult to do anything and everything.
Cryodiil is HARD!! I have to sneak around (stealth) to pick flowers for my Alchemy.
Sz )
Tip-toeing through the tulips as it were
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Having said all of that PvP is great fun the changes to skills have been good and playing with friends in a group in Cyrodiil is still one of the best parts of the game.
The lag is insane on normal pve map my ping is 68 soon as i get in cyrodiil my ping jumps to 1000+ and stays there making it unplayable it's like stop action lag all the time on main server if i change to less used server it still laggy put just payable.
Happens in pve as well i have alts in each faction when i switch to popular faction ping rates jump to 800+ and fps go from 138 to 1-12 and is unplayble for 3 mins.
Sorry I cannot help. I left as soon as the game was announced it was going to BUY TO PLAY..
ESO has shown zero interest in least until they can sell you the DLC for it late this year or early next year..
My advice look forward to Camelot Unchained...not back to broken promises.
I think the big problem everyone moving to the winning faction i have noticed huge population imbalance that ruins pvp makes it one sided not to mention the lag.
What you find more often now a days are the small groups 2-4 people. They are also the most dangerous in my opinion. They play the transit "lanes".
If you run with a zerg, you will probably fear the "bomb groups" most. 8-12 people that run down the backside and wreck unsuspecting zergs.
Partial truth here. For 22 out of 24 hours in a day Cyrodiil runs perfect. For 2 hours, unfortunately during west coast prime time there will be sporadic lag. Lag for 10 mins. Then cool for 10 mins. Lag for 10, cool for 5.