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Hi all,
This is just for the record. I needed to say it, and i'm sure it'll get wiped by SOE.
This game has proven dull, so as the door hits me on the way out, just like to say as a SWG vet who never had the chance...SOE, you are a terrible company, your ethics and stubborness have proven time and time again that you are not fit to supply MMO's to the public. I notice that as i cancelled this account, that i was not asked on this occasion to fill out a questionaire as to why. I guess more negativity is the last thing you need. Instead of deleting posts that berate your actions, act on them and make things right. That is what customer service is about. You take money on a monthly basis to supply a continuation of support for a product that you sold, a product that was of a set content. Changing content for anything other than the benefit of the customer, something they want, is wrong...immoral... and downright nasty. Lying to your customers (and you do, dont deny that) and paving the way for future profits rather than improving content and gaining new custom seems to be your business plan. In the case of SWG, numbers would have skyrocketed if you hadn't let yourselves believe that your customers were idiots and just carried on ironing out bugs rather than 'upgrading' play.
If anyone working in retail were to act toward customers in the way you have, then they would be fired immediately. But cocooned away in your ivory towers, i believe you really fail to see the result of your actions. Someone calls the shots, it's not the customers, it's not the majority of your workers, but somebody who should be held accountable. And until that day comes (and i doubt it will) SOE will be looked upon as a company that treats its customers as the lowest form of life, idiots that will pay again and again for the pleasure of being treated like scum.
Your right that someone should be held accountable. Thing is, when somethin so bad as the NGE wipes out the game, it's time for finger pointing. Nobody wants a share of the blame in this disaster. I can imagine all the higher ups runnin around not knowing what to do.
Should we get a new dev. team?
More promotion of the game?
Find ways to try and hide our numbers?
Bring in diff. groups to try and figure out what went wrong?
Maybe one day they might hire someone with common sense that will tell them,"maybe we should listen to the majority of our customers." But I think must of us know that may never happen.
Good luck brother. They screwed us all. Power to the Gamer.
"The man who exchanges Liberty for Iconic classes is a fool deserving of neither." - Me and Ben Franklin