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Hello, guys for a while I follow the project of Software house Potato Killer, who is working on two games, that does not seem very bad, I'm following them for some time, and I had the opportunity to know some of the staff, who were very helpful.
I think it is a software to watch, has its good ideas, and the games is throwing them develop the ideas that they could give a breath of fresh air in the world of MMO
Well somewhat thanks, while not so helpfull with providing any info hehe.
Anyway looked them up, never heard of them but here's the link to their website>
Few notes about the game:
3 immediately playable kingdoms and an evolving storyline that could greatly change the balance of Britannia
Do you favor a skill based combat system or a more intuitive and linear one? Do you like to craft and trade? Or do you prefer the social and diplomatic aspect of the game? Whatever is your play style you will find what is up your alley
Ooh thanks a lot! I recently lost all my online information and Land of Britain was one of the notable ones<333
Please do sign me up for alpha or where do I throw my money at?
Sway all day, butterfly flaps all the way!
It is from what I could understand now give much new information, which will give a new inspiration to the project of the game.
In addition to Land Of Britain, they are planning a game called FanGold, which is a card game that will be in effect a part of the game for release.
They should get out more news from what I understand.
To the question of alpha, I heard they thought of rewarding users also very active in the forum, so if you are interested in the project as me, try to be active there as well.
Besides ques I suggest you follow their Fb page, give them many news
News News
Today was released the new news of Land Of Britain, where they explain how it will work a little skills, and level up, I like the way they're taking and to you?