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Einsof [SG/ Oceanic based] International Guild Recruiting!

4urorax4urorax Member Posts: 82

.: Introduction :.

Einsof Gaming is an Active Gaming Community open to all Passionate Gamers. It does not matter if you are young, old, male, female, pvp-orientated, pve-orientated, hardcore or casual. Everyone is welcome to join us! :)

.: Our Own Customized PicBadge :.

Picbadges can be added to your profile pictures on Facebook, Twitter, etc.


Click here for more colors

.: Our Own Customized Display Image :.

These custom-designed display images can be used for in-game spray, msn, skype, facebook, twitter profile pictures, etc.


Click here for more colors

Click here to join Einsof Gaming

.: Features :.

Proper Website
Proper Forums
Voice Chat
Social Media

.: Guild Info :.


Guild Name: Einsof
Guild Tag: [EsF]
Guild Main Base: Singapore
Guild Region: Global International
Guild Language: English
Guild Server: Masamune

Click here to join Einsof Gaming FFXIV: A Realm Reborn Guild

.: Guild Council :.

Guild Leader
Einzo Hattori

Guild Co-Leader
Ismenia Acker

.: Guild Status :.

Guild Recruitment Status: OPEN

We have a healthy number of legacy players as well as new players who will be playing FFXIV A Realm Reborn. Our legacy players will guide the new players along if need be.

We are always actively recruiting! Come join us with your family and friends!

.: Guild Objectives and Structure :.

1) To be the most awesome Guild around for it's members.

2) An organized Guild with proper website, forums, voice chat program and much more!

.: Join Us On Our Social Network and Groups :.

Facebook Page

Facebook Group

Steam Group

Twitter @Einsofworld

YouTube Channel

RaidCall Group ID: 3540514

.: Our Raidcall :.


.: Our Games :.

Full Game List ;

.: Our Legacy :.

6Days7Nights in World of Warcraft
BabyBluez in Shattered Galaxy
Einsof in Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, Aika Online, Alien Swarm, Dragonica, Legendary Champions, War Of Angels, Dragon Nest, Battlefield 3, SWTOR, Guild Wars 2, Age Of Wushu, Warframe, RO2, Path of Exile, TERA, Neverwinter, Defiance, Dragon's Prophet

"A Guild is Nothing without Its Members, like a Country is Nothing without Its People" - Einsof

To know more about us, you may check out

For any feedbacks or contact, you may email to:

Einsof Gaming Community Recruiting:
Facebook | Twitter | YouTube



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