Originally posted by goth1c This is such a "flame" topic ....
Never the less Nvidia in my opinion is still in front of the AMD, as launched Maxwell as AMD had to rebrand is stuff, think AMD only rebranded this stuff cause of windows 10 and its DX12, the fury is probaly just gona be a "product unfinished" and rushed.
And honestly what % of the people who buys graphics cards spend money in a 550$+ cards? I am pretty sure is damn low... I feel disapointed at AMD and pretty sure not the only one, i really wonder how long they can keep like this, cause i am sure they arent making as much as Nvidia...
You know, when Maxwell first shipped, it was only in the high end products as well, still isn't in a product below the $200 average price point, and they haven't even released replacements for the 700-series for their lower tiers as of yet.
Really, though, what happens when AMD launches a consumer APU with HBM on board that handily beats contemporary $100 video cards? Give it a couple of years and it's probably coming. Lower end discrete cards are going away, which is part of why the GTX 750 is Nvidia's lowest end retail Maxwell part for desktops.
^This. AMD definitely on the forefront of bringing useable graphics power to onboard graphics, and i applaud them for that. Its a long time coming.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
^This. AMD definitely on the forefront of bringing useable graphics power to onboard graphics, and i applaud them for that. Its a long time coming.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche