Dyes can also be blended with each other to make other colors. I have seen some interesting colors this way.
Remember, black and silver are very rare dye colors. I heard rumors of a gold dye, but have not seen it. If you come across these, try saving them until Post-Searing so you can sell them for a lot of money.
gold is two silvers and a yellow, and two silvers and a Blue is the coolest on a warriors plate, its Bling, My wife did her W/Mo in the two silvers with a black combo, I didnt see the point myself, waste of silver, My Ranger always looks crap in any colour, but I have never seen the Hunters Armor yet.
It's a vial of fluid that colors part of your armour in the same colour as the fluid.
Dyes can also be blended with each other to make other colors. I have seen some interesting colors this way.
Remember, black and silver are very rare dye colors. I heard rumors of a gold dye, but have not seen it. If you come across these, try saving them until Post-Searing so you can sell them for a lot of money.
u goota make the rares by combing them. tohugh they cost a lot and i dont really about looks... soo...
unless ur self conouse about urself...buy a lot of dye
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-Danish Kokor-lvl 20 monk/mesmer
-Ettarde Aoi- lvl 7 warrior/ranher
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-kokore-lvl8 Mage
-Lady Ettarde-lvl 58
they change the colors of your armor.
u can get some pretty sweet ones if u have the $$$
The DJ has spoken...
Gold dye is simply a Mixture of Silver and Yellow
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