whelp ok...here goes, i even created an account on this site just so i could post this...first off and foremost, im horribly dissapointed in this game for so many reasons. ive played it for about 10 minutes, having just purchased it today, and everything ... and i mean EVERYTHING, that blizzard did to push the genre forward to a more widely accepted audience has been totally overlooked here in this game. now b4 i get further with this i gotta say that, yes i am a wow fan but i dont believe my opinions here lose any merit because of it. the issues that made me drop this game faster than it took to buy it are as follows...#1) clunky camera/movement: ok every mmo that uses the system of lock on a target and press 1 - 0 should use the movement system that wow uses...bar none...no exceptions. no mmo out there is easier to pan the camera around move my character quickly and fluidly with either mouse or keyboard...with rf i found myself annoyed that i couldnt just stop on a dime...while they do allow the qwerty movement they dont allow u to freaken change it!!!! or rather i could not figure out how because the instruction booklet is a joke...and the tutorial is for people who have never played video games. which brings me to number 2: Crap ASS manual and interface system...how do u chat?? world?? guild?? yell?? emote??? the reason the issues are bugging me so much is because they ARE SO EASY TO USE IN WOW...WHY CANT EVERY COMPANY LEARN FROM THIS????????????? the reason im so annoyed is because this really does look interesting, but its just in such a poor wrapper...the character generation sux...its like rose or that other korean game i forget the name of...man its like everything i dont like about run of the mill cookie cutter mmos is in this game...poor interface...ugly chat system...poor control...maybe if i stuck with it id get to like it, but honestly...whats the point when the are other mmos that are such a joy to play...its not even that wow is blizzard or that the art is great or anything...its that its just SO easy to pick up and immerse urself yet still being rich and deep and constantly evolving...even ncsoft has it right the COH even tho its so simple...im sorry for such a negative post but i am so bummed that this game fails to stick out of the pack of anime influenced mmos or even raise the bar...pertty graphics i guess but i think im gonna go raise another night elf to level 60....kudos to blizzard for creating such a beautiful work of art that is always such a pleasure to play from day 1....codemasters shame on you for not doing your homework
how many times do I have to say this?
RF Online is a KOREAN mmorpg, its not WoW. No you won't like at the first 10 minutes, just at least give it a chance till you hit lvl 30 which really shouldn't take that long. then you will get to the pvp part and enter the chip wars. so for now, lets stop acting like you know anything about this game because you really have no idea what the true game is like.
I agree with you man the movements kinda sucks and you even run out of steam after a while but its been fun so far after like 7 hours of play. I wish it moved like L2 or WoW but oh well i hope when iget into it deeper i still like it.
How the heck can you judge a game after only playing it FOR 10 MINUTES!! I mean what the f#*#!!
You people disgust me. Really. Did you have fun within 10 minutes of the game loading up? If so, then good for you. He is not wrong just because he didn't. Furthermore, if he hasn't had fun within 10 minutes, why should he continue for another 10? Another 20? Why the hell do you idiots insist that he torture himself just to experience what may or may not be a good game? Yeah, the game doesn't open up till 30, but if you don't enjoy the core gameplay mechanics and GUI (which is most of what he is complaining about) then why bother? Those things don't change once you hit 30.
The vast majority of what he's complaining about (from what I've gathered, at least. It's hard to read a block of text.) are the UI and controls. Admit it, they are HORRIBLE. The PvE and PvP gameplay and pot spamming is open to interpretation, but there is NO question that the UI is terrible. Arguably THE worst UI and control scheme seen in any pay to play MMO.
I know anyone who doesn't think that RFO is the second coming of Jesus must be a flaming WoW fanboy in your eyes, but that's simply not true. Their opinions are as valid as any others.
You know why he has to go trough the first 10 minutes? because thats how Korean MMO's are like. It seems like the Developers did not had any content in mind for the first few lvl's, and this gives a great oppertunirty to learn the game. it is simply not fair to judge an entire product on the first 10 minutes alone.
because what your saying is this, I went on a vacation to Spain last week, but I came back after 10 minutes because the travel was too long, so now the whole country sucks.
am I the only one seeing a pattern of wow fans bashing this game? This guy references bilzzard in the first 3 sentences of his thoughtless rant. I have never played wow, but it seems to have pussified (i know that isnt a word) alot of gamers. Or, there might just be that many newbs in the market now? Every MMO I have been apart of required alot of work to be fun. I can not imagine a game that would be fun in the first 10 min, that wouldn't be mind nummingly boring after the first 10 days.
www.popcapgames.com chuzzels or zuma rock for you 10 min gamers.
Omg! I think I am going to make that my sigi!
man thankyou to the one person that stuck up for me!! i diodnt mention a single thing about pvp or pve or any character development or skill development whatsoever because, your right i only played the game for 10 minutes!! nor did i go off about how i love disney and mickey mouse cuz i play wow....which is a load of crap anyways...what i DID talk about was how the control scheme and ui and chat are utter crap from te ground design up...i couldnt figure out how to type in chat mode for an hour until i found out the M in map needs to be catalized?!!! WTF????? YOUI GUYS ARE GOING TO DEFEND THAT LOAD OF CRAP?? cmon gimmie some credit here ive been playing mmos since ultima online all theway up thru swg and saga of ryzom...and ive never seen a more confusing and non sensical control scheme in a game ever...plus the fact that the manual offers u no help whatsoever and u cant even CHANGE IT!!!!???...and oh yea this is all ok because this a korean game.......welllll....im paying my monthly fee in american dollars....SO SAYS THE RETARD
ps...ive spent all day playing the game in high hopes that maybe ur all right....how bout giving me the benefit of the doubt too
i'm in the same boat as the OP.
i have to agree 100%, the GUI is very very bad. for example, inverted mouse look is such a simple and common function to implement and it's non existant. the camera is terrible. the option to set custom key bindings is also nonexistant. these are very elementary functions, camera is a bit more complicated but it's importance is paramount and a dev/pub should put a great deal of effort into fixing it or offering customization.
and you know, it's only going to get worse. with the state of the mmorpg market, dev/pubs know what they can get away with. now we are going to see more and more games put out with less and less goodies.
rf isn't the only game like this.
a steady decline in GAMEPLAY has been going on since UO went south. until a dev/pub is willing to take the risk of making a game challenging, we will see the genre go the way of the dodo. i mean, how offen are there elements involved in PvP beyond head to head melee? there aren't. how about the grind, when is the last time they made questing contribute to the development of your character? they haven't (and uber loot doesn't count as character development either).
i think they figure they can get each of us to compromise just a little of what we individually feel challenged by, and drop the consequences, and cater to the "console-button-mash" types. the GAME doesn't exist.
Well, ten minutes is certainly not enought time to get into the meat of a game. You really should play more, and give it a chance. That being said . . . I played RF Online in beta and I was not impressed at all. I play Lineage 2 almost exclusively. The gameplay in RF Online did not offer me enough to consider switching games. I agree with you that the controls in this game are very clunky. I also did not care for the unimaginative quests. The graphics were very disappointing to me as well, starting from the painted-on armor to the ground textures, which I think are both horrible. I also did not like that there is so little diversity in which armor and weapons you can use.
On the bright side, I really liked the weapon animations. I think they are perhaps the best I have ever seen. Even the low-level weapons look better (or as good) as some of the high-level weapons in other games. I also did not mind the grind so much. I think the grind seperates really dedicated players from the casual players. High level players should earn those levels, in my opinion, not have levels handed to them. WoW is a casual game, and shoudl never be compared to the hardcore, grinding games.
I see these complaints alot. However 1 thing people aren't getting is this isn't Codemaster's Game. In fact they can't actually really change anything in the game. Everything that people complain about the User Interface and the keybindings and controls are all controled by CCR the korean deveolper of the game.
Now personally I like the PvP it's awesome and I like the premise and the classes. I agree though that Codemasters really needs to push CCR to make the changes to the interface. CCR already has a lot of interface fixes in place with their Giga 4 update which look promising but it's hard to tell how long it'll take before we see that here with translation times and such. However after Giga 4 all the updates are going to be done with both games in mind so we will be seeing them in both games right away.
The UI can use number keys instead of function keys for you hotkey slots. You can also use WASD movement. You can even tab target like wow. You even have different camera options. I admit the instruction manual is terrible and I had to find all of my information on one of the many fansites out there. Still, I would respectfully disagree. The UI is configurable enough for my tastes. One thing RF online does have is a very nice and helpful community and I easily found the answers to most of my questions about the game in the forums. Still, no one should insist you play the game more than 10 minutes if you don't want to. Since you get a free month you could always play with the customization options available and you might like the UI better. If not try and have fun, at least get your $50 worth out of it.
True Neutral Half-Elf Ranger Mage
Follower Of Silvanus
Kings of Chaos! Free to play! Great PvP!
Let me set this strait, what do you think your doing when the quest guy in wow gives you quests to go kill 20 wolves , 10 dragons, 13 defias brotherhood.......yes thats right GRINDING. so don't bash this game, even when i'm playing RF wow fans playing RF complaining about RF about grinding. well go back to wow then no one is stopping you
WoW is the most idiot friendly MMO out there.
The game has been spoiled by its immense popularity, but it is the most refreshing MMO experience in years. I think that anyone who has not played WoW has no right to post any sort of opinion on any MMO since WoW does change ones view on how polished an MMO can be and how idiot friendly iterface should look like.
If your not an idiot and you have not played WoW I suggest you stop posting on this forums and go play any MMO because they are all great!
OK, you all are going on about "you need to getto level 30" and "put some time into the game, it just needs work" OK, work and games should never mix. Games are meant to be fun, not a chore, they are supposed to be an antidote to work. Fine by me if you want to go and work at your games, just realise that most people don't like that.
Well, I don't know anything about RF online and I am actively looking at the forums, checking on people's opinions about the game. But, just to get this straightened out, WoW is being played in Korea aswell. And it does have as much influence there as it does in all around the world. WoW will remain to be king of MMORPGs until something as balanced and tactically critical comes on the market. WoW has a bit of everything, while RF online does "only" seem to have the classic: "Hmm...Well I'll just play some RF online, since I have nothing better to do" effect. This isn't meant to offend anyone. But telling from the posts, and the videos, the playstyle of RF is just...well, old. Tweaked Lineage 2 with factional Pvp. *Cough* Guildwars? *cough*
PVP is the reason people who like this game are in love with it. If you bought this game for any other reason then you wasted your money. PVP is what it is marketed for. Yes, to pvp you must invest a whole 20 hrs into lvling. Yes if you decide to solo to 30 you will be bored out of your mind.
Good things are worth working for. Get to 30 then review the game.
its good to see that more people are beginning to take my side on this...((op)) i have continued playing rf since my original post and have overcome the clunky interface and movement system...still the game is as dull as dirt, im sure the pvp is great but really i havea hard time investing so much wasted time just so i can play competively when i can just jump right in and enjoy intense pvp on any other game of any genre...again whoever posted that comment about my complaining about the grind didnt read a word of the original post because i didnt even use the word grind in anyway or form...its taken me 6 months to not even complete my devout set so anyone who thinks wow is easy on the grind doesnt have a clue. as for being "idiot friendly"...damn right it is...its a frickin game, it SHOULD be idiot friendly, it SHOULD make sense to the user...its almost like the designers of rf are watching us thru little windows and laughing at all the confused idiots running around their gameworld trying to make heads or tails of it...eh, ive given it a fair chance...just like the rts fps and rpg genres, the popularity of the mmo is just producing more crappy plain games...just look at the game list on this site, how many of those games have u actually played...imo the only mmos worth playing are the top rated ones on the main page...rf is just another un inspired final fantasy mock up with maybe a few cool twists and turns but nothing compared to the complete and solid package of wow, or eq or ryzom...want a great sci fi mmo...play EVE. that game is complicated but it helps u thru and keeps u interested all the way...goodbye rf...heres to your demise
as far as i'm concerned the tutorial takes about 10mins to go through, which would imply that bebop didn't even get to meet the environment properly. IMO thats like walking into a nightclub before the DJ's turned up and saying the music is crap
"err, i installed the game, but thought it was boring while it installed, so i didn't bother playing it"
WoW post level 60 and RF Online are the same, its a grind. Even can be argued that to 60 is close. WoW you grind for gear, RF you grind at start for levels. Anyway you cut it, WoW is still a grind, you just don't notice it like you do RF because it is disquised as content. RF is blunt about it.
Interface is not the best, but its not the worst either. Playing only 10 minutes of the game doesn't allow you enough time to learn the things that make the interface usable. Its like jumping in a manual transmission car and giving up after 10 minutes because you cannot learn to use the clutch. The game Has been around a long time so they really didn't have the opportunity to learn from WoW because the game existed through it.
The game is not for everyone, if your expecting a WoW experience then you know know the link to blizard's website, go sign back up. RF is a PvP oriented game with little fluff, its meat is in the PvP, which is not something you can really get particpate in till 25 to 30. What WoW has isn't pvp, not even close. Its carebear laser tag. So this game appeals more to PvP junkies like myself (of which few WoW players really are pvpers)
WoW's interface is very customizable, however it breaks once a month when they release patches. Even with No Addons you can end up spending lots of time resetting your interface because you had to delete the settings due to game bugs. With the fluff comes bad parts as well.
And to the OP, please consider the use of proper English gramer (caps, paragraphs, proper structured sentences), it really does make it a ton easier to read.