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Like the title says its for a friend who will do some GW2 and a touch of PS2, but he wanted to stay around 1k. Im hoping for some eyes on it to make sure i didnt miss something compatability wise or perhaps theres better deals to be had. I usually build a comp and then drop out of the tech scene till the next build so im out of the loop.
Mobo -
Processor -
Ram -
PS -
Vid Card -
Case -
OS -
Drive -
Got to log for the night..
Thanks in advance!
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington
Well, the motherboard and PSU are fine, the DDR3 will do (1600 is a bit slow).
I have zero experience of Rossswills PSU though, would have gone for a Corsair (gold or better) or an OCZ myself.
The problem I have with your build is the graphics card. A GTX 750 is a low budget crap card and you would get a better AMD card for that price. Nothing wrong at all with Nvidia, they rule the more expensive card but this one is a stinker.
This GTX 960 is 2 generations newer + far better for $35 more, buying the other one instead would be incredible dumb. Skip the optical drive if you want to save a few bucks or start out with just 8 gig ram but don't get a 4 year old low budget card.
The SSD is fine, not the fastest one but a good compromize between size and price. The optical drive is excellent, be prepared that he only will use it when he installs windows.
Personally, I think Win 8.1 sucks and would go for 7 or 10 instead but that really is up to ypur friend.
If you're trying to squeeze into a $1000 budget, then $140 on the motherboard, $110 on the case, and 16 GB of memory is putting money in the wrong places. Fine parts if you were on a $1500 budget, but it forces you to cut back too far on the video card to be appropriate for a gaming rig. You can get a massively better video card for not much more money:
Or considerably better yet for somewhat more:
I'd be hesitant to trust a power supply line that Rosewill isn't willing to send for reviews anywhere. Try this instead:
We are thinking the same way. And 1600 DDR3 memory seems a bit slow to be honest, the motherboard cantake far more. 2x4 Gb slightly faster would both save a few bucks, be easy to upgrade later and faster. I never had any DDR3 slower than 1866 myself.
Never bothered to look on the case when I saw the pieces (most cases that aren't to small are good, it is more about style and taste) but $110 is too much on a limited budget unless it is exactly in the right style for the owner.
I can't for my life see why a $1000 desktop should have a 750 graphics card, you might put a 950 in a $600 rig but the 50 cards are low performce for gamers with a really low budget and being 2 generations old doesn't help anyone either. And yes, AMD rules the $130 market.
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington
You are spending money everywhere but on the most important component for gaming - graphics card. If you want to build a computer with economy in mind, you need to stay away from overclocking. "K" series CPUs+Z97 motherboards are very expensive and overclocking does not provide enough performance boost to justify added cost.
Here is something with much better value:
i5-4570s - it is either i5-4460, 4570s or 4590s, depending on price. "S" CPUs have lowered TDP so it should generate less heat while suffering no performance loss. Any higher locked models lose their performance value fast as higher clocks do not render well into frame rates because games need way more GPU power than CPU.
B85 motherboard - motherboard basically determines what you can connect to your computer - number of USB slots, number of SATA drives, etc. Even the cheapest motherboards are sufficient for vast majority of users.
8GB(2x4) RAM - no more is needed and won't be for a long time, very rarely games can utilize more than 4GB. Anyway, you can add more later so there is no need spent more money there.
Seasonic S12II 520W - well known, reliable power supply for good price. No need to say more.
SSD 500GB - I went for the same pick as you did since it does not really matter what you choose and this one is the cheapest.
1TB HDD - You didn't include any HDD so I cannot tell whether it was intentional or you have overlooked that one, anyway either leave it out or in case you want one, here it is:
GTX 970 - great performance while still good value for money. No brainer these days.
You can pick a case to your liking, I included $50 into a budget for the case.
Windows 8.1 full - for a little extra, you can get non-oem version that is transferable to other devices unlike OEM version. Another no brainer.
Total: $1069 with added 1TB drive.
You can pick a bit cheaper case or go with SSD only as you did in your OP to keep closer to $1000 budget, maybe some slight savings here and there could be made if needed.
Why pay a premium price for a low clocked, low power version of a desktop processor? Even a TDP of 100 W is no big deal in a desktop.
Also, you do realize that Windows 10 is out now, don't you?
If your goal is 1080p gaming then a GTX 960/R9 380 is a good pick. If you are looking towards 1440p, check out a GTX 970/R9 290x/R9 390.
The OP did not state what resolution they were aiming at, that is why I added two common scenarios.
Don't cheap out on the GPU, the difference in price between a crap one and one that is pretty good ain't enough to justify that.
My two machines are based on ones they've made in the past and BOTH machines (one is like 5+ years old now) are still able to handle best of the best more or less... I dropped ~$1500 on each of them however you can build a budget machine for around $600 per their recommendations and be able to enjoy PC gaming.