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The Mods at the fansite sat down and interviewed DAUM'S new Western Community Manager Oli and asked him about DAUM's plan with the western version of BD.
Community Manager Oli has revealed that the English version of its action-strategy MMORPG Black Desert will be playable this year. After opening the first EU office last week, Oli reveals that the future EU server has just been received.
Now the current focus is on making the teaser site and localizing the rough playable internal build thats currently available. On the topic of localization, Oli said the community will be asked to look out for any localization mistakes once the early test build is out. We want to avoid at all cost the bad impression left by other Korean game companies that bring their games to the west with quality standards that dont match the expectations of US/EU players, he added.
Regarding exactly when the alpha and beta tests of the English version of Black Desert will arrive, Oli could only say the following: Note that prior to the Alpha, there will be an early test version of the game but I need to ask players to be a bit more patient about the specifics of when the Alpha or Beta will start this year.
Oli also said that the aim is to get the European and North American versions of the game launched at the same time but notes that there might be a slight delay, due to no office in NA yet. He also confirms that there will be no differences between the European and North American versions other than the languages required for the European version.
As to the difference between the English version and the Korean version of Black Desert, all that Oli could say was that we are giving a particular attention to the feedback from the US/EU players who played the Korean version so we constantly keep their expectations in mind regarding every BDO US/EU topics.
Finally, DirectX12 and virtual reality support for Black Desert are being seriously considered but nothing is concrete right now.
Well I'm glad BD is coming but most of this is just blah blah.
Quality expectations.. on Steam there is this game that got opened for the west recently: Epic Card Battle
Let me place some quotes:
"We like to create a game focus on real strategy. Lower rarity cards can beat higher rarity cards, just needs you to use correctly. "
The game works that you place your cards down before the match and then your cards and the enemy cards battle it out, without you being able to actively influence the attacks anymore. Big scale strategy huh?
"p2w means you pay more, you win. In Epic Cards Battle, it's your mind that determine you win or lose."
As said the stronger cards win and the stronger cards can be bought on the shop lol
Anyway I only brought these quotes to remind again that talk is cheap. I wouldn't believe a single word of the PR spin until the game is here and they actually show that they want to invest work into the westernization.
Yes I hope so as well. There are 2 basic things I hope that can change for the western version :
- The Karma system needs some tweaking for the Western audience.
- Put world bosses back in the game like in the Russian Version. This makes more pvp happen !
Other than that I don't want it changed too much.
So the Russian version only has World Bosses? Also did they ever add the dungeons?
This is a Deja-vu.
The Russian Publisher of BDO, said the exac same words last summer, they even added time tables for BDO Beta and release. Which was december 2014 for Beta and Januray/February 2015 for Release.
Of course the reality is, even when worked on the game for the last 12 month, they are still only going Open Beta in October/November 2015.
So for Daum to say they will have a playable Beta game this year - is unrealistic. Considering they just opened a EU office.
There are both world bosses and scroll bosses, the Korean version has both. More world bosses are being released in the weekly Valencia content updates. I truly hope they don't make scroll bosses world bosses.. that would suck.
Dungeons have always been part of the game - they are open world dungeons with generally stronger mobs (and lots of elites).
So the Russian version only has World Bosses? Also did they ever add the dungeons?
In the CB tests all bosses were open world, but then PA decided to take them away and make them all summoned bosses. In the current Korean version 95% of all bosses now are summoned bosses. In the Russian version they changed it to all bosses being in the open world.
As for your second point yes they did add dungeons, but most of them are for players lvl 55+ with tricked out gear enhanced to +15 or better. So not many players are high enough to do them.
Is thereaa difference between Summoned and Open World bosse? Like respwn time or something else? Why did KR changed it, but RU didn't?
I read about them working on English version too - and that's the problem, for EU they would also need German and French translation, and for NA - they don't even have an office. So to say Beta this year - it's just sounds so unrealistic.
Of course if they are planing on skipping German and French and only go for English - that would be a big progress.
They are probably planning to start the western version beta this year ran by their office in Europe, then add NA office and servers closer to release.
#1 there are only 8 or so bosses that can be summoned with a scroll.. two of them are special "wave" bosses that are actually grouped into 3. There is 1 world boss with quite a few more on the way (mutated giant, huge trees in ent forest, stone golem, desert dragon).
#2 There are various dungeons for all levels.. I can think of at least 10 lower level dungeons... and even for the hardest dungeons in the game you don't need tricked out gear.. I was soloing the areas at level 52 with +13ish gear. Valencia is a completely different story however.. as the mobs there hit me for 1/2 my HP at level 55 and +16/+17.
P.S. Most Koreans are 55+, the game has been out since December..
Oh man, I hope no summonned / instanced bosses. I loved the old Lineage II where you had to PvP for those bosses *has bad memories of noble quest with Baium*. I so hope that they won't localize this part like 99% of the games are and instead keep the Russian version.
Also PvP/PK and karma... I also loved that in old Lineage II. Hope that they'll do something similar with BD as well. Would love to PK from time to time (over worldbosses )
I thought the game would be something like you described.
Did you liked the combat animation and was the combat fun? How was the SIEGE combat? Was it laggy? Could you turn off other players animations to increase fps?
And how was your fps? Could you also post your comp specs pls?
Yes, it is easy in the beginning, just like every game. And yes, it is easy if you are greatly overgeared for the mobs you are fighting. Get to Valencia, when you are getting 2 shot by mobs you will be in here bitching about how "hard" the game is.
Are you seriously complaining that the game gives you too many things to do? Milking a cow gives you milk that you can use for cooking to make food, food that gives you an EXP boost. That is the point. Maybe learn to play before you make irrational bullshit comments like this one.
I'm sorry, but can you list some examples? Each class has a specific role in PvP. So I guess they aren't too pointless are they? Ikcin, did you even get to level 50? Have you even PvPed in BDO? I have asked you this tons of times and you continue to ignore my questions and deflect. There are huge differences between classes, just because you have no idea what they are doesn't mean that they aren't there. I have played 6 classes to level 50+, how many have you played to level 50+? 0.
Do you speak Korean? No? Then again, this statement is just smoke that blows away with the slightest gust of wind.
BDO is set in an alternate universe, not a "medieval" universe, not a "manga" universe.. it is a universe that the developers made themselves. You just don't like it, that is an opinion, and honestly you haven't played the game so you really shouldn't be voicing any opinions at all.
I fixed the quote for you. No goals huh? How about acquiring boss armor, getting to +20, getting a tier 8 horse, getting a camel for valencia, crafting the best jewelry (or getting rare drops), doing well in red battleground, dominating in siege/node wars. No consequences? Well, I think PKing someone has pretty insane consequences.. but you forgot that you were bitching about that before right? "I can't PK because I lose 200k karma" - that's a consequence.
Sure, there was a moment when I would've agreed with you. But things have gotten better with the release of Valencia, so I am just going to say: play the game before you make dumb comments.
There's no winning in any MMORPG. Have you ever played one? Sure, there is no level limit. But there are soft caps, and as new content gets released the soft cap gets raised. You don't have to kill solo, I have gone with groups of people to kill mobs that are much harder. You just chose to play solo.. your fault.. not the games.
This just sounds like bitching that there is no player to player trading. Are you upset that you can't have your friend give you armor and weapons because you are too lazy to play the game? Get over it. Owning a castle or node allows your guild to acquire more silver.. when your guild has more silver it can pay each of it's members more silver per day. So, obviously it's not pointless.. you are just clueless with how the system works - again.. you haven't played BDO.
I'm tired of you spreading misinformation whenever you want. You and Chun-Chun pretty much single-handedly destroyed an entire community:, mainly because of your toxic attitude and constant attacks on new players opinions. Stay out of these forums, every time you post I will tear your post apart like I have just done.. you are just embarrassing yourself. Stop it.
Perhaps Daum can do the same with Black Desert. It might be much easier and faster for the game developers to translate the game them selves, instead of using a another Publisher. If Eu/NA doesn't ask for many dramatic changes they might pull a fast release.