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MUD is a brand new MMO from indie studio Pure Bang Games, based in Baltimore Maryland. Built upon the ideals that made Multi User Dungeons the precursor to what we now know as MMORPGs, MUD seeks to bring players into a world that reacts to their choices. We spoke with project lead Benjamin Walsh about MUD, its many systems, and when we can expect to get our hands on the game.
'Sandbox MMO' is a PTSD trigger word for anyone who has the experience to know that anonymous players invariably use a 'sandbox' in the same manner a housecat does.
When your head is stuck in the sand, your ass becomes the only recognizable part of you.
No game is more fun than the one you can't play, and no game is more boring than one which you've become familiar.
How to become a millionaire:
Start with a billion dollars and make an MMO.
Lost my mind, now trying to lose yours...
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
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Lost my mind, now trying to lose yours...
Not to mention that I'm pleased it's not releasing soon, and the design isn't even close to my work on RL2.
I'm looking forward to seeing more.
What? We have to be able to 'do better' in order to have an opinion? Like you can make a AAA summer blockbuster movie before expressing an opinion? Or cook a Michelin level meal before you say what food you like?
But, anyhow, that aside...
No, I am not a graphics whore. It's an aesthetic preference. I don't mind 'crude' graphics as long as they are in a style I enjoy. I don't enjoy the Minecraft style. It's that simple.
Clear? Still 'love' it?
BTW, far too much use of ....
Nobody asked me, but since I'm not in disagreement, I hope a comment is okay.
There are a few graphics styles I don't care for, but in general I consider myself open to anything with awesome gameplay. I'd of course prefer a game had both, but there are so few games that I like (and that I can run on my antique computer) I'm not in a position to be picky.
Overall, I agree with the style based aesthetics preference position that you hold. I've never played Minecraft, or Trove, or this new MUD, but after a few videos I'm at best mixed. Trove gameplay looks very interesting to me. This new MUD does too. I try to not let graphics push a game the whole way off my radar, even if it does push it down a little. Hey, it could be an awesome game.
Generally, I don't disagree. MMORPGs though, for me, are a different fish when it comes to aesthetics. I just find it next to impossible to invest in one if I am not inspired by the graphical style. If a 10 hour fun adventure game lauched looking like this I would be way more forgiving.
There is another game coming out, the turn based thing from Trion which I cannot remember the name of right now, that is a good example of this... I couldn't relate or connect to my character in Wildstar using this 'cartoony' style, but for a drop in game like that it's absolutely fine. If I can't relate or connect with my character or the game world in a MMORPG then the game just won't hold me in the long term, and when it comes to MMORPGs it's all about the long term for me. Aesthetics are key to this.
But not in a million years is somthing like that getting installed on my pc.
its 2015 not 1988 for minecraft it worked with this, no way.