GameNet has finaly revealed prices for Early Access to RU OBT.
I will translate the price in to Euro, and what they give.
First package 6 Euro:
- Key to CBT ( 15-22 September )
- Early Access to OBT - 4 days
- Subscription - 7 days.
- Improved account ( It's a special only GameNet feature) - 30 days
- Number of characters - 3
Second package 12 Euro:
- Key to CBT ( 15-22 September )
- Early Access to OBT - 7 days
- Subscription - 30 days.
- Improved account ( It's a special only GameNet feature) - 30 days
- Number of characters - 4
- Unique Weapon Skin
- A pack of Dyes
- Set of tools.
Third Package 30 Euro:
This package has 2 set of bonuses, one for F2P server, another for P2P server.
For F2P:
- Key to CBT ( 15-22 September )
- Early Access to OBT - 7 days
- Subscription - 30 days.
- Improved account ( It's a special only GameNet feature) - 30 days
- Number of characters - 5
- Unique Weapon Skin
- A pack of Dyes
- Set of tools.
- Lvl 2 Horse + something for this mount.
For P2P:
- Unlimited access to the server ( Just like Gw2, you pay once, you play forever)
- Includes Subscription bonuses ( They are a bit different from Korean once, i will list them below )
- Early access to OBT - 7 days.
- Number of characters - 5
- A pack of Dyes
- Unique Weapon Skin
Gamenet says that once OBT begins ( Around October/November ) - 30 Euro package will be removed, and players would have to pay Subscription fee ( 6 Euros in RU) to get access to P2P server.
Subsciption Bonuses:
- 20% XP bonus for killing NPC's
- 20% XP Crafting bonus
- 20% XP Skill bonus
- 20% XP Horse Bonus
- Luck +1
- Shorter times for fixing your Karma.
That's it.
P.S: A RU Community manager said that: There will be no cash shop in CBT in september.
Another note was posted by Russian Community manager about the difference between F2P and P2P Shops:
In P2P server, you can buy animals and costumes for in-game currency, while other more unique Costumes will be sold for Real money in a Cash shop. She also said a more detailed cash shop items will be posted in September.
Countdown till P2W claims begin to surface.
All F2P optional subscription bonues have XP, Rep and Gold boost rates. Sometimes 100% boosted.
This is convenience, the P2W claims are void.
In RU they went with the light versions it seems, and with out tax pay back.
P.S: Ru Community manager added that Auction Tax % on P2P servers will be 20% lower, than on F2P servers. F2P server players can lower that tax % by buying a special item ( didn't say where from).
But subscribing to get these XP/Gold bonuses, does not make any game P2W.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile
Though I guess it's likely that the prices for the early-access in Europe / NA will actually inflate to those levels.
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!