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Hey! I am seriously considering joining the Eve Universe... it is my style of gameplay almost exactly (Freelancer and X2: The Threat are 2 of my favorite games). But I was wondering... how is the playerbase? The immature playerbases of most MMOs completely turn me off, and a helpful playerbase is always a huge plus for me. Thanks in advance for any responses!
1 4m t43 1337 ub3rn355!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EvE has the most mature player base of all MMOs. You can click on any of the threads about where ppl like the game or don't like they game. If they don't like the game the only thing they do like is the maturity of the player base.
A Work in Progress.
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Haha thanks for the response! And I have noticed that... I was inquiring more about how helpful they are. AKA would they help or exploit new players? For example in SWG new players were constantly targets of scams and such... a group of friends and I were so upset about it we would powerlvl and train any new players, who appeared nice, we saw. Was wondering if there was anything like that here.
Having a more mature playerbase is a double-edge cutting sword. On one hand, you have very helpful people who will go out on a limb to make new players feel welcome and genuinely help them start out in the world of EVE. On the other, you have the most sophisticated plots of betrayal, backstabbing and horrendous accounts of scamming that can be months in the works.
Since the game is really controlled by the players, there are no limits as to how nice or how ruthless people can be towards you, you gotta rely on reallife skills and actualy chat/talk with people in order to really get to know them or else, you can never be quite sure of what is to happen.
Dakilla[666] ~ The Realm ~ Level 1000 enchanter (retired)
Maranthoric ~ La 4ieme Prophetie ~ Level 160 (5x) HE/Feu (de retour)
Leonthoric[DDC] ~ EVE online ~ <Fire The "Laser"> (retired)
Personally, I think there is barely anything lower in a MMO than to exploit "Newbies", but peope who do that exist in every game, even in EVE. Due to the open playstyle of EVE such "harrassments" can be even more devastating, than in an other game, but there are a few easy steps to avoid those.
1.) NEVER, NEVER, take from a container that is "just floating around" in space (ie you havent made yourself or one of your gangmates or which hasn't dropped from one of the NPCs you killed). Neither at a gate nor in a belt - especially cans labelled "Free Stuff" and the like. As soon you take from a container not "flagged toward you" you are free to be shot by the owner without Concord intervention (those cans which are not yors are marked red, but after next patch yellow). For that reasons always do trading by using the trade option in a station, never take stuff from a stranger that dropped the item to a can. The same applies to mining. Some people try to "lure" ouy to take from their container. Don't fall for it.
2.) Always double check the prices of items, before you trade with a player.
3.) Always double check the item AND/OR the amount of cash in a tradewindow. If unsure check the itme on market. and compare the name/values. Rather hesitate a bit than be sorrow.
4.) NEVER accept a ganginvite by strangers, or people whom you didnt agree in having a gang with first - ESPECIALLY in low security space (0.4 and below)
5.) NEVER shoot at someone only locking you in 0.5 and above. Some try to lock you and hope for you to think that you get attacked. Ofc, they are NOT aggressing you by only a lock, and so, if you lose nerves or misinterpret the situation, by shooting them YOU are the one aggressing, resulting in a swift resopons by the police, after which the bugger simply gets your stuff that survived your ship's destruction. Flashing yellow around a contact on the screen only means that he is locking you. Best is to disable "lockback" on the General tab of the Options Meanu (ESC), by entering 0 into the small box next to "Number of Lockbacks" (or so). That way you are not even temped to accidentally shoot, since your ship does not lock the bugger.
Hope that helps a bit.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
[quote]Originally posted by Azirophos
5.) NEVER shoot at someone only locking you in 0.5 and above. Some try to lock you and hope for you to think that you get attacked. Ofc, they are NOT aggressing you by only a lock, and so, if you lose nerves or misinterpret the situation, by shooting them YOU are the one aggressing, resulting in a swift resopons by the police, after which the bugger simply gets your stuff that survived your ship's destruction. Flashing yellow around a contact on the screen only means that he is locking you. Best is to disable "lockback" on the General tab of the Options Meanu (ESC), by entering 0 into the small box next to "Number of Lockbacks" (or so). That way you are not even temped to accidentally shoot, since your ship does not lock the bugger.
Hope that helps a bit.[/b][/quote]
I've got a slightly easier system...look in your overview. If its a red ship, A)shoot or B)run. On the positive side, 99.9% of the time you'll never see a red object in CONCORD space except canisters belt rats.
Every game has a cross section of players. However, all factors taken into consideration there are fewer morons per capita by far in the Eve universe.
Trust me, there are idiots in the game but by far WAY less then in a game like WoW.
Nah...I've been in both too. EVE has its share of idiots, they just A)never elave empire and soon become bored or B)spend too much time in the cloning vats and soon leave EVE (BTW: big thank-you to all the empire pirates who make this a better game for all of us by podding and bankrupting idiots who would otherwise continue to spout unintelligable babble about their skills ad-infinitum while relying on CONCORD to protect them ). You also ran into the same "i t3h UB3R 1337!!11!1!!!1111!" idiots all the time in WoW because everyone is in the same places (I left while for unknown reasons the infamously strange "barrens chat" stayed on the subject of Chuck Norris for weeks ) whereas here you run into the occasional one who is about 3 days from quitting.
Hey man, I hope you enjoy EVE should you decide to buy it. Be sure to hang out in "Rookie Help," people can be helpful there, and I myself hang around that channel on occasion.
Also, if you want some help, convo "Creed Richards" and I'll do what I can to help.
God Bless