Hi there,
After reading numerous guides and forum posts I have decided to suspend training all the learning skills to get the following skills listed below;
Electronics 4
Engineering 4
Energy Management 4
Energy Systems Operation 4
Shield Management 4
Shield Operation 4
Navigation 4
Evasive Manoeuvring 4
Warp Drive Operation 4
Drones 3
Drone Interfacing 3
Scout Drones 3
Long Range Targeting 3
Signature Analysis 3
Targeting 3
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Repair Systems 3
Acceleration Control 3
Afterburner 3
Fuel Conservation 3
High Speed Manoeuvres 3
This should only take me another 7-10 days after which I will complete all learning skills. I think that this gives me a pretty good start in the game to last me a couple of months whilst I get those learning skills out of the way (and yes I can see myself playing this for 2 or 3 years to make it worth my while doing them all!)
I intend fitting a couple of Nanofiber Structures 1s and a MWD and relying on speed an agility to get me out of any tricky situations. My initial thoughts on what to do for a couple of months to build up some ISK are to do a spot of mining (boring) interspersed with some trade running.
However I feel as though I am getting overloaded with information and my head is spinning and I cannot decide on what ship to go for. I have been told to get a frigate (a condor, a kestrel or a merlin) I have also been told shuttles, interceptors and others that I have forgotten. Basically, I am a Caldari and am looking for a fast ship that has a sizeable cargo hold for trade running/mining that can take a few hits whilst I run and hide! Any advice would be appreciated. Also, any further advice as to what skills I should be looking to get before going back to the learning skills would be helpful.
7-10 weeks.
Training some of those skills to lvl 4 will take 7-10 days by them selves.
A Work in Progress.
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7-10 weeks.
Training some of those skills to lvl 4 will take 7-10 days by them selves.
I think he was saying that if, instead of finishing training his learning skills, he did those listed skills, it would add 7-10 days to his total training time.
[quote]Originally posted by daeandor
I think he was saying that if, instead of finishing training his learning skills, he did those listed skills, it would add 7-10 days to his total training time.[/b][/quote]
That's not what I took it as.
But, it still wouldn't take 7-10days.
A Work in Progress.
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Ok, to clear things up I have been playing Eve for about 5-6 weeks and most of the above list is complete in another 7-10 days I will have all skills quoted at the necessary level 3 or 4.
I am just looking for additional advice re. skills, what ship(s) I should be thinking about getting and additionally information on trading - for example if I am buy and sell narcotics how do I lose faction? Do concord randomly scan me and arrest me or do I have to be shot down to have my cargo revealed?
What caught my eye on your list:
1.) are you really sure that you can train for drone interfacing? Last time I checked it required drones 5.
2.) for an MWD (as you stated you want to use) you need Afterburner and Navigation at 4 (so you need AB at 4 too).
Now to your questions:
1.) Mining
Overall, mining in a fast small ship is barely profitable. For mining go for an Osprey (Cladari) since those are cheap cruisers (even for beginners), easy to replace and very good mining ships, because they receive an ore yield bonus. If you are more serious about mining, you will need to go for a (large) barge in the long run though.
2.) Trading
Only small volume highly precious cargo is worth it to be hauled in a frigate or even cruiser. For large volume trade you need a hauler or their T2 variants, if you are on more dangerous routes. The reason is simply.... the more you can haul in one run, the more profit you make.
Until your skills are training up though for the use of an Osprey, I'd stick with either doing Missions and/or Trading. in a Kestrel/Hauler. The Kestel for small volume fast deliveries and the hauler for secure space large volume trade.
3.) Other skills
That depends on what exact path you want to take, but you may be interested in training crusier related skills and/or mining barge related skills. To find out what skills you need for a certain piece of equipment, look it up on market look up its info and check the Prerequisite Skills Tab. there you will see what skills at what level you need to be able to use that certain piece of equipement.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Thanks for the tips, I'm not sure on my exact goals yet - too much information to digest, but I guess a little PvP, PvE and trade running appeal at the moment.
As a side note, I actually started playing Eve 4 months ago (I did the 2 week trial) and left Drones 5 training just before my time ran out, I only actually came back to play it seriously about 4 or 5 weeks ago after I finally gave up all hope with Star Wars Galaxies!
And now I'm hooked...
Concord does not scan you or shoot you at all. It's he the Customs Officers which scan you (they do so secretly while you pass them, so you dont see a lock). If there are none at a gate/station you are essentially safe from NPC law enforcement. If you make a smuggle run, its best to set up your overview that only Customs Officers show up on it (not even players), so you see a possible threat as early as possible. Note that you can sav setting profiles with your overview.------------------------------------------------------
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Thanks again for the info, I'm looking for something fun (and profitable) to do whilst I train my learning skills for the next 6-8 weeks.
Additionally, every guide I read says that you must join a Corp, as of yet I have barely looked at a Corp yet I just go about minding my own business. Would I be of use to a Corp at such a low level and what would be expected of me?
Well there are a lot of profitable activities in EVE, yet what is fun, you have to decide. There are even people who think of Mining to be fun...... poor souls
Ultimately a very cool thing in EVE is to get involved in the player made stories and actions, either by joining an RP corp, or a corp in an alliance. But you see ... both orpions need you to join a corp. Its not a question IF to join a corp, but WHEN.
Every acvtive player, no matter his/her characters experience is of use to a corp. The trick is to find a nice one. I'd advice you to check out the EVE forums, more exactly the Recruitment thread. Check out a few corps who posted there, and see if you like them. Also it varies with every corp what is expected of you, though attendance to corpevents is usually a good idea. Such corpevents range from mining sessions to stock up the production capability of the corp, to group complex runs to helping the corp haul large amounts of something (trade items or minerals). Best is not to ask on these Forums what is expected of you, but the one you are talking to from a given corp. The answers tend to be more ... err.. precise
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Thanks again, a good deal of advice to mull over there.
Any other thoughts/comments would be appreciated
You want to mine but you are training fighting skills. Mining needs big ships to be profitable.
Join a corp, then you can mine whilst others provide protection, and carry the ore to a planet and refine it. Solo mining in a frigate is a waste of time
I am in Cigars corp, which does what you want. (There is a search function for corps as you probably know)
I wouldn't say that I exactly want to mine - in fact I have learnt no mining/refining skills yet, my skillset is designed to get me out of any sticky situations fast and avoid any trouble in the first place! I am just throwing around a few ideas how to make some ISK whilst I pass the time waiting to train all of the learning skills. I actually like the idea of being a trade runner (most likely high profit illegal goods) but as I have never ventured out of safe space am unsure as to how I will fair in whatever ship I end up in.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.