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It’s been over a month since Hearthstone’s latest expansion, The Grand Tournament, was released. I think it’s safe to say the dust has settled enough at this point to be able to judge the expansion’s impact on the game. Unfortunately, Hearthstone’s Grand Tournament has been anything but grand for a massive 132 card expansion.
VERY quick to nerf hunter mechanics but seeing the same only worse in Warrior builds gets a defensive posture from Brode.Some cried about the Buzzard UTH combo but it was HIGHLY unlikely you ever see a 5 card draw,you needed 5 actual beasts for that to happen and then it only involved spawning 1/1 doggies. Fast forward to this retarded Patron deck.Not only does Warrior have a plethora of synergy cards around this unlike Hunters 2 card combo,i see 5 cards drawn on many occasions.Draw 5 cards,fill the board with 3/3's is ok but a few 1/1's and likely only a 3 card draw with Hunter was O/P lol.
Not only did they nerf Buzzard they nerfed it to unplayable standards yet no warrior nerfs lmao.Execute,Armnorsmith,Dust Bite,battle rage,Frothing all imo too powerful of cards.They could be considered decent IF Warrior didnt have 20 cards all synergizing perfectly with each other,yet i remind you those 2 Hunter cards were just too much we be reminded the best and last OTK deck was again Warrior because of its MANY synergy cards.
Brode to me cannot grasp the concept of why certain classes are stronger than others,aside from and including is the HERO powers,Warrior is the ONLY class with TWO powerful abilities....1 to go over 30 health and two ways to charge minions that have no charge.
As to the expansion....132 cards is not even close to enough with 10 classes.When most are non class cards that leaves VERY few to each class.They should NOT have introduced new mechanics but instead continue to build on old ones,further develop old themes.
My final note on Brode's inability to see logic or common sense.They nerfed "secrets" so you could not trigger your own,for a good reason ok no problem.Then they bring in Mysterious CHallenger who loads 5/6 secrets.There is no mechanic in the game to deal with 5/6 secrets,not even 2 secrets.The best option which also ruins your deck build is to add two Kezen's,that is still not able to deal with 6 secrets.My point is they allow a mechanic that cannot be challenged and they call this pvp?
To me the game design was bad from the start,it is really for the most part a NON interactive game,i play then you play all the while trying to just ignore your opponents plays.IMO there is not enough cards in this game,not enough AOE,not enough ways to deal with a few o/p decks examples Chillmaw as the one option to deal with Patron and even that can be got around.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Druids - Force of Nature x2 Savage Roar for 22 damage.
Mage/Shaman/Sometimes Warlock - Malygos plus discounted cheap spells and mage can use Antonidas.
Warriors - Patron/Frothing combo.
Mage - Infinite fireballs Antonidas combo.
And probably more.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
- If you do anything on the warsong commander you kill the card. Some people suggested to either make cards with 3 attack or less ONLY to get charge or to give charge only to summoned minions only.
- You can do something on the frothing but he's not the card to nerf because he was here since the start and no one used it.
- Grim Patrons? Not sure what you can nerf from those. Maybe 3/2 from 3/3? Some people proposed 4/3 which pretty much kills the card.
- Emperor Thaurissan? No one wants this legendary to be nerfed but he's the one making the combo easily done. Warsong + Patron + Frothing = 11 mana. You can't whirlwind apart of death's bite and inner rage.
Yet, it's the other cards that need the nerf, not the one that discounts all your combo cards.
They changed the text on the warsong commander from giving charge to minions with 3 attack or less TO Give +1 attack to charge minions.
A 3 mana 2/3 "Give +1 Attack To Charge Minions" - Warsong Commander
Neutral cards with pretty much same effect:
A 3 mana 2/2 "Give +1 Attack to Any Minion" - Raidleader
A 2 mana 2/2 Beast "Give +1 Attack to adjacent Minions" - Dire Wolf Alpha
GG Blizzard you killed the deck instead of nerfing it.