If you are looking to join Star Citizen now is the time! "New recruits can sign up to Star Citizen by using your Referral Code [mod edit]. They will earn 5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) which can be spent on the website for weapons, ship components or decorations for your Hangar."
It's funny how you CR lovers always bring up DS to deflect any valid criticizm as if he mattered in any way.
The great amusement here is that all the recent critical questions are answered with:
Oh don't worry it will happen soon - meanwhile we want you, our dear fans to go out there and recruit more people. We will reward you with items for our non existant game!
Oh this is just rich...
The great amusement here is that all the recent critical questions are answered with:
Oh don't worry it will happen soon - meanwhile we want you, our dear fans to go out there and recruit more people. We will reward you with items for our non existant game!
It's a simple referral code. It's legit. I checked.
BTW I have a code if anyone is interested. PM me for it.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.