Originally posted by BurningPain Once you hit level 60 the game dies instantly.
Enjoy the journey from level 1 to 60. Blizzards approach is once a player gets bored at 60 they try to get a newbie to replace you. Blizzard does not care about end game players. I suggest you save yourself a whole lot of trouble and do not play this game.
dude...your a tard...go play on the nearest freeway and do everyone a favor.
Some good stuff from DM, however, it's not really 60, you can start running it at 55, I think. And that's about it for small groups.
well if you wanna get down to it every endgame instance can be ran in the mid 50's. hell in my guild we took a 53 through UBRS nothing new there... you can walk into MC at 58ish doesnt mean you should
also try a tribute run with a few 55's in your group and you will be screaming wipe at your moniter.
p.s. you can 5 man scholo, LBRS, and both strats...so that isnt all there is for small groups.
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
DM is 5 man, the rest are 10-15. You should know this.
Months of laughs collecting gear at 60? Months to get blues?
Yes, to get a character that's well kitted out & ready for ZG / MC will take two or three months easy
I wasn't talking about being well kitted out to join 20-40 man raids. I said it will not take 3 months to get your 8 blue set peices.
Honing your skillsfor months at 60? what skills?
Your game skills. I'm a very good player. It didn't happen overnight. Working as a team, perfecting your gameplay, honing your skills so that you can 5 man the Baron etc
Once again, what skills?
Building rep? You mean grinding out no XP kills for hours at a time? You find that a laugh?
No, your reputation with other players. Getting recognised & eagerly sought out as a team member because you've got the skills. Having guilds trying to convince you to join. Having new 60's turn to you for advice.
So you can join 20-40 man raids with DKP hardcore guilds? What if you DON'T want to raid, and act like you're in the army, but want to stay in your friendly small guild doing ALL the things Blizzard let you do prior to 60?
Get into a 60s guild? And become a mindless drone in 40 man raids night after night? No more exploration, questing, small grouping, duoing, no more flexibility; just fitting your real life schedule around guild raids. Buzz? Yeah, like an electric chair.
Nope, I don't do MC runs. As I said, I don't enjoy them. But a good guild that does regular runs in all the aforementioned 60's instances & ZG (which is fun), is great.
So 15-20 man raids? What if you don't like raiding EVERY night? What if you bought the game because you were told you could solo, duo, small group, explore, quest...?
Reroll? So you agree then, 60= raid, reroll or quit.
Nope, 60 = team play. 60 & three months kitting out a character, building the rep, getting the skills, killing the bosses, and fully exploring the team game = done (for me). Then you reroll (if you want) after 6+ months to try a character with a different role & playstyle.
Team play equals grouping, not just raiding. This means duoing, or 3 man grouping, as well as 5 man. If you claim you spent a large amount of time at 60 in 5 man groups I call you a liar. ALL the groups I saw at 60 for everywhere BUT DM were 10-15 man, and upwards. These are RAIDS, not groups. you can call raiding "team play" if you want, but it is STILL raiding.
So raid or reroll? Right?
12+ months of fantastic gameplay? I reached level 60 in 4 months, playing casually, timewise, with a full time job and other leisure activities to occupy my mind and time. I rerolled and played a warrior, but it was just more of the same. What I wanted was to keep progressing at 60 in different ways like I had been prior to 60.
You do progress at 60, you just don't get XP anymore. If you can't see how your character develops past the last level, that's your problem.
I KNOW how your char progresses. Gear. Right? Or did YOU get some new talents, or abilities, or skills, or spells? I didn't. Stop blowing smoke.
You seem to forget that WoW is not a single player game you play once. It is supposed to be a persistent, virtual, online world that continues to evolve over time allowing you to play almost indefinately. Blizzard never really understood that. Some other developers do however and are planning for the long term.
Indeffinately? There's your problem. It's a computer game. It's Super Mario Bros in 2006. It's a blast for as long as you enjoy it. You got four great months out of a game, and are too bereft of inspiration to find something new to do with it (plenty of other people have managed). So what? Get a new game.
Huh? WoW was not my first mmorpg. I've played many others, and they ALL offered greater longevity than 4 months of play. I've played them for years, not months. There are certain mmos coming out that will ALSO offer more longevity because they are not aiming at quick sales, high turn over, but long term success.
Wife? Do you seriously get divorsed and remarried every couple of years?
Well man, it's time I gave you another bombshell. A day comes when the hot sex ten times a night stops, the white hot heat dwindles, and you have to move the relationship to a different place or it's over. Find an analogy there if you can.
Bombshell? Did you think when read my post that I was 15 years old? I'm twice that and then some. How old are you? early 20s? no kids, lots of free time, right? So you are too immature to build a long term relationship with a woman, but you are prepared to put the effort into building a long term relationship with an online computer game? What does that say about you?
Bombshell? Did you think when read my post that I was 15 years old? I'm twice that and then some. How old are you? early 20s? no kids, lots of free time, right? So you are too immature to build a long term relationship with a woman, but you are prepared to put the effort into building a long term relationship with an online computer game? What does that say about you?
cant find anything wrong with the actual statement so you are stooping down to personal attacks eh?
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
Players can actually run a number of the upper level instances in small groups of 5 - 10. Rogues and Druids routinely do stealth runs, but you can still run these instances with other classes.
We used to do a 5 man strat run with a hunter, priest, pally, rogue, and a warrior.
Having said that, Blizzard does need to work on more instance content for smaller groups. I'm looking forward to the next content update: Naxxramas Necropolis.
Ico Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Originally posted by Finduilas Originally posted by BelisariusDLOriginally posted by BurningPainOnce you hit level 60 the game dies instantly.Enjoy the journey from level 1 to 60. Blizzards approach is once a player gets bored at 60 they try to get a newbie to replace you. Blizzard does not care about end game players. I suggest you save yourself a whole lot of trouble and do not play this game.dude...your a tard...go play on the nearest freeway and do everyone a favor.Dude, grow up.
Originally posted by IcoGames Players can actually run a number of the upper level instances in small groups of 5 - 10. Rogues and Druids routinely do stealth runs, but you can still run these instances with other classes. We used to do a 5 man strat run with a hunter, priest, pally, rogue, and a warrior. Having said that, Blizzard does need to work on more instance content for smaller groups. I'm looking forward to the next content update: Naxxramas Necropolis.
sounds just as fun as the AQ event
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
lol sell ur account and leave one less nub to deal with. if the game ends for u at 60 u have no clue. 60 is just the beginning. get geared. get a guild. amazing lvl 60 instances are all around u MC, bwl, ony, zg, AQ 20 and 40... plus theres many more on the way
WOW, shattered hand - 60warrior <dameroth> 60paladin <vhal>
For the most part the game does "die" at 60, no longer are you able to progress equipment with solo/small group play. Nor gain levels, missing is a feature like "AA's" on EQ to keep you at least mildly interested in gaining new XP.
Raiding - Becomes more like a boring "job" and less like a game.
PVP - Gaining rank 10-12 is easily one of the worst grinds ive ever seen. Takes endless weeks/months of 8-16 hour days of non-stop pvp. (high pop. servers)
Solution - Add epic drops to the teir 0 zones. For example every time a class item drops throw in a 15% chance that instead of valor legs its Epic-valor legs. This would allow a player who prefers small group play to gain a teir 1 epic set (over time).
there is and there will be if u have been keeping up iwth the game improvements comming soon aka ur valor will be upgradeable to heroism every 0.5 set item with get there quest upgrade. the expansion in july. and another increase in level cap all new world.. and so on and so on. but stop whining about it and stop playing if ur not having fun! i know many who are and will keep having fun go play EQ2 anyway injoy the next game
Originally posted by BurningPain Once you hit level 60 the game dies instantly. Enjoy the journey from level 1 to 60. Blizzards approach is once a player gets bored at 60 they try to get a newbie to replace you. Blizzard does not care about end game players. I suggest you save yourself a whole lot of trouble and do not play this game.
Who cares? Play an alt. If thats not to your taste, just quit and come back when the expansion releases, itll surely provide you with the grind-gloryfest your looking for.
For the record, there are no games that have significant top level content, not enough to satiate the uber-play-all-day-ignore-RL crowd anyway. The point of WoW is to reach 60. Youve achieved that, either roll an alt or move on.
Content is a real challenge for an MMO developer. Partiluarily for the top levels, every new item has the potential of unbalancing the last quintile (who are your nominal PVP opponents lvls 55-60).
WoWs PVP system simply isnt robust enough to provide a meaning to take part al
I agree. Level 60 the game dies. Not instantly but it does.
Battlegrounds, BWL, Ony, Strat, scholo, UBRS, MC and ZG. (never did AQ quit before that, plus the loot looks really underwhelming anyway)
I did it all, I got bored logging on sitting in ironforge on the off raid days because I simply didn't want to kill baron dead side, sleep tru rend again, etc. Ony was 20 minutes, MC was 3 hours tops. Heck most of the time people didn't even want to go on MC raids because doing it over and over is boring so we took all the recruits. Here's the big breaker, you just stop getting quests, you stop getting abilities (yea mag drops tranq shot shove it), you stop getting talents, tradeskills whoopy doo. Most of what's good about the game 1-59 falls off a cliff.
Make an alt? Maybe I don't want to and I'm fine playing my druid. Maybe I saw all the quests and repeating them isn't gonna give me new morning wood.
I have played tons of other MMORPGs and never have I seen a guild turn over rate as high as WOWs. The new stuff comes out slow and imho isn't that much better than the old stuff anyway.
If you like playing it and find some fun things to do after 60, good for you.
Personally I played EQ1 for over 3 years and had hoped WOW would hook me for more than that but it's just too kiddie, handed to you on a silver platter, moron sauced. I'm not saying it's bad, heck it's good for a lot of things and hey lets bring up the MAGIC NUMBER- 5,500,000 WOW. I think with the money and resources they have they could be doing something way, way better.
Who knows tho maybe the expansion will be awesome, dispite the retardedly flawed game mechanics like instance limits that forces people number 41, 42 and up to sit out the raid instead of scaling the instant and the encounters in it to account for more people. Braindead itemization. I'm just gonna stop. I'm sure many people are still enjoying it.
"You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
I think the imprtant is u cant do anything in this game after lv60.Team work cost too much time.Long time's raid like MC ZG and BWL make me feel tired.
I can't think of one game that has as much endgame content as WoW does.
Shayde - SWG (dead) Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me. I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too. 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0
I think once you hit 60 the game can be good or bad, it really depends on your playstyle and the amount of time you can spend. I enjoyed the 5-10 man instances LBRS, UBRS, Dm stuff like that,. But the Molten core stuff I just really didnt have the time for. It was on Saturday's always planned our guild disbanded into a massive guild. I never could let my self sit on my ass for 4 Plus hours and do the whole molten core thing reliously to get better gear like alot of my guild was.
So this was one of the reasons I left, But the big reason was the battlegrounds grind. At first it seemed fun, but the little title over my head thing turned into another grind. So what started off as this great casual game to me ended up turning into a pvp title grind and molten core gear grind, of which neither I had the time or patience for.
Anyways even though I dont play I still think WoW was the second best game I ever played, first being old Ultima Online of Course :P
Originally posted by nilden Originally posted by Shayde I can't think of one game that has as much endgame content as WoW does. Are you serious?
Absolutely.. name one.
Shayde - SWG (dead) Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me. I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too. 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0
Since there is no way I'm going to list every single raid target or the thousands of AA availible here's a link you could call pretty much any zone over level 60 end game content but it would still beat WOW even if you only counted lvl 70 zones.
How about DAOC with the 10 master levels, most involving raids. Champion levels. Plus the entire frontiers and 10 realm ranks and Realm Abilities. All that I would consider end game since it's after you hit max lvl of 50 that you do it.
Just in case you think I don't know what WOW has for end game content lets count it:
MC, UBRS, Strat, Scholo, BWL, ZG, AQ, Ony, and hey lets count Dire maul too! Along with a couple one shot quests.
I tried to find the link to the WOW raid calender, it's on the main site and list the resets of the magor raids but worldofwarcraft site was down.
So my point is WOW by no means has the most end game content, I bet there are other games too but seeing as how I played EQ1 and DAOC it's easy for me to say they both have more end game content.
"You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Originally posted by nilden Everquest.Since there is no way I'm going to list every single raid target or the thousands of AA availible here's a link you could call pretty much any zone over level 60 end game content but it would still beat WOW even if you only counted lvl 70 zones.Zone Level ChartEverquest blows WOW away for end game content.How about DAOC with the 10 master levels, most involving raids. Champion levels. Plus the entire frontiers and 10 realm ranks and Realm Abilities. All that I would consider end game since it's after you hit max lvl of 50 that you do it.Just in case you think I don't know what WOW has for end game content lets count it:MC, UBRS, Strat, Scholo, BWL, ZG, AQ, Ony, and hey lets count Dire maul too! Along with a couple one shot quests.I tried to find the link to the WOW raid calender, it's on the main site and list the resets of the magor raids but worldofwarcraft site was down.So my point is WOW by no means has the most end game content, I bet there are other games too but seeing as how I played EQ1 and DAOC it's easy for me to say they both have more end game content.
And those games are what.. over 5 years old EACH?
How many had ANY after one year... none. Now couple that with the next expansion probably shipping within 6 months.. and you have more. MUCH more. Now project that out 5 years, and I'm sure they're set to bury both.
So WoW is supposed to have more in one year than anyone has in 5+. Yeah... that's realistic. Now compare it to any game created this milennium and everyone else falls short. Look at EQ2... there's barely any.
WoW has yet to put in ONE expansion.. and they still have MUCH more endgame content that ANY game at launch.
Shayde - SWG (dead) Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me. I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too. 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0
Why would you compare it to a game at launch? If any new game comes out it has to compete with those games that currently have 11 expansions like EQ. The fact that you have to compare end game WOW to the EQ release speaks volumes.
You bet WOW or any new game coming out better be able to rival and surpass games 5+ years old.
You can call it unrealistic but I think comparing any product your going to look at the current state of it's compitition not what the compitition was doing 5+ years ago. I would anyway.
edit: well hey looks like u spell competition with an e
"You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
The game for me died at lvl 20 because it offered nothing new. Its a decent game if you've never achieved anything in another game but if you have achieved something in EQ or DAOC it offers nothing.
dude...your a tard...go play on the nearest freeway and do everyone a favor.
Dude, grow up.
well if you wanna get down to it every endgame instance can be ran in the mid 50's. hell in my guild we took a 53 through UBRS nothing new there... you can walk into MC at 58ish doesnt mean you should
also try a tribute run with a few 55's in your group and you will be screaming wipe at your moniter.
p.s. you can 5 man scholo, LBRS, and both strats...so that isnt all there is for small groups.
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
Players can actually run a number of the upper level instances in small groups of 5 - 10. Rogues and Druids routinely do stealth runs, but you can still run these instances with other classes.
We used to do a 5 man strat run with a hunter, priest, pally, rogue, and a warrior.
Having said that, Blizzard does need to work on more instance content for smaller groups. I'm looking forward to the next content update: Naxxramas Necropolis.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
You can go join the OP.
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
Burning pain, I said nothing that was out of order, far from it, yet you have replied by calling me a liar, and someone to immature to get a partner.
So I'm glad you've left the game. Don't come back.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
We are creating EBAY of MMORPG industry!
lol sell ur account and leave one less nub to deal with. if the game ends for u at 60 u have no clue. 60 is just the beginning. get geared. get a guild. amazing lvl 60 instances are all around u MC, bwl, ony, zg, AQ 20 and 40... plus theres many more on the way
WOW, shattered hand - 60warrior <dameroth>
60paladin <vhal>
For the most part the game does "die" at 60, no longer are you able to progress equipment with solo/small group play. Nor gain levels, missing is a feature like "AA's" on EQ to keep you at least mildly interested in gaining new XP.
Raiding - Becomes more like a boring "job" and less like a game.
PVP - Gaining rank 10-12 is easily one of the worst grinds ive ever seen. Takes endless weeks/months of 8-16 hour days of non-stop pvp. (high pop. servers)
Solution - Add epic drops to the teir 0 zones. For example every time a class item drops throw in a 15% chance that instead of valor legs its Epic-valor legs. This would allow a player who prefers small group play to gain a teir 1 epic set (over time).
there is and there will be if u have been keeping up iwth the game improvements comming soon aka ur valor will be upgradeable to heroism every 0.5 set item with get there quest upgrade. the expansion in july. and another increase in level cap all new world.. and so on and so on.
but stop whining about it and stop playing if ur not having fun! i know many who are and will keep having fun go play EQ2
anyway injoy the next game
Who cares? Play an alt. If thats not to your taste, just quit and come back when the expansion releases, itll surely provide you with the grind-gloryfest your looking for.
For the record, there are no games that have significant top level content, not enough to satiate the uber-play-all-day-ignore-RL crowd anyway. The point of WoW is to reach 60. Youve achieved that, either roll an alt or move on.
Content is a real challenge for an MMO developer. Partiluarily for the top levels, every new item has the potential of unbalancing the last quintile (who are your nominal PVP opponents lvls 55-60).
WoWs PVP system simply isnt robust enough to provide a meaning to take part al
I agree. Level 60 the game dies. Not instantly but it does.
Battlegrounds, BWL, Ony, Strat, scholo, UBRS, MC and ZG. (never did AQ quit before that, plus the loot looks really underwhelming anyway)
I did it all, I got bored logging on sitting in ironforge on the off raid days because I simply didn't want to kill baron dead side, sleep tru rend again, etc. Ony was 20 minutes, MC was 3 hours tops. Heck most of the time people didn't even want to go on MC raids because doing it over and over is boring so we took all the recruits. Here's the big breaker, you just stop getting quests, you stop getting abilities (yea mag drops tranq shot shove it), you stop getting talents, tradeskills whoopy doo. Most of what's good about the game 1-59 falls off a cliff.
Make an alt? Maybe I don't want to and I'm fine playing my druid. Maybe I saw all the quests and repeating them isn't gonna give me new morning wood.
I have played tons of other MMORPGs and never have I seen a guild turn over rate as high as WOWs. The new stuff comes out slow and imho isn't that much better than the old stuff anyway.
If you like playing it and find some fun things to do after 60, good for you.
Personally I played EQ1 for over 3 years and had hoped WOW would hook me for more than that but it's just too kiddie, handed to you on a silver platter, moron sauced. I'm not saying it's bad, heck it's good for a lot of things and hey lets bring up the MAGIC NUMBER- 5,500,000 WOW. I think with the money and resources they have they could be doing something way, way better.
Who knows tho maybe the expansion will be awesome, dispite the retardedly flawed game mechanics like instance limits that forces people number 41, 42 and up to sit out the raid instead of scaling the instant and the encounters in it to account for more people. Braindead itemization. I'm just gonna stop. I'm sure many people are still enjoying it.
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/I can't think of one game that has as much endgame content as WoW does.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/I think once you hit 60 the game can be good or bad, it really depends on your playstyle and the amount of time you can spend. I enjoyed the 5-10 man instances LBRS, UBRS, Dm stuff like that,. But the Molten core stuff I just really didnt have the time for. It was on Saturday's always planned our guild disbanded into a massive guild. I never could let my self sit on my ass for 4 Plus hours and do the whole molten core thing reliously to get better gear like alot of my guild was.
So this was one of the reasons I left, But the big reason was the battlegrounds grind. At first it seemed fun, but the little title over my head thing turned into another grind. So what started off as this great casual game to me ended up turning into a pvp title grind and molten core gear grind, of which neither I had the time or patience for.
Anyways even though I dont play I still think WoW was the second best game I ever played, first being old Ultima Online of Course :P
Absolutely.. name one.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Since there is no way I'm going to list every single raid target or the thousands of AA availible here's a link you could call pretty much any zone over level 60 end game content but it would still beat WOW even if you only counted lvl 70 zones.
Zone Level Chart
Everquest blows WOW away for end game content.
How about DAOC with the 10 master levels, most involving raids. Champion levels. Plus the entire frontiers and 10 realm ranks and Realm Abilities. All that I would consider end game since it's after you hit max lvl of 50 that you do it.
Just in case you think I don't know what WOW has for end game content lets count it:
MC, UBRS, Strat, Scholo, BWL, ZG, AQ, Ony, and hey lets count Dire maul too! Along with a couple one shot quests.
I tried to find the link to the WOW raid calender, it's on the main site and list the resets of the magor raids but worldofwarcraft site was down.
So my point is WOW by no means has the most end game content, I bet there are other games too but seeing as how I played EQ1 and DAOC it's easy for me to say they both have more end game content.
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/And those games are what.. over 5 years old EACH?
How many had ANY after one year... none. Now couple that with the next expansion probably shipping within 6 months.. and you have more. MUCH more. Now project that out 5 years, and I'm sure they're set to bury both.
So WoW is supposed to have more in one year than anyone has in 5+. Yeah... that's realistic. Now compare it to any game created this milennium and everyone else falls short. Look at EQ2... there's barely any.
WoW has yet to put in ONE expansion.. and they still have MUCH more endgame content that ANY game at launch.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Why would you compare it to a game at launch? If any new game comes out it has to compete with those games that currently have 11 expansions like EQ. The fact that you have to compare end game WOW to the EQ release speaks volumes.
You bet WOW or any new game coming out better be able to rival and surpass games 5+ years old.
You can call it unrealistic but I think comparing any product your going to look at the current state of it's compitition not what the compitition was doing 5+ years ago. I would anyway.
edit: well hey looks like u spell competition with an e
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/The game for me died at lvl 20 because it offered nothing new. Its a decent game if you've never achieved anything in another game but if you have achieved something in EQ or DAOC it offers nothing.
Make a difference!
lol ive taken months of breaks from gamegets so boring..
... when reach 60 the game get fun. don't you think sO?